• 大多数时候生态系统服务自然资本一个特定区域国家地域来说特殊的,就是他们应该支持水平

    Most of the time ecosystem services and natural capital are specific to a particular area, country or region, and that is the level where they ought to be supported.


  • 查找旅行期间待得那个国家不同地域的所有天气找出那个相对天气稳定的那个地方作为目的地。

    Research the weather in different areas of the country or world during the time you want to travel. Choose a destination that typically has stable weather during the time of your stay.


  • 地域辽阔国家,一架双引擎的塞斯纳飞机可以小时之内你送到遥远狩猎营地那么的火车旅程就体现出斯瓦西里语里旅行这个单词真正含义了。

    In a vast country where twin-prop Cessnas can whisk you to your remote safari camp in less than an hour, the two - or three-day trip is a safari - a "journey" - in the true Swahili sense of the word.


  • 关于不同国家代码地域ID列表,请查阅支持地域代码和代码

    Refer to Supported territory codes and code pages for a list of code set and territory IDs for different countries.


  • 小国中等国家地域平衡”;而大国来说,听上去是按国家配额分配职位的规则压过了才是任。

    Small- and medium-sized countries talk aboutgeographical balance”; to big players that sounds like national quotas trumping talent.


  • 然而中东,这块被地震夺去了数以百计性命的地域(因土耳其伊朗地震),很多国家却着眼于对其自身地震预警系统进行改进,以期在未来能尽可能的挽救生命

    However in the Middle East, where recent quakes in Turkey and Iran have killed hundreds, many states are working hard to improve their seismic monitoring systems to prevent future loss of life.


  • 中国西部地域辽阔,人口众多,山河壮美,资源富集,周边14个国家接壤发展潜力巨大

    Western China, with its vast landmass, large population, beautiful landscape and rich resources, borders 14 countries and has a great potential for development.


  • 在2005年10月禽类种群疫情地域扩大之后报告人间病例国家4个增加9个。

    The number of new countries reporting human cases increased from 4 to 9 after October 2005, following the geographical extension of outbreaks among avian populations.


  • 一个示例构建了个包含一个国家不同地域信息TreeView

    The next demo application populates a TreeView with information about various places within a country.


  • 这种方法问题在于每个国家收入中间值不同所以中产阶级定义也就随着地域的不同而有所变化

    The problem with this approach is that each country has a different median income, so the definition of what is middle class shifts from place to place.


  • 这个活动在其它多个国家进行,集合欧洲各地获奖者所以活动建立更多具有地域的信息。

    The campaign also worked across multiple countries and brought together winners for all over Europe, so building even more local and regional buzz about the campaign.


  • 欧洲也许是世界上今日爱尔兰依然唯一具有忧郁特征国家150年前相比,生活同一地域范围内的爱尔兰少之又少

    Today Ireland has the melancholy distinction of being the only nation in Europe, and perhaps the world, to have fewer people within the same boundaries than it did more than 150 years ago.


  • 地域体系免税系统内,国家公司课税都国内获得利润,对国外获得分红免税的。

    Under the competing territorial or exemption system, a country taxes a company only on profits earned at home; dividends paid by foreign subsidiaries are exempt.


  • 这一行为往往来自药品行业打破国家不同地理地域进行价格歧视观点

    And also just from the pharmaceutical industry's point of view of breaking down of national barriers to their ability to price discriminate across different geographies.


  • 阻断流行国家野生脊灰病毒传播脊髓灰质炎如今地域受到的限制以往任何时候都更大

    Stopping wild poliovirus transmission in endemic countries: Polio today is more geographically restricted than ever before.


  • 我们一个庞大国家地域不同态度不同,利益也不同。

    This is a big country, with different regions and attitudes and interests.


  • 病毒性肝炎我们国家常见肝病乙肝各型病毒性肝炎发病地域差异有何不同

    Viral hepatitis is our country's most common liver, Such as hepatitis beach of viral hepatitis of regional variations of any different?


  • 如果什么地区可以说地域陈词滥调一个国家对立必须巴克特里亚

    If there was ever a region that can be described with the old geographical cliche that it is a country of opposites, it must be Bactria.


  • 国际糖尿病》:不同国家地区具有不同的文化背景这种方法是否需要根据地域进行修改?是否是全球适用

    International Diabetes: In different countries and different geographical regions with different cultural conditions, does this approach need to be modified? Can it be applied worldwide?


  • 美国文化十分强调地域宗教性,这些通过一系列亚文化体现而且美国文化也极大这个国家广袤的土地地区差异所影响。

    American culture portrays a strong sense of regional and ethnic identity, which is represented by a number of subcultures and influenced by the country's vast geographical and regional differences.


  • 对于其他优先选项页选择地区/国家/地域灾难/紧急情况服务种类/企业部门商品种类),道理一样

    The same is true of the choices you make on the other preference screens (Regions/countries/territories; Disasters/emergencies; Types of services/business sector(s) and Types of goods).


  • 罗姿所在的地方,是一个地域广阔、居民繁多国家

    The mountain Aroiz lived in belonged to a vast country with a large population.


  • 塞拉利昂以前英国殖民地一块典型不成功非洲地域誉为“血腥石头”的若干年内战已经国家撕为两半

    A former British colony, Sierra Leone was a classic failed African state: years of civil war fuelled by "blood diamonds" had ripped the country apart.


  • 不同国家不同地域人们

    People in different countries and different areas of the world.


  • 先生超过25专业总体规划建筑设计经验,他的专案涵盖了许多国家地域

    Mr Soh has over 25 years of professional experience in master planning and architecture projects which spread across many countries and regions.


  • 小城镇景观质量成为衡量地域乃至国家现代文明程度的一个重要指标

    The small cities landscape quality also becomes weighs a region and even a country modern civilization degree important target.


  • 许多而且危险河流穿过那个国家地域

    That area of the country is laced a with large and often dangerous rivers.


  • 许多而且危险河流穿过那个国家地域

    That area of the country is laced a with large and often dangerous rivers.


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