• 本文结合电站水下地形测量应用实例找到了解决急湍河段水下地形测量的可行方法

    Combined with an underwater topography survey case at a hydropower station, this paper found a feasible method to survey underwater topography on swift current river.


  • 本文介绍回声测深基本工作原理同时,介绍了回声测深仪在杭州湾口外拟建大型码头水下地形测量一个应用实例

    The paper briefs the basic principles of the fathometer and its application to submerged landform measurement near a planned large dock out of the Hangzhou Bay.


  • 颗卫星利用地面对激光反射研究人员极高的精度测量地形

    The satellite bounces laser light off the ground, allowing researchers to measure the terrain with extraordinary precision.


  • 信使号探测器已经开始激光高度计测量极地火山口地形而且已经除了一些让人振奋结果

    Messenger has begun testing this theory by deploying a laser altimeter to map the shape of craters at the poles - with some encouraging results.


  • 利用LRO地形精细测量技术科学家已经能够绘制月球的光照图,他们发现有些地区太阳能见度高达96%。

    Using LRO's precise measurements of topography, scientists have been able to map illumination in detail, finding some areas with up to 96% solar visibility.


  • 虽然皓首穷经地埋首英国四十万分之一比例尺全国地形测量地图,追寻每一条等高线的研究目标来说,她仍觉得这份地图算是「粗糙工具」。

    Though she spent much of the time with her nose in one-inch Ordnance Survey maps, tracking the contour lines, she found them a “coarse instrumentfor her purpose.


  • 水深(海底地形)数据往往船只上使用声纳测量海底采集的。

    Bathymetric (or sea floor terrain) data is often collected from boats using sonar to take measurements of the sea floor. The lines reflect the path of the boat as it gathers the data.


  • 测量结果对比分析表明基线立体模型地形高差测量没有影响,现用高差计算公式不能给出正确的结果。

    The contrast analysis of measured results showed that the length of the image base line had no effect on the measurement of height difference under stereomodel.


  • 现在已有足够水深测量数据绘制一张大西洋洋底地形图,而且海底地形千变万化也有了一定的了解

    Today, enough soundings are available to enable a relief map of the Atlantic to be drawn and we know something of the great variety of the sea bed's topography.


  • 英国地形测量名发言人表示,“无论是纸质地图还是电子地图,看地图都是重要技能,说不定还能挽救生命。”

    A spokesman for Ordnance Survey said: 'map reading, whether on a paper map or digital device, is an essential skill which could save your life.


  • 然而由于地形变化SAR影像几何辐射特征影响,SAR影像在地球生物物理参数测量上的应用受到了限制

    However, the application of SAR imagery to the measurement of geophysical and biophysical parameters is constrained by geometric and radiometric effects caused by variable terrain.


  • 本文就某湖泊整治作一阐述,较详细说明水下地形淤泥厚度测量原理方法

    This paper discussed the renovation of a lake and expatiated the principle and methods of surveying on underwater topography and sludge thickness.


  • 结论角膜地形图仪系统测量角膜屈光度更为准确、全面,尤其角膜过平、有斑、云翳者的检测结果更有参考价值。

    Conclusions the corneal diopter measured by the topographer was more accurate than that measured by the keratometer, especially for the patients cornea was too steep, flat or corneal opacity.


  • 系统安装运行调试,模拟地形水下测量验证系统的可行性稳定性

    After installation and debugging, the system is confirmed feasible and stable in measuring subaqueous topography.


  • 地形测绘应用普通测量核心内容之一

    Topographic mapping and application of an ordinary surveying one of the core content.


  • 大面积地形改正快速计算现代大地测量实践具有重大意义,尤其是那些地形复杂地区

    The fast computation of terrain correction in a large area is significant for modern geodetic practice, especially in rough mountain areas.


  • 本文提出用水上摄影测量方法水电站库变形滑坡地段,进行滑坡地形测图理论方法研究

    This paper proposes a method of above-water photogrammetry and investigates the theories and methods of plotting the slide topography in the deformed area of the reservior's bank.


  • 地形起伏以及测点位置准确性是否会影响重力测量结果

    Do the topographical relief and the precision of the location of stations affect the result of gravimetric rneasurement?


  • 当前卫星摄影测量已经成为地形测绘主要手段之一。

    Currently, satellite photogrammetry has been one of the mostly used methods of topographic mapping.


  • 是一测量效率、高测量精度、高分辨率海底地形测量设备,特别适合大面积的扫海测量作业。

    It fits especially for mapping of large area of seafloor because of its high efficiency, high accuracy and fine terrain resolution.


  • 重力测量最大困难就是取得高精度地形以及确定每一测点精确位置

    The biggest difficulties in gravimetric observations are to get a first class map and the exact location of every measurement.


  • 选择设计实验器件,搭建了用于角膜地形测量径向剪切干涉实验装置

    Moreover, the experimental setup of radial shearing interference for human eye corneal topography was established with proper selection and design of experimental apparatuses.


  • 多波束测深一种高效率高精度、高分辨率海底地形测量设备特别适合大面积的测量作业。

    Multi-beam swath bathymeter is a seafloor mapping equipment with high efficiency, high accuracy and excellent resolution, especially fitted for wide sweep mapping.


  • 水下地形测量内河沿海工程建设中发挥重要作用水深测量的精度历来为人们所重点关注

    The underwater topography survey is playing the important role in the inland river and in the coast engineering construction and the water depth survey precision is always paid key attention to.


  • 最后系统应用恒定冲刷实验地形测量

    Finally, the system applies in topographic survey of steady flow single pile scouring experiment.


  • 目前山区铁路工程测量过程中,由于地形起伏较大传统水准测量效率非常难以实施

    Nowadays, in mountain railroad engineering survey, the efficiency of traditional leveling method is low, is very difficult to practice because of terrain undulation being big.


  • 深入分析内陆冰盖地区重复轨道INSAR测量地形精度可行性

    The error source and feasibility of INSAR DEM construction on inland ice sheet is well analyzed.


  • 简述利用空间大地测量观测数据海洋水文数据推求海面动力地形方法

    Methods for estimating the dynamic ocean topography (DOT) using space geodesy observational data and ocean hydrological data were presented briefly.


  • 简述利用空间大地测量观测数据海洋水文数据推求海面动力地形方法

    Methods for estimating the dynamic ocean topography (DOT) using space geodesy observational data and ocean hydrological data were presented briefly.


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