• 正当一些受灾最严重地区洪水开始消失时一个至今从未遭遇洪灾省份却被顺着印度河谷滚滚而下洪水包围。

    While some of the worst-hit areas are beginning to dry out, the floodwaters are moving down the Indus valley towards the one province that hasn't yet been pummeled.


  • 1976年的地震阿尔卑斯地区北部省份特伦蒂诺上阿迪杰造成了严重破坏作为回应意大利于当年通过一部现代地震

    Italy's first modern law on antiseismic norms was passed in 1976, as a response to the temblor that devastated the Trentino Alto Adige, a northern province in the Alps.


  • 巴西电视机逐步推广到各个省份。 电视机每到达一个地区地区出生率就会随即大幅下滑。

    InBrazil, television was introduced sequentially province by province, and ineach new region the boob tube reached, birth rates plummeted soon after.(Discuss


  • 东北地区省份包括一些偏远地区受益最大100,000人口中的护士人数增长了37%。

    North Eastern province, which includes some of the most remote areas, benefited most: the number of nurses per 100 000 population increased by 37%.


  • 北美其他地区受到影响,不列颠哥伦比亚省损失尤为严重经济木材为主省份更加令人不安。

    Other parts of North America have also been affected, but the damage in British Columbia is particularly severe, and particularly troubling in a province whose economy is dominated by timber.


  • 牲口掠夺也同样发生苏丹其他省份但是其他地区没有琼莱省一样嗜血

    Cattle raids take place in other South Sudanese states too, but nowhere is the habit as deadly as in Jonglei.


  • 学校统一10 +2制度结构印度所有省份联邦地区(ut)采用这种制度。

    A uniform structure of school education, the 10 + 2 system has been adopted by all the States and Union Territories (UT) of India.


  • 大多数美国人没有意识到中国每个城市省份地区语言文化传统上存在与生俱来差别。

    Most Americans are unaware of the diversity in language, culture, and tradition inherent to each Chinese city, province, and region.


  • 这部分钱主要用于27个省份5564个地区健康教育行政支出不是每个地区刀刃上。

    But the money, spent mainly on health, education and administration, rains down on 27 states and 5, 564 districts that differ vastly in their capacity to spend it well.


  • 历史地区法国东南部以前一个省份,和意大利交界。349年以后成为法国国王长子统治下的一块领地。

    A historical region and former province of southeast France bordering on Italy. After 349 it became an appanage controlled by the eldest son of the king of France.


  • 贵州中国发达地区之一西南一个多山省份

    Guizhou is one of the least developed areas of China. It is a mountainous province in the southwest.


  • 周一中国西南省份四川发生里氏7.9级地震目前造成15,000死亡,在震中附近地区,一个个村庄整个被毁。

    The magnitude 7.9 quake in China's southwestern province of Sichuan has left nearly 15,000 people dead and ravaged entire villages near the epicenter.


  • 甘肃省地处西部经济欠发达地区、却是全国土地资源矿产资源相对丰富省份

    Gansu province is located in the west of China, where the economy is struggling even with the presence of abundant land and mineral resources.


  • 东北青海冬季长江以北其他地区贵州云南入秋,长江以南大部分省份则尚夏季

    Northeast area and Qinghai province have entered winter; north Yangtze river area and Guizhou, Yunnan have entered autumn while south Yangtze river remains summer.


  • 文章就“”整个工程对整个湖北地区能源利用工业开发环境治理,给湖北这个工业省份所带来的经济影响进行了分析。

    This paper discusses the influence of the engineering of "Transmitting Sichuan gas to Hubei"on Hubei's economy, including energy utilization, industry development, environment production, etc.


  • 福建省作为我国东部沿海核心省份大力发展物流业更是提升地区经济综合实力关键

    Fujian province is the core province in the eastern coastal area in China, it is the key of promoting the economic development comprehensive strength to develop logistics industry.


  • 例如越南沿海省份宁顺省(NinhThuan)一个易出现旱灾地区农民认为如果蜻蜓高飞则艳阳高照,如果蜻蜓则会下雨

    For example, in a drought prone area of the coastal Ninh Thuan province, farmers believe that if the dragonfly flies high it will be sunny and if it flies low there will be rain.


  • 一些内陆省份工人看到自己工资上涨速度沿海差不多,甚至还要高于沿海地区

    Some workers in the interior are seeing wages increase at the same rates as those on the coast, or at even higher rates.


  • 奥弗历史地区法国中部省份,奥弗涅山脉,(一系列死火山)穿越地区

    A historical region and former province of central France traversed north to south by the auvergne mountains a chain of extinct volcanoes. auvergne became part of the French royal domain in1615.


  • 法律权威机构一定地区范围内颁布通常国家省份城市

    Laws are promulgated by an organization that has authority over an area. This is usually a country, province, or city.


  • 法律权威机构一定地区范围内颁布通常国家省份城市

    Laws are promulgated by an organization that has authority over an area. This is usually a country, province, or city.


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