• 住房家庭问题似乎问题核心

    A housing or family matter appears to be at the heart of the problem.


  • 相比之下,选择制造地点时经常被忽视质量问题往往创造支持竞争优势核心

    In contrast, qualitative issues, which are frequently neglected in choosing manufacturing site locations, are often central to creating and supporting a competitive advantage.


  • 话说,选择社交媒体分享新闻行为可能这个问题核心

    In other words, the choice to share news on social media may be the heart of the issue.


  • 话说,社交媒体分享新闻时选择可能这个问题核心

    In other words the choice to share news on social media may be the heart of the issue.


  • 也是第四冲突持续因素。但是不是只有巴以双方独自解决这些核心问题

    Butand this is the fourth thing that keeps the battle alive—the two sides are seldom left alone to tackle these core issues.


  • 不过这个目标是否能够达到令人怀疑因为除了定居点之外,巴勒斯坦难民耶路撒冷地位核心问题上仍然存很大差距

    But that goal is in doubt because in addition to the settlements, gaps are wide on core issues like Palestinian refugees and the status of Jerusalem.


  • 第一就是双方核心问题的分歧,差距非常

    The first is the gap, no less wide for being so familiar, on the core issues.


  • 中巴关系基础涉及各自核心利益问题始终相互理解、相互信任、相互支持

    The consistent mutual understanding, trust and support between the two countries on the issues concerning each other's core interest are the basis for China-Pakistan relations.


  • 上海证券报》的报道称,11月18日~ 24日期间奥迪a6l一共收到27投诉主要集中变速箱油泵车头灯机油不足以及其它核心问题上。

    Shanghai Securities News reported that the Audi A6L had a total of 27 complaint cases during the period with focus on the gearbox, pumps, headlights, insufficient engine oil and other core problems.


  • 如此引人如胜的电影中井对重大问题不同角度进行探讨的一个核心主题玩偶

    In this absorbing movie, a central motif that allowed Oshii to present different perspectives on these weighty matters is the doll.


  • 同样问题——交易何种情况下属于“真实出售”——也是安然欺诈案诸多问题核心

    The same question of when a transaction was a "true sale" was at the core of much of the Enron fraud.


  • 正如大家所意识到的,社会化网络广告为核心商业模式设法赢利面临根本问题缺乏信任

    As most now realize, the fundamental problem that social networks face when trying to monetize through an advertising-driven business model is the lack of trust.


  • 今天我们解决核心问题方向迈出大步,力争缩短需要应该获得治疗精神障碍患者实际接受治疗的患者人数之间差距

    Today, we are moving a big step closer to addressing a central problem: the gap between the number of people with mental disorders who need, and deserve, treatment, and those who actually receive it.


  • 如果我们回到核心问题就是架构师应该实现什么,那么可以理解什么业务价值以及我们向客户交付的价值何处

    If we get back to the core of what an architect has to deliver, it's understanding what is the business's value, where are we delivering value to my customers?


  • 匹配补救分析中,利用实体完整性分析输出用于特定字段频率分布得出解决核心问题

    In Match Remediation Analysis, the analyst takes the outputs from the Entity Integrity Analysis as well as frequency distributions for specific fields and develops a core list of issues to address.


  • V3增加了所有核心数据类型数字签名支持处理数据集成可靠性问题,这个功能以前UDDI中是没有的。

    V3 adds support for digital signing of all core data types to address issues of data integrity and authenticity not previously available in UDDI.


  • 双方涉及各自核心利益重大问题相互理解支持

    Both sides have also shown mutual understanding and support on major issues concerning each other's core interests.


  • 道德我们生活中极为核心,我们大部分探讨的,一个深入问题,就是问题,恶与善

    Morality is extremely central to our lives, and a deep question, which we will struggle with throughout most of the course, is the question of good and evil, evil and good.


  • 由于这种同步使用核心JLS服务时,必须谨慎执行避免GC抢占NHRT问题(参见NHRTrt线程之间争用)。

    Because of this synchronization, when using core JLS services, you must exercise care to avoid the problem of NHRT preemption by GC (see Lock contention between NHRTs and RT threads).


  • 我们凭着共同关注核心问题达成的共识一个坚实的基础上开始这次会议

    We start this meeting on a firm footing with agreement on our core mutual concerns.


  • 另外,实体行为服务视图中,会导致实体的核心逻辑分散应用程序中的许多地方,导致维护问题

    And putting entities' behavior in services or the view layer scatters the entities' core logic throughout the application, causing maintenance problems.


  • 答:涉及彼此核心利益问题坚定相互支持中俄战略协作伙伴关系重要内容

    A: It is an important part of China-Russia strategic partnership of coordination to show firm support to each other on issues of core interest.


  • 加强各级对话磋商涉及各自核心利益重大问题继续相互坚定支持

    He urged both sides to strengthen dialogue and consultations at all levels and continue to support each other on major issues concerning their respective core interests.


  • 建议第一阶段,可以先处理领土安全问题;然后第二阶段,再来讨论方冲突中“最让人纠结的、最容易动怒的”两个核心问题-耶路撒冷地位和难民的命运。

    Tackle territory and security first, he proposed, leaving the other two "wrenching and emotional" core issues of conflict-jerusalem and refugees-for a subsequent stage.


  • 尽管接下来可能上百问题,但是考虑开始核心问题只有三个

    Although there are hundreds of additional questions that will follow, these three core questions should be asked when considering where to start.


  • 这些问题就是PalinNashville演讲以及Fox访问核心

    These questions were the essence of Palin's Nashville speech and Fox interview.


  • 进行了一段时间对话会离场寻求更多让步而且他们核心问题从未取得任何真正进展

    'It talks for a while and then leaves the talks seeking further concessions, and there's never actually any progress on the core issues.'


  • 这些问题答案可以一个基于JPA且与运行语言无关的Web客户端Web服务而不违反核心REST原则服务器应用程序环境找到

    Answers to these questions can be found within the context of a JPA-based server application catering to language-neutral web clients or web services without violating the core REST principles.


  • 阅读完本文之后,应该熟悉ApplicationServer通过Web服务接口实现访问有状态资源核心问题任务

    After reading this article, you should be familiar with the core issues and tasks for implementing and accessing stateful resources through a Web services interface within Application Server.


  • 阅读完本文之后,应该熟悉ApplicationServer通过Web服务接口实现访问有状态资源核心问题任务

    After reading this article, you should be familiar with the core issues and tasks for implementing and accessing stateful resources through a Web services interface within Application Server.


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