• 当时欧洲地区克里奥尔形式拉丁

    Creolized forms of Latin were spoken in various parts of Europe.


  • 东亚往往带声调元音,而东北高加索地区辅音复杂闻名尤比克78个辅音

    Languages in East Asia tend to have tonal vowels, and those of the north-eastern Caucasus are known for consonantal complexity: Ubykh has 78 consonant sounds.


  • 重申地区独特加泰罗尼亚风情以及使用加泰罗尼亚将一如既往地成为重中之重

    Reaffirming the region's Catalan identity, and use of the Catalan language, will still be priorities.


  • 机器上,地区代表用户选择显示言(例如西班牙),以及日期时间货币方面格式化约定

    On a single machine, the locale indicates the user's preference for the language displayed (for example, English or Spanish), as well as formatting conventions for date, time, currency, and so on.


  • 东亚地区带声调元音高加索东北部地区辅音复杂闻名尤比克78个辅音

    Languages in east Asia tend to have tonal vowels, those of the north-eastern Caucasus are known for consonantal complexity: Ubykh has 78 consonant sounds.


  • 英文没有关系某种程度上和中文类似。它是一种独特的高级变形手势传遍了整个世界地区

    It bears no relationship to English and in some ways is more similar to Chinese — a single highly inflected gesture can convey an entire word or phrase.


  • 另外最好印度电影供应给伦敦加利福尼亚海湾地区印度侨民的也增加。

    In addition, the best Hindi films increasingly serve expatriates in London and California's Bay Area.


  • 这个地区唯一罗马大剧院这里斯洛伐克匈牙利杂志书店里同时有售。

    The region's only Roma theater can be found there, and bookstores carry both Slovak and Hungarian magazines.


  • 自己描述成为“三重无家可归的人”:出生波西米亚捷克地区奥地利犹太人家庭任何地方都找不到家的感觉

    He described himself as "three times homeless" : born to a Jewish family in a German-speaking enclave in Czech-speaking Bohemia, and not feeling properly at home anywhere.


  • 斯瓦西里沿海地区方言刚果,凡是今天这种方言地方,均代理商们的势力所达之处。

    The limits of their range, in Congo, are the limits of where the native coast language, Kiswahili, is spoken today.


  • 拉辛先生出生于刚果父母亲传教士精通斯瓦希里非常了解这个地区

    Mr Gration was born in Congo to missionary parents, speaks Swahili and knows the region well.


  • 目前项目注意力集中这种阿富汗当地但是NIST已经审核了用于翻译达里系统——这种被广泛使用阿富汗伊拉克阿拉伯地区

    Currently, the focus is on Pashto, a native Afghani tongue, but nist has also assessed machine translation systems for dari-also spoken in afghanistan-and Iraqi Arabic.


  • 俾路支,达罗毗被称为布拉灰,如果关于达罗毗假说成立那么我们就可以泰米尔那多地区一种古老形式的泰米尔——达罗毗一支与印度河文字进行匹配,进行破译。

    If theDravidian hypothesis is correct, it might be possible to match wordsfrom the old form of Tamil, a Dravidian language spoken in Tamil Nadu, with the Indus signs.


  • 因为LotusForms支持阿拉伯希伯来双向,所以通过设置这些地区屏幕选项会成为向左阅读

    Because Lotus Forms also supports bidirectional languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew, by setting these locales, the options on the screen read from right to left rather than from left to right.


  • 电子邮件采用乌尔都识别软件生成的,并大量采用了地方言。使警方无法追踪他们到底是哪个民族来自哪个地区

    e-mail was produced using Urdu-language voice-recognition software to "anonymatize" regional spellings and accents so police would be unable to identify their ethnic or geographic origins.


  • 奥尔森本人猜测这个词大概源自阿拉伯中mansour,意思胜利的”,然而该词是如何传播曾居住过河谷地区这个迷底他从来没有解开

    Mr Olson guessed it came from mansour, an Arabic word for “victorious”, although how it arrived in the Red River Valley where he lived is a puzzle he never solved.


  • 村子里个人,穿著白色棉质的xikul(即束腰外衣),围坐著营火听百人瑞ChanKin半岛地区玛雅故事

    Everyone in the village, all clad in white cotton xikuls (tunics), sat around a fire as the 100-year-old village elder Chan K'in told stories in the peninsular Mayan language.


  • 一些盐壳覆盖的干涸湖泊西班牙salars占据普纳地区主要逆冲断层之间的地势低洼地(盆地)。

    Several salt-crusted dry lakes (known as salarsin Spanish) occupy the basins between major thrust faults in the Puna.


  • 对于俄罗斯中国部分地区来说,鄂温克濒危言,中国另一部分地区(鄂温克)鄂温克继续存在下去

    The author thinks that the Ewenki language in the area of Russia and part of China is being endangered, but in another place of China (the Ewenki Banner), it will live on.


  • 欧洲葡萄牙(译注:美洲、非洲、亚洲地区的葡萄牙相对),但是很早就开始接触其他

    My mother tongue is (European) Portuguese, but my contact with other languages started early.


  • 但是如果探索地区了解当地人民,你需要知道西班牙

    But if you want to explore the area and get to know the local people, you need to know Spanish.


  • 事实上许多地区林业就是森林栽培”的同义

    Indeed, in May regions "forestry" is synonymous with "plantation culture".


  • 底部图案包括地区鸟类物种拉丁名称喷绘在金属板上。

    Beneath the patterns, both the Latin and English names of bird species native to the area are stencilled into the metal.


  • 阿拉伯亚洲非洲大部分地区最广泛使用比如,在埃及

    Arabic is widely spoken in many parts of Asia and Africa, for example, in Egypt.


  • 鉴于华为技术有限公司业务已经扩展南美洲地区你们是否需要一名能说流利西班牙了解南美文化的营销专业毕业生

    Now that the Huawei Technologies has expanded operations to South America, can you use a marketing graduate who speaks fluent Spanish and who knows the culture of the region?


  • 一般来说事实因为那些地区绝大多数民族都使用西班牙葡萄牙作为

    This is generally true, as the vast majority of peoples there speak Spanish or Portuguese as their mother tongue.


  • 一般来说事实因为那些地区绝大多数民族都使用西班牙葡萄牙作为

    This is generally true, as the vast majority of peoples there speak Spanish or Portuguese as their mother tongue.


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