• 权力移交地区议会

    Power has been handed over to provincial and regional assemblies.


  • 积极参与国际地区议会组织活动成功举办第五届亚欧议会伙伴会议

    We actively took part in the activities organized by international and regional parliamentary organizations and successfully hosted the fifth Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership Meeting.


  • 7废除参议员现在没用东西就是下院复制品整合小于100人的意大利地区议会就得了。

    Scrap the Italian Senate, nowadays a useless duplicate of the lower chamber. Transform it into the assembly of the Italian regions (100 members, no more).


  • 比利时首相夏尔·米歇尔(Charles Michel)表示地区议会对于“保留比利时国际舞台上的信誉”的一项协定具有“最后发言权”。

    Charless Michel, Belgium's prime minister, said the regional parliaments would have "the last word" on a deal that would retain Belgium's "credibility on the international stage".


  • 不过威尔士议会目前正在考虑是否引入项“选择退出计划,这样,将是英国采用已经比利时葡萄牙施行的制度地区

    The assembly in Wales, however, is currently considering whether to introduce an "opt-out" scheme, making it the first area in the UK to follow a policy already adopted by Belgium and Portugal.


  • 许多美国人包括议会的那些人,对亚太地区认识都短浅。

    Many Americans, including those in Congress, have a myopic view of the Asia-Pacific region.


  • 议会最终决定地区建设公寓时,园丁他们朋友一起英亩土地表土搬运花园剩余部分

    When City Council finally decided to build housing on the section, gardeners and their friends moved an acre of topsoil to the remaining portion of the garden.


  • 发挥议会人才荟萃、信息密集、联系广泛优势地方合作特别是边境地区开展合作实事

    The parliaments should leverage their advantages in talents, information and connections and do more practical things for local cooperation, especially the cooperation in border areas.


  • 拥有自己议会21个地区代表组成开一次会。

    It has its own parliament, which meets every three years and is made up of delegates from 21 regions.


  • 2005年,法国议会通过了法律条款提到“法国应该海外扮演一个主动角色尤其北非地区”,但是一次强烈的抗议移除

    As recently as 2005 the French parliament passed a law referring to the "positive role of the French presence overseas, notably in north Africa", a clause later removed after an outcry.


  • 组建一个议会联盟实践起来想象多,不仅仅是因为地区党内的利益纠纷

    Creating one has proved harder than he expected, not least because of conflicting interests in his own Party of Regions.


  • 目前,泰国东北部地区大约议会席位的三分之一。

    The north-east accounts for around one-third of parliamentary seats.


  • 研究所利用教会议会当地健康诊所传授给住高纬度地区居民气候变化导致疟疾这个地区蔓延

    The institute is also using church meetings and local health clinics to educate people in high-altitude areas on how climate change could be leading to the spread of malaria into their area.


  • 议会仍旧争论排放限制与额度交易法案,而此时美国北方工业中心地区发现自己角色相当尴尬

    As the battle over a cap-and-trade bill continues in Congress, the industrial Midwest finds itself playing an awkward role.


  • 巴马、议会以及华盛顿周边地区最新消息请加入讨论

    The latest on President Obama, the new Congress and other news from Washington and around the nation. Join the discussion.


  • 巴马、议会以及华盛顿周边地区最新消息

    The latest on President Obama, the new Congress and other news from Washington and around the nation.


  • 为了容纳快速涌入人口议会计划鼓励市中心地区第三大道边上的布伦德尔布里奇波特之间建造高密度住宅

    To accommodate the rapid influx of population, city council plans to encourage high density housing in its town centre area which lies between Blundell and Bridgeport on both sides of No. 3 Road.


  • 获利往往很可能是房屋需求庞大、地处经济繁荣地区地方议会

    But the councils likely to gain will be those in flourishing regions where housing demand is high.


  • 以色列议会启动竞选,他保证未来巴勒斯坦任何协定不会包括交出西岸戈兰高地的部分地区

    He launched his campaign at the Knesset, promising that any future agreement with the Palestinians will not include handing over parts of the West Bank and the Golan Heights.


  • 一些地区例如德克萨斯州仅有临时议会照样能很好的运转。

    Some places, such as Texas, manage well with only a part-time legislature.


  • 哈马斯赢得了去年议会选举,其不仅加沙地区,在西岸有着不少的拥护者。

    Hamas won last year's legislative elections and remains popular not only in Gaza but also in the West Bank.


  • 但是看起来地区财政协议会让西班牙GDP赤字雪上加霜

    But it looks as if the regional financing deal will add another percentage point of GDP to the deficit.


  • 居住内盖夫地区都因人正在组建贝都因部落议会

    The Negev's Bedouin are forming a Council of Bedouin Tribes.


  • 星期二俄罗斯南部几名枪手冲入地区议会大楼,在光天化日之下发动袭击打死至少3打伤17

    Gunmen in southern Russia stormed a regional parliament Tuesday, in a brazen daylight attack that killed at least three people and wounded 17 others.


  • 普京这场大灾难为借口改变议会规则废弃地区领导人的选举(这些如今就像卡德罗夫一样克里姆林宫任命)。

    Mr Putin used the catastrophe as an excuse to change parliamentary rules and scrap elections for regional governors (who are now all, like Mr Kadyrov, appointed by the Kremlin).


  • 普京这场大灾难为借口改变议会规则废弃地区领导人的选举(这些如今就像卡德罗夫一样克里姆林宫任命)。

    Mr Putin used the catastrophe as an excuse to change parliamentary rules and scrap elections for regional governors (who are now all, like Mr Kadyrov, appointed by the Kremlin).


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