• 下巴紧握双手鼻子或是不断口水时,卡尔·莱伊特门博士就知道你在撒谎

    When you scratch your chin, wring your hands, wrinkle your nose, or swallow too much, Dr. Cal Lightman knows you're lying.


  • 谢诺菲留斯没有回答不停着唾沫目光之间扫来扫去。哈利觉得内心在进行着某种痛苦斗争

    Xenophilius did not answer. He kept swallowing, his eyes darting between the three of them. Harry had the impression that he was undergoing some painful internal struggle.


  • 擦了擦,又活动了一下鞘里刀身我们等待时间,他不断口水,就好像我们通常的有什么东西卡在喉咙里似的

    He cleared the hilt of his cutlass and loosened the blade in the sheath; and all the time we were waiting there he kept swallowing as if he felt what we used to call a lump in the throat.


  • 狼吞虎吃着。

    I ate as if there was no tomorrow.


  • 狼吞虎剩余饼干奶酪

    He wolfed down the rest of the biscuit and cheese.


  • 狼吞虎大盘通心粉

    He was tucking into a huge plateful of pasta.


  • 狼吞虎了一大碗麦片粥。

    I munched my way through a huge bowl of cereal.


  • 孩子狼吞虎吃了汉堡包炸土豆条

    The children demolished their burgers and chips.


  • 鲍勃狼吞虎吃着

    Bob ate lustily.


  • 詹姆斯狼吞虎吃了起来。

    James ate hungrily.


  • 好歹狼吞虎东西

    I managed to cram down a few mouthfuls of food.


  • 吧嗒着嘴狼吞虎吃。

    She ate noisily and greedily.


  • 开始狼吞虎起来。

    She began to eat ravenously.


  • 孩子们扑向食物,狼吞虎起来

    The children fell on the food and ate it greedily.


  • 皮特狼吞虎吃完了所有牛肉

    Pete gobbled all the beef stew.


  • 他们狼吞虎起饭来,好像饿坏了似的。

    They tore into their food as if they were starving.


  • 细嚼慢一口一口品味

    He ate his meal slowly, savouring every mouthful.


  • 在家中的办公室里电脑启动自己一些谷类食物,狼吞虎吃下去

    I pour myself some cereal and gulp it down in my home office while waiting for the computer to boot up.


  • 汉森建议宾客礼貌进食,不要在招待会上狼吞虎而且切记不要喝醉

    Hanson advises guests to accept the offerings politely—but not to gobble, or gulp—and for goodness sakes don't get drunk.


  • 我们很多匆匆忙忙度过天,没有时间任何事情我们时间吃点东西时,我们经常是狼吞虎

    Many of us rush through the day, with no time for anything, and when we have time to get a bite to eat, we gobble it down.


  • 立刻给自己了一份沙拉狼吞虎吃了起来。

    She at once made herself a salad of it, and ate it greedily.


  • 个寒冷早上猎豹撞到一只怀孕跳羚狼吞虎吃了起来。

    Three cheetahs tuck in just after running down a pregnant springbok on a cold winter's morning.


  • 为了及时赶上火车5分钟内碗饭狼吞虎吃光了。

    In order to catch the train in time, he polished off two bowls of rice in 5 minutes.


  • 昨天看见乞丐街上狼吞虎一块面包

    I saw a beggar Wolf down a piece of bread in the street yesterday.


  • 狼吞虎吃了早饭上学去了

    He wolfed down his breakfast and went to school.


  • 男孩狼吞虎午饭,就跑操场去了。

    The boy bolted (down) his lunch and ran to the playground.


  • 那样狼吞虎吃东西。

    Don't bolt your food down like that.


  • 合唱老师孩子们教室后面狼吞虎纸袋里的午饭吃掉。

    Her chorus teacher lets the kids quickly grab lunch out of paper bags in the back of class.


  • 男孩子一把抓食物,狼吞虎吃了下去

    The boy wolfed down the food the moment he grabbed it.


  • 为了我们星期六午餐时间的会见,我们赶紧柔道课赶回来,一边打电话出租车,一边狼吞虎吃了三明治祈祷出租车一个合理时间到来

    To get to our Saturday lunchtime sessions, we have to rush back from judo and shove down a sandwich while I call a taxi and pray it will come at a reasonable time.


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