• 这些火山没有一个由于火星地壳板块之间碰撞而形成的——火星没有板块运动

    None of these volcanoes was formed as a result of collisions between plates of the Martian crust—there is no plate motion on Mars.


  • 地震地壳构造板块互相碰撞造成的。

    Earthquakes are caused by two tectonic plates bumping into each other.


  • 基本上俯冲就是两个地壳构造板块碰撞地方

    Basically, a subduction zone is where two tectonic plates collide.


  • 地幔,这种物质可以板块边界处下沉然后向上回流到较地方,再与地壳碰撞——这个过程被称为小规模对流

    Mantle material can sink at a plate boundary, and then flow back upward farther away, pushing on the crust - a process called small scale convection.


  • 数千万年前非洲地壳板块欧洲板块的碰撞形成阿尔卑斯山脉的雏形。

    The Alps's began forming tens of millions of years ago, when the African tectonic plate slowly collided with the European plate.


  • 地壳在这里碰撞挤压,上涌的炙热岩浆变冷形成新的地壳,这种伟大的循环过程就是所谓板块构造

    Here Earth's crust pulls apart, and upwelling magma cools and forms new crust that spreads away from the ridge in the great recycling process known as plate tectonics.


  • 这次地震是沿着地球表面缝隙发生的。条缝隙处,太平洋板块俯冲入另一地壳板块下部,而这块地壳板块正承载着日本北部地区碰撞“)。

    The quake happened along a seam in the planet's surface where the Pacific Ocean floor is diving beneath the tectonic plate carrying northern Japan (see 'Collision zone').


  • 尤其是四千多年那次地壳变动引来大陆碰撞不但大陆面积增大了超过同时带去了许多变数

    Especially four thousand years ago that the crustal movements of continental collision event, not only make the Douro mainland area increased more than one times, but also brought many variables.


  • 青藏高原采集的大地电磁资料描绘了地壳中的主要局部熔融区域结果大陆碰撞地球动力学模型的结果相一致。

    Magnetotelluric data collected on the Tibetan Plateau have imaged a major zone of partial melting in the crust, that agrees well with geodynamic models for this continent continent collision.


  • 由于碰撞造山带具有地壳结构复杂性必须采用新的研究方法分析其热结构

    Because a collision orogenic belt has a complicated crustal structure, new methods have to be adopted for thermal state analysis.


  • 这些伸展构造很显然扬子克拉通和华北克拉通三叠纪碰撞时,大别山造山带前陆位置岩石圈弯曲导致地壳上部产生非弹性变形结果。

    Such structure in the collision foredeep of the Dabieshan Orogen was resulted in inelastic extensional deformation of the conver side of the flexed plate aroused by lithospheric flexure.


  • 晶体发生部分熔融物熔融岩浆地壳熔融岩浆地壳岩浆房产生完全混合作用,形成近纪具同碰撞火山属性的岩浆。

    The magma of melted detaching and sinking crystal completely mixes with that of the melted crust in the magmatic chamber of crust, which forms the Palaeogene syncollision and volcanic arc magma.


  • 青藏高原不是印度板块欧亚板块碰撞的结果而是形成地壳流动驱动盆山作用

    The formation of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was not caused by the collision between India plate and Eurasia plate, but by intraplate basin-mountain coupling driven by lower crustal flow.


  • 板块运动认为是碰撞-滑动断裂引起,两部分地壳正在水平移动的方式向着相反方向碾压运动。

    The motions of these plates create what are known as strike-slip faults, where two sections of Earth's crust are grinding past each other in opposite directions.


  • 板块运动认为是碰撞-滑动断裂引起,两部分地壳正在水平移动的方式向着相反方向碾压运动。

    The motions of these plates create what are known as strike-slip faults, where two sections of Earth's crust are grinding past each other in opposite directions.


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