• 面对这种愚蠢行为林书豪似乎没有球场上失去理智。

    In the face of such foolishness, Lin doesn't seem to lose it on the court. "honestly."


  • 提及的恶性程序能很快发现进入控制世界工业过程计算机组,这说明控制系统面对这种攻击时是多么不堪一击

    The malicious program quickly found its way into computers controlling industrial processes the world over, demonstrating how vulnerable control systems are to such attacks.


  • 人们面对这种怪异场面异常尴尬愿意他们说说话团圆饭变成只是陌生一张桌子吃饭而已

    The old parents feel awkward when facing this weird situation, no one would even like to talk to them, the reunion meal turns out that there is just a bunch of strange people eating at the same table.


  • 面对这种现象我们必须采取一些措施解决否则未来可能会造成巨大损失

    Faced with this phenomenon, we must take some measures to deal with it; otherwise, it will result in great losses in the future.


  • 另一些人则认为人们面对交流容易撒谎因为我们擅长这种交流方式

    Others expected people to lie more in face-to-face exchanges because we are most practiced at that form of communication.


  • 能力很多方面对动物都很有用。

    This ability is useful to animals in lots of ways.


  • 使疫情中国已经基本得到控制,对于许多人来说,面对面的交流仍然不能实现。这种情况下,她认为直播课程可以满足更多中国结爱好者学习这种手工艺的需求。

    As face-to-face interaction is still impractical for many, even as the outbreak has been largely brought under control in China, she thinks livestreaming classes can meet more Chinese knot lovers' needs to learn the handicraft.


  • 面对公众对于银行业强烈反对时,这种行为次公共关系爆炸

    In the face of a huge public backlash against the banking industry, such a move is likely to be politically explosive.


  • 这种医保渠道缺失意味着他们重回家园后还面对健康问题

    That lack of access to medical care means they have to deal with medical problems when they rejoin their family.


  • 我的小时候开始讲述的经历,然后谈谈我的家庭饮食抽烟影响但是我担心这种影响不是特殊的。

    I could start my story from when I was little and talk about my family's influence on me with regard to eating and smoking, but I fear it isn't really unique.


  • 面对这种决心勇气这个国家道德良知开始觉醒,全国范围,我们斗争变成了所有种族正派美国人的斗争和信条

    In the face of this resolution and bravery, the moral conscience of the nation was deeply stirred and, all over the country, our fight became the fight of decent Americans of all RACES and creeds.


  • 到,面对灾难时,这种态度表示为耐心韧性以及自我牺牲精神。 除此之外,还包括死者悼念。

    That response, he says, should include showing patience, resilience and self-sacrifice in the face of tragedy, and memorializing the dead.


  • 事情并非如此一些学生回国后不得不面对一种叫做“颠转文化震撼”的体验,甚至归国这种震撼已经出现

    But this may not be the case; in some student cases there are what they call reverse culture shock. This can happen even before you leave to come home.


  • 面对现实所作出妥协可能打破僵局的,这种妥协建立人均排放量相等原则”的“严格版本”的基础上。

    A realistic compromise that can break the deadlock is possible, based on a less strict version of the per capita emissions equity principle.


  • 这种判断会影响谈判者的行为面对愤怒的谈判对手的时候他们会提出相对低要求作出更多的让步。

    These judgments had an impact on the participants' behavior: they made lower demands and higher concessions with angry opponents than with happy opponents.


  • 当然开始这种面对会议前,准备一些前例以防手下明白、或者确定意思

    Of course, you want to come to this "confrontation" meeting prepared with examples of what you mean in case they doubt what you are saying or are not sure what you mean.


  • 而且这种大脑在面对任何需要深度处理材料很容易变得不耐烦

    Moreover, the "two-minute mind" easily becomes impatient with any material requiring depth of processing.


  • 这种现象我们小时候就鼓励孩子跟随自己兴趣爱好,往往这些孩子的纪律性强,能获得更多知识,有更求知欲面对困难挫折适应能力也会更好。

    This begins at an early age. Kids who are encouraged to follow their passion develop better discipline, deeper knowledge, and are more persevering and more resilient in the face of setbacks.


  • 沃森动身去南极伦敦很少明白这种老式海上战斗多残忍:面对面搏斗、冲撞炮击沉船

    Few people realise, said Watson in London before setting off for the Antarctic, how dirty this old-fashioned sea war can get, with hand-to-hand combat, collisions, bombardments and sinkings.


  • 张图表的曲线明显呈下行趋势,巴马先生希望年后面对选民之前扭转这种趋势。

    In this case it is a strongly downward one, which Mr Obama will want to reverse before he goes before the voters in two years' time.


  • 很多经理人面对这种情形的时候,很简单就认为虚张声势

    Many managers, faced with this situation, will simply call your bluff.


  • 这些日子以来美国人面对危险问题他们能够的事情很少(或者没有),但是这种情况却仍然继续。

    The most dangerous idea Americans face these days is that they can do less (or do nothing) and still get by.


  • 人们消极懈怠状态下可能感受到最大的快乐只有他们全身心面对一项令人心动挑战时才能赢得这种感受。

    People find greatest enjoyment not when they're passively mindless, but when they're absorbed in a mindful challenge.


  • Lerner认为这种行为也许人们试图保护自己面对不可知冷酷无情的悲惨绝望时心灵

    Lerner thought this behavior might be an attempt to protect the psyche of people facing an abysmal, unrelenting amount of misery and despair.


  • Lerner认为这种行为也许人们试图保护自己面对不可知冷酷无情的悲惨绝望时心灵

    Lerner thought this behavior might be an attempt to protect the psyche of people facing an abysmal, unrelenting amount of misery and despair.


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