• 正如预期那样,较低地位群体墓葬骨骼发现多得多

    As expected, vanadium was found in considerably greater quantities in skeletons in the burials of lower-status groups.


  • 目的:考察我国农村居民不同社会经济地位群体之间健康差距。

    Objective: To estimate health inequality between different socioeconomic groups among Chinese rural residents.


  • 于是,房屋所有者经济地位含义就更为突出了,住房也成了转型时期城市“地位群体”的一种标志

    Thus, prominence is given to the economic status of the owner of houses; and housing becomes a sign of urban "groups of status" in transition.


  • 工具性关系次级群体中占主导地位我们当作达成目的手段不是目的本身。

    Instrumental ties predominate in secondary groups; we perceive people as means to ends rather than as ends in their own right.


  • 如果这个群体面临过度捕猎的问题,那么那些提早达到繁殖成熟个体主导地位

    If the group faces excessive hunting, individuals that reach reproductive maturity earlier will come to predominate.


  • 没有必要极端手段确立自己领头羊群体领导人地位

    It is not necessary to establish yourself as top dog or leader of the pack by using extreme measures.


  • 花12.95美元就可以和别人处好关系,这对那些尝试保持住他们同龄人群体地位青少年来说实在有吸引力了。

    The idea of being able to relate toanother teen for only $12.95 is very appealing to adolescents, who areconsumed with trying to maintain their status in their peer groups.


  • 因此人们不再是简单选择商品而是下意识认为挑选生活伴侣有力的群体这样,人们可以达到更高群体地位途径

    So instead of simply choosing between products, subconsciously we think we are picking life partners and powerful new tribes, and that we can buy our way into higher group status.


  • 人们夸耀他们成就确保他们的地位社会群体认同

    People could be advertising their accomplishments and ensuring their status and acceptance within their social group.


  • 令人担忧食品消费增长趋势弱势群体尤其普遍比如说社会经济地位较低消费者

    Even more worrisome, the increase in food consumption is particularly prevalent among vulnerable populations such as lower socio-economic status consumers.


  • 鉴于这种说法,我们希望成为地位形象良好群体中的正常不过了。

    As our group membership forms our identity, it is only natural for us to want to be part of groups that are both high status and have a positive image.


  • 虽然按照世界银行设定的中产阶级划分标准,中国全部人口预计2030年都成为中产阶级,但中产阶级群体美国总人口占据主导地位

    While China’s entire population is expected to be middle class by World Bank standards in 2030, the middle class population will also dominate the American demographic landscape.


  • Coren教授知道自己他们社会群体中的地位,他狗群中是位高还是位低。

    What dogs do know, said Professor Coren, is their position within their social group, whether they are at the top or the bottom of their pack.


  • 调查没有统计多少夫妇属于这个群体加杰认为他们处于领先地位人,我们预计未来会看到更多这样的夫妇

    The study doesn't measure what proportion of spouses fall into this group, but she believes' they are on the leading edge of couples we expect to see more of in the future. '.


  • 由于它在说唱歌手群体中近乎传奇地位很多hip -hop音乐中都有卡拉克的影子。

    References to Cadillacs abound in hip-hop, owing to the near-mythic status of the brand among rappers.


  • 其结果就是我们目的地改善自己群体其他群体相对形象地位

    As a result we are motivated to improve the image and status of our own group in comparison with others.


  • 这项契约目标人们认识到,需要儿童置于减轻灾难风险中心地位因为儿童灾难性事件受害严重的群体之一。

    The aim of the charter is to raise awareness about the need to put children at the heart of disaster risk reduction as they are among those who suffer most from catastrophic events.


  • 过去十年间直接从美国全球经济主导地位受益的群体渐缩小。

    American global economic leadership has, in the last decade, benefited an ever narrower slice of its people.


  • 全国关键问题仍然是要解决针对脆弱群体通常处于边缘地位的高风险行为人口以及感染了艾滋病病毒的人口的蔑视歧视

    Throughout the country, tackling stigma and discrimination towards vulnerable and often marginalized people engaging in high risk behaviors, and those living with HIV, remains vital.


  • 调查结果归结为五个基本群体成员社交娱乐信息地位交易

    The findings boil down to five basic rewards of group membership: social, entertainment, informational, status, and transactional.


  • 他们文化偏见融入自己的思维,避免认为地位低下群体发生关联。

    They internalize cultural biases and avoid affiliating with groups that are seen as having low status.


  • 妻子那个群体成为地位女子

    His wife has become a woman of some standing in the community.


  • 由于固定职业方向决定群体社会功能职业地位特殊性

    The professional direction of fixed depends on this group, social function and the particularity of the professional status.


  • 现在质疑权势机构检验一下他们失去了什么吧-——失去工作,失去自己学术界或者职业群体地位,失去影响力或者许可证。

    Now examine what they have to lose by questioning the establishment - loss of job, loss of stature in their academic or professional community, loss of influence or loss of license.


  • 老年群体社会人口结构中的特殊部分处于弱势地位需要给予特殊保护。

    As a weak group, the old age group is the special part of social population structures, and need to be protected particularly.


  • 不仅肯定个体主体认识实践活动中的地位而且强调社会群体主体作用。

    It emphasized not only the importance of the individual subject, but also the status of the group subject in the cognitive and practical activities.


  • 晋商这个中国商业历史上占有重要地位商业群体他们做到了我们后人创业树立好的榜样

    Jinshang this business in China occupies an important position in the history of commercial groups, they accomplished, but also for our future generations venture set a good example.


  • 美容患者特殊医疗群体本文心理学角度分析了求美者在求医目的地位判断标准等方面与求医者区别。

    Cosmetic patients is a special group, this article analyzes their purpose? Status and way of judging criterion during the medical procedure from a psychological view.


  • 图书馆社会地位群体形象职业声望呈下滑趋势,证实图书馆服务能力危机确已存在

    The declining of the social status, group images and occupational prestige of the libraries attests the existence of the crisis of the library service capability.


  • 图书馆社会地位群体形象职业声望呈下滑趋势,证实图书馆服务能力危机确已存在

    The declining of the social status, group images and occupational prestige of the libraries attests the existence of the crisis of the library service capability.


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