• 能力导弹一项重要性能指标,在地导弹武器系统论证中,突防能力进行评估具有重要意义。

    Penetration ability is an important performance index of ground-to-ground missile. It is significant to evaluate the penetration ability in the reasoning of ground-to-ground missile system.


  • 架飞机北大西洋公约组织导弹错误击落了。

    The plane was shot down in error by a NATO missile.


  • 导弹部署进一步加剧了意见分化

    Missile deployment did much to further polarize opinion.


  • 导弹深深嵌入绿色山坡中。

    The missile buried itself deep in the grassy hillside.


  • 与此同时,这样遭遇作为新发现监督一样报道一些例子中不明飞行物活跃干预导弹系统

    While most of these encounters were reported as appearing like surveillance, in some instances, the UFOs actively engaged in tampering with missile systems.


  • 中国2007年进行了卫星导弹试验风云一号卫星摧毁。由此产生太空碎片使记录在册轨道物体增加了四分之一强。

    Yet the destruction of the Chinese Fengyun-1C in an anti-satellite missile test in 2007 accounts for more than a quarter of all catalogued objects in low-Earth orbit.


  • 萨莫尔菲尔德此次导弹通过美国海军巴贝罗号潜艇(USS Barbero)发射,发射大西洋海岸100海里左右(约161公里),目的则是佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔附近一个海军航空站

    Summerfield's missile was fired from the U.S.S. Barbero submarine 100 miles off the Atlantic coast to a naval air station near Jacksonville, FL.


  • 说,如果这些导弹拦截装置为了防御俄罗斯的话,那么把它们爱尔兰北达科他州更好因为这些更加有效拦截俄罗斯的导弹

    He adds that if such missiles were intended to intercept against Russia, it would be better to station them in Ireland or North Dakota, where they could intercept Russian missiles more effectively.


  • 普京时期美国不停欧洲大量部署导弹——这次五角大楼计划在波兰捷克部署防御拦截导弹雷达

    Under Putin we have the row over US rockets in Europe - this time the Pentagon's plans to site missile defence interceptors and radar bases in Poland and the Czech Republic.


  • 举例来说,一些使用全面的MDD以及完全代码生成组织已经成功开发了具有非常严格实时需求导弹控制系统

    For example, some organizations using full-scale MDD with complete code generation have successfully developed missile control systems with very strict real-time requirements.


  • 过去一个月中俄罗斯英国报纸已经出现了不少传闻北冰洋”号秘密运载S- 300防空导弹目的德黑兰

    Over the past month, speculation has swirled in Russian and British papers that the Arctic Sea was carrying a secret consignment of S-300 anti-aircraft interceptors, destined for Tehran.


  • 不过一天——华氏70碧空如洗对于个刚刚劫持了一架巨型客机、正心情高度紧张准备变成导弹飞行员来说,真是再好也不过了。

    It was, of course, a perfect day, 70 [degrees] and flawless skies, perfect for a nervous pilot who has stolen a huge jet and intends to turn it into a missile.


  • 立即加速并计算导弹到达黑鸟飞行高度所需时间 - 它们很可能是苏联制SA-2SA-4对空导弹,最大速度可3马赫

    I quickly increased our speed, calculating the time it would take for the weapons-most likely SA-2 and SA-4 surface-to-air missiles capable of Mach 5 - to reach our altitude.


  • 巴基斯坦接近阿富汗的边境区,星期天早上对一个部落区内疑似激进分子藏身进行的导弹袭击,据信打死了至少16

    A missile strike against a suspected militant hideout in a Pakistan tribal region bordering Afghanistan on Sunday is said to have killed at least 18 people.


  • MrPutin不会喜欢捷克波兰,它们曾经苏联附庸现在却成为北约成员,自告奋勇来承担导弹防御任务

    Mr Putin may not like the Czechs and poles-former vassals of the old Soviet Union that are now NATO members-volunteering for new missile-defence duty.


  • 确实,潜艇花掉了40亿美元,因为要三叉戟导弹换装战斧导弹,还要在每艘潜艇新增的60名特战队员腾出方,然后才能偷偷摸摸全球执行任务。

    Instead, it spent about $4 billion replacing the Tridents with Tomahawks and making room for 60 special-ops troops to live aboard each sub and operate stealthily around the globe.


  • 只需要按动一下按钮美国俄罗斯仍然互相毁灭对方,他们仍然还有成千上万装载了核弹头导弹部署海洋

    The United States and Russia can still destroy each other at a push of a button and have thousands of missiles on the land or at sea armed with nuclear war heads.


  • 潜艇部署导弹重要增加它们生存性因为即使今天当一艘导弹潜艇发射之前发现它证明非常困难

    The deployment of the missiles on a submarine significantly increases their survivability, as even today finding a missile submarine prior to launch is proven to be very difficult.


  • 那里他们被攻击被殴打被投掷了无数武器导弹(就是一比喻吧,投掷物),很多受伤导致他们欢庆典礼无情破坏了

    It was there that they were beaten, pelted and attacked with all sorts of weapons and missiles. Many were injured and their celebrations were ruined.


  • 普金认为这样可以更好防护伊朗导弹威胁并且俄罗斯不会曾经威胁那样将核弹头瞄准欧洲

    Mr Putin said this would offer better protection from Iranian missiles, and that Russia would no longer have to aim its warheads at Europe, as he had threatened.


  • 正在察看搜索于失事船只打捞上来的证据俄罗斯调查人员他们找到了一似乎S200对空导弹的残片。

    Russian investigators sifting through wreckage found by ships trawling the crash site said they had a piece of what appeared to be a S200 surface-to-air missile.


  • 正在逐步采用固体燃料导弹更换陈旧的、液体燃料核弹道导弹使这些导弹发射更快更为灵活。

    It is gradually replacing its older, liquid-fueled ballistic nuclear-capable missiles with solid-fuel missiles, which will make launching them faster and less cumbersome.


  • 虽然从未被证实这么PLA海军没有困难因为导弹已经成功039()柴电潜艇一起整合

    While this was never confirmed, there is no difficulty for the PLA Navy to do so since the missile has already been successfully integrated with the Type 039 (Song class) diesel-electric submarine.


  • 如果计划突击游戏早期作为反步兵单位适用,你需要23辆,3辆以上很好迅速杀死导弹兵组所以它们不用承担太多伤害

    If you plan to use Raider Buggies as anti-infantry in the early game, you need 2 or 3, preferably 3 or more. 3 of them can kill a Missile Squad reasonably quick, so they will not take too much damage.


  • 分析得到结果是令人满意,从而进一步解决了如何通过理想效能模型,全面预测防空导弹武器系统给定条件完成规定任务能力问题。

    The results from the ability of satisfactory and can be used to quantize the ability of air defense missile systems to intercept targets under the conditions given by using an ideal efficiency model.


  • 早些时候伊朗宣称他们的导弹可以攻击乌克兰巴尔干半岛的远距离的目标如果他们导弹进入轨道那么攻击的范围还要大。

    Previously Iran claimed its missiles could reach targets as far away as Ukraine and the Balkans. But if it ever put objects into orbit, that would allow it to fire warheads a lot farther.


  • 首次不同角度系统提出了导弹作战部署兵力需求分析方法

    In this paper, some methods to analyze troops demand in ground-to-air missile operational disposition are presented systematically in different points of view for the first time.


  • 2010年210日:印度成功2010年2月7日实施烈火iiiIRBM(中程弹道导弹)第四次最后的服役前测试

    February 10, 2010: India successfully conducted its fourth, and final, pre-service test of its Agni III IRBM (Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile) on February 7th.


  • 2010年210日:印度成功2010年2月7日实施烈火iiiIRBM(中程弹道导弹)第四次最后的服役前测试

    February 10, 2010: India successfully conducted its fourth, and final, pre-service test of its Agni III IRBM (Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile) on February 7th.


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