• 阿巴斯管辖的约旦河西岸地区,可谓伤痕累累

    In his West Bank enclave Mr Abbas is licking his wounds.


  • 布鲁斯·斯蒂芬这个名字就是为了纪念外祖父,本杰明·塞缪尔· 阿巴斯豪斯,我出生的年前过世了。

    Bruce Stephen honored my maternal grandfather, Benjamin Samuel Abeshouse, who had died three years before my birth.


  • 而且某种程度上阿巴斯必须人民接受大多数流亡者不会再回归以色列本土的事实:分割代价

    And at some point, Mr Abbas must admit to his people that most of the refugees will never return to Israel proper: that is the price of partition.


  • 而坐镇西岸阿巴斯先生直到哈马斯激进分子洗劫加沙官邸宣布进入紧急状态

    Mr Abbas, sitting in the West Bank, did not declare a state of emergency until Hamas militants were ransacking his Gaza home.


  • 星期六阿巴斯为首巴勒斯坦领导人宣布他们以色列冻结定居点建设不会重返谈判

    On Saturday, Palestinian leaders led by President Mahmoud Abbas declared they would not return to negotiations until Israel imposed a freeze on settlement construction.


  • 会议前一天以色列巴勒斯坦双方还交换了沙龙阿巴斯演讲稿去除里面的不一致

    The day before the summit the Israeli and Palestinian teams actually exchanged copies of Sharon’s and Abbasspeeches and tried to blur their disagreements.


  • 援引委员会一位发言人阿巴斯·阿里国家电视台网站上话说调查显示超过这些选区登记选民人数。

    A council spokesman, Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei, was quoted on the state TV website as saying the investigation showed more votes had been cast than there were registered voters in these constituencies.


  • 地主依萨·阿巴斯木尔坦附近自家的场院训练跳舞,他寻求业余爱好

    Dancing horses are trained by Faizal Abbas, a feudal landlord who pursues the hobby at his compound near Multan.


  • 一些西方外交官巴勒斯坦官方暗示阿巴斯阿拉伯国家伸出援手之后,悄悄的对外转而采取妥协的态度。

    But some Western diplomats and Palestinian officials hint that Mr Abbas, with a helping hand from Arab states, is quietly poised to climb down.


  • 但是2005年阿巴斯因提出以色列达成协商和平以来这个组织很大程度上没有开展什么活动

    But the group has been largely inactive since 2005, when Mr. Abbas was elected on a platform of reaching a negotiated peace with Israel.


  • 随着建国方案实现的可能性减少,阿巴斯先生承受越来越尖刻口头攻击1993年与以色列领导共同签订《奥斯陆协议》后,就把自己诚信了两方案身上。

    As the prospect of statehood has receded, there have been harsher verbal attacks on Mr Abbas, who has staked his credibility on a two-state deal ever since he co-drafted the Oslo accords in 1993.


  • 阿巴斯已经纽约回到约旦河西岸,他欣喜若狂群众说,“巴勒斯坦春天寻求建国展开了

    Returning to the West Bank from New York, Abbas told jubilant crowds that a "Palestinian Spring" has begun with the bid for statehood.


  • 发言人阿巴斯激进分子布内尔策略着眼于增加平民死亡数字

    Spokesman Abbas said militant tactics in Buner are aimed at increasing civilian deaths.


  • 奥尔默特和阿巴斯和谈和平进程受阻取得了重大进展。

    The Olmert-Abbas talks have gained weight as the peace process falters.


  • 阿巴斯表示哈马斯组织对手对话不可能除非承认巴解组织至高无上的地位。

    Abbas also said dialogue with his rivals in the Islamist movement Hamas was impossible unless they recognise the supremacy of the plo.


  • 乌姆·阿巴斯博士约翰·迈勒斯博士把投放预防性抗逆转录药物疫情模型记录到情况发表《公共科学图书馆医学专刊》(PLoS Medicine's)的姐妹第一公共科学图书馆》(PLoS ONE)上。

    Writing in PLoS Medicine's sister journal, PLoS ONE, Dr Abbas and Dr Mellors describe what happened when they added prophylactic anti-retroviral drugs to the model.


  • 于是按照这个理论阿巴斯先生因为西岸更好生活而获得赞扬与此同时,加沙人的幸福则任由目前孤立的哈马斯摆布

    Thus, runs the theory, Mr Abbas will reap the praise for a better life in the West Bank, while Gazans' well-being will be at the mercy of a now-isolated Hamas.


  • 因此阿巴斯不得不承认巴勒斯坦人没有重返家园权利这些家园1948年以色列建国沦陷的。

    Hence Mr Abbas will have to accept that Palestinians can have no actual right to return to the homes they lost after Israel was created in 1948.


  • 阿巴斯讲话完全期待以色列今年年底之前达成一项和平协议

    In his remarks, Mr. Abbas said he also fully expects to reach a peace agreement with Israel by the end of this year.


  • 阿巴斯1971年菲亚特收购,并成为旗下的赛车部门

    Abarth was bought by Fiat in 1971 to become its racing division.


  • 阿巴斯目前以色列举行会谈但是加沙地带哈马斯领导人哈尼亚告诉群众谈判浪费时间

    Mr. Abbas is holding peace talks with Israel, but the Hamas leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, told the crowd that negotiations are a waste of time.


  • 似乎阿巴斯不得不承认掌控权以及如果和谈他以色列协商中斡旋能力形同虚设了

    Mr Abbas, it seems, has been forced to acknowledge that his authorityand his ability to grapple with the Israelis in negotiations if they had resumed—has been eviscerated.


  • 以色列犯了一个更大的错:阿拉法特后,他没有温和继任者阿巴斯认真地合作

    It followed a bigger blunder: Israel's failure after Yasser Arafat's death to work seriously with his moderate successor, Mahmoud Abbas.


  • 协议上签字的人西蒙·佩雷斯马哈茂德·阿巴斯——广为人知的名字是阿布马齐恩这两人都密切地参与奥斯陆秘密谈判

    The agreement would be signed by Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Mahmoud Abbas, better known as Abu Mazen, both of whom had been intimately involved in the Oslo negotiations.


  • 阿巴斯重申了2003年亚喀巴峰会中的声明,表示巴勒斯坦民族权力机构必要控制所有区域内武装力量

    Abbas reiterated his declaration from the 2003 Aqaba Summit about the need for the PA to have a monopoly on armed force within its territory.


  • 阿拜先生眼中阿巴斯哈马斯袭击事件抨击实已表明民众对的不满情绪攀升。

    In his eyes, the condemnation of Hamas's attacks issued by Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president who has re-embarked on the negotiations, showed how divorced he is from popular sentiment.


  • 作为回应阿巴斯的巴民族权力机构将约旦河西岸放海报中,意说明卡拉·达维教派会议拥护那些极端正统犹太人,并且附加说明:卡拉·达维会见以色列人

    Mr Abbas's PA responded by decking the West Bank in posters showing Mr Qaradawi hugging ultra-orthodox Jews at interfaith meetings, with the caption "Qaradawi meets Israelis".


  • 阿巴斯Mr Abbas)一些批评者已经要求下台他们当中的很多人批评阿巴斯(Mr Abbas)团队公开场合私下里一套。

    Some of Mr Abbas's critics are calling for him to step down; many of them castigate him and his team for saying one thing in public and another in private.


  • 阿巴斯Mr Abbas)一些批评者已经要求下台他们当中的很多人批评阿巴斯(Mr Abbas)团队公开场合私下里一套。

    Some of Mr Abbas's critics are calling for him to step down; many of them castigate him and his team for saying one thing in public and another in private.


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