• 阅读大量资料吗?

    But are you reading a wide span of material?


  • 其次在阅读大量相关文献基础针对二次调节系统设计了控制算法

    Secondly, based on consulting relevant data, this paper designs control algorithms for the secondary regulation system.


  • 另外,汽一直水力机械难点问题阅读大量相关资料的基础上积极参与设计了泥泵汽蚀试验装置。

    In addition, cavitation is a difficult problem in hydraulic machinery. On the basis of a great deal of literature review, the author is also involved in the design of cavitation test facility.


  • 阅读大量文献基础上对结构基于性能的抗震设计理论方法以及不规则结构中存问题进行了探讨。

    The theory and method of performance-based seismic design and the problem when it used in irregular structures were discussed in the text.


  • 阅读大量电子商务相关文献研究基础上,本文总结提出新兴电子商务概念特征以及市场格局的影响

    Based on a large reading of thee-commerce relevant literature, this paper summarized the concepts and characteristics of the advanced e-commerce, and its impact on the market structure.


  • 基于以上背景本文在阅读大量资料基础上,首先明确研究目的意义进而确定研究的范围,之后确定研究方案

    According to this background, I make clear the purpose as well as the meaning before determining the scope of the study and then determine the research programs.


  • 阅读大量相关文献实地走访基础上,本文建立集装箱运输系统服务评价指标体系,较全面的反映了集装箱运输系统服务属性。

    In this study, a series of indicators has been promoted after reading large amount of literature and interviews to make full investigation on the container transport system.


  • 其次,阅读大量文献基础上,总结了目前常见的超宽带阻带产生方法,并且设计了两个具有阻带特性的微带平面单极超宽带天线

    Base on studying large numbers of references, developments of the UWB planar slot antennas have been summarized, then, two planar UWB antennas with dual stopbands have been designed.


  • 本文阅读大量相关资料基础上提出了组织承诺对企业员工离职行为影响理论模型分离出影响过程背景因素概括出影响过程的具体表现

    This text proposes the theoretical model, separates the background factors of influence process, and summarizes the concrete manifestation with the foundation of reading massive correlative materials.


  • 我的学生时代,我每天会做大量的英语阅读

    In my school days, I did a lot of reading in English every day.


  • 长期电脑前工作或者大量阅读人们往往眼睛非常干燥并且觉得眼睛紧张疲劳

    People who work on computers or do a lot of reading are likely to dry out the eyes and experience strain and tiredness.


  • 并未浪费狱中的这些年:用来进行了大量阅读思考,”艾勒锡耶娃女士评论道

    "He has not wasted those years in prison: he has read and thought a great deal," comments Ms Alexeyeva.


  • 我们位客户Swing应用程序使用MaintainJ其中带有大量事件驱动逻辑,仅仅通过阅读源代码很难理解那些逻辑。

    One of our clients uses MaintainJ on a Swing application with a lot of event driven logic, which would be very difficult to understand by plain code reading.


  • 第二需要大量阅读工作岗位中表现优异一类人(其中包括纽约作者FredShapiro一位医学杂志编辑)。

    The second group were demonstrably successful at jobs "that required a great deal of reading." (They included a New Yorker writer named Fred Shapiro and the editor of a medical journal.)


  • 既然几年前就第一次阅读到了这些问题,所以我已经大量消减了所使用产品——去掉了一些像是香水指甲油睫毛钟爱的润肤霜

    Since I first read about such issues a few years ago, I've drastically cut back on the products I use - eliminating things like perfume, nail polish, mascara, and fancy skin creams.


  • 开始改变习惯以及改变习惯的同时,发现大量阅读非常重要的。

    With every habit change, I find it important to read as much as possible about it, before and during.


  • WPF包括大量丰富排版的支持将显著改进文字屏幕上的显示,极大地改进数字文字阅读体验

    WPF includes a tremendous amount of rich typographical support that dramatically improves how text is rendered to the screen, and significantly improves the digital text reading experience.


  • 所有文章直接送到RSS阅读,为节省浏览大量网站的时间。

    The new posts then come straight to your RSS reader - saving you checking lots of different websites.


  • 的时候,我对天文学相当兴趣,并且花费了大量的时间徘徊于天文台阅读关于门科学(通过望远镜观察)。

    When I was younger, I was quite interested in astronomy, and spent a fair bit of time hanging around observatories and reading about the science (as well as looking through telescopes).


  • 开始改变习惯以及改变习惯的同时,发现大量阅读非常重要的。

    Not doing your reading.With every habit change, I find it important to read as much as possible about it, before and during.


  • 因此用户可以一个页面中同时阅读篇文章概要内容,并且构建大量页面会使服务带宽不够虽然用户并不会同时访问所有的页面。

    So, the user can read several article synopsis items on one page, and the server bandwidth is spared from building huge pages even if the user doesn't read it all.


  • 算是少年时期,没有任何外界刺激情况之下,仍然想成为名作家并且,我也实实的把自己的注意力转向了大量阅读少年读物。

    Even as a child, without any prompting from others, I wanted to be a writer and, indeed, I turned out a good deal of the usual juvenilia.


  • 计划是Google许多业界领先研究图书馆共同合作产物使读者能够互联网搜索到大量书籍并且能够免费阅读

    This collaborative effort between Google and several of the world's leading research libraries aims to make many thousands of books available to be searched and read online free of charge.


  • 由于二十多年轻人花费了大量的时间电子设备上,他们屏幕上的阅读速度是否会更加快速?

    Would people in their 20s read faster on a screen than a book since they've spent a majority of their lives consuming digital content?


  • 暑假妈妈大量阅读

    My mother made me do a lot of reading in the summer holidays.


  • 源代码控制浏览器阅读大量代码(一个三角洲历史),编译器选项这样环境不是明显

    I read a lot of code in a source control viewer (looking a delta's and history), compiler options are not very obvious in environments like these.


  • 源代码控制浏览器阅读大量代码(一个三角洲历史),编译器选项这样环境不是明显

    I read a lot of code in a source control viewer (looking a delta's and history), compiler options are not very obvious in environments like these.


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