• 似乎自然选择一个群体中发挥作用完美机会。”伊拉尔多博士

    "It seemed like the perfect chance for natural selection to act on a population," said Dr. Ilardo.


  • 于她们学校的时间越来越少,找到好工作的机会也越来越少,而且一些重要的事情上,比如和谁结婚,她们往往没有选择

    As they spend less time at school, they have fewer chances of getting good jobs, and they often have no choices on important matters, like who to marry.


  • 通过查询中设置更多谓词提供详细搜索条件时,优化器机会作出更好选择

    When you provide more detailed search conditions by having more predicates in a query, the optimizer has a chance to make better choices.


  • 印度人和中国人一度为了美国立足情愿忍受任何屈辱,而如今他们本国也有越来越选择机会了。

    Indians and Chinese were once willing to put up with any humiliation for a chance of a career in the United States. Now they have more and more choices back home.


  • 首先,我们不能选择抽取的对象,如果我们有选择的话我将承认但我并没有这个机会.如果我们真的选到了它们,我们将不能上次差.我们只能做的更好.

    If we do get them, we cannot do worse than we did in the championship. We can only do better.


  • 决定了他们的前进的选择机会,因为,全世界范围内,富人们制定社会规范

    And this determines their choices and the chance of progress.Across the world, social norms have been constructed by the rich.


  • 决定了他们前进选择机会,因为,全世界范围内,富人们制定社会规范

    And this determines their choices and the chance of progress. Across the world, social norms have been constructed by the rich.


  • 今天这种极其显著平均化——每个生存机会子女数量相同——意味着,与部落比较自然选择印度中上阶层已经失去了80%的效力。

    The grand mediocrity of today - everyone being the same in survival and number of offspring - means that natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper middle class India compared to the tribes.


  • 我们评估通过并购中国扩张机会收购时代零售将可能选择之一,”乐天百货的一位发言人表示

    "We are reviewing opportunities to expand in China through mergers and acquisitions and buying Times could be one of the options," said a Lotte spokesman.


  • 我们常常被要求件同样好的产品之间做出明显毫无意义选择而没有意识到,正是因为我们选择的机会它们才是产品。

    We are often offered an apparently pointless choice between two equally good products, not appreciating that they are only good because we have been offered the choice.


  • 美国人仍然认为自己国家机会良多很多人相信只要努力工作而且选择正确他们最终起来的。

    Americans still see their country as a land of opportunity, and many believe that if they work hard and make the right decisions, they can end up rich.


  • 鼓掌拒绝那些人民工作机会安全保障中做选择想法

    (Applause.) I reject the idea that we need to ask people to choose between their jobs andtheir safety.


  • 理论上女性选择配偶时男性挑剔因为她们根本没有使自己的基因传递下去机会,”拉斯-亨内曼

    "In theory, women should be more choosy than men in mating decisions because they don't have the opportunity to reproduce as much," says Lass-Hennemann.


  • 竞争激烈就业市场上雇主们拥有众多选择微小的失礼也可能毁掉机会

    In a competitive job market, employers have the luxury of choice, and even a minor faux pas can hurt your chances.


  • 自然来说留给我自己冲突如果一家餐馆里,选择的机会我会选择最好的。

    And this for me is a sort of conflict and I naturally, left to myself. If I were at a restaurant, given a choice, I would choose the very best.


  • 捷蓝航空之所以选择GDS展开全面合作的其中一个原因,是因为航空公司可以由此获得某些市场涉足高收入商务旅游业务的机会

    One reason JetBlue opted to go full-throttle in the GDSs is that it gives the airline the opportunity to tap into the high-yielding corporate-travel business in certain markets.


  • 今天这种极其显著平均化——每个人的生存机会子女数量相同——意味着部落比较自然选择印度中上层已经失去了80%作用。

    The grand mediocrity of today everyone being the same in survival and number of offspring means that natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper-middle-class India compared to the tribes.


  • 尼克尔斯女士公司工作经历,让获得了宝贵培训机会工作经验;如果当初选择毕业就立即自立门户,她可能永远也没有机会获得这些体验。

    By working for a large company, she says she received invaluable training and experience that she might never have obtained if she tried to strking out on her own right after college.


  • 完全取决于选择,和你如何看待困境的心态。把每件事看做学习机会能让生活更加愉悦,特别是深陷困境的时候

    It all depends on perspective; on how you see the situation. Viewing everything as a learning experience makes life more pleasurable, even during the hard times.


  • 纽约(美国有线电视新闻网)- - -IBM北美地区下岗雇员机会选择:要么加入不断增长失业大军中;要么到公司海外工作

    NEW YORK (CNN) — IBM employees being laid off in North America now have an alternative to joining the growing ranks of the unemployed - work for the company abroad.


  • 看起来两点不好:第一成熟市场商家没有机会,只能选择主要信用卡

    That looks sinister on two counts. First, in mature markets merchants may have little choice but to take the main credit cards.


  • 个让年轻成员拥有职业选择机会社会里这样一个职业领域中出现竞争异常激烈的状况,难道件奇怪的事情吗?

    Is it any wonder that such a field would be highly competitive in a society that affords its young members a choice of vocation?


  • 完全能够理解当时选择曼联,离开热刺的做法,而且曼联也好的机会

    But I completely understood that he had a fantastic opportunity (at United) and he wanted to take it.


  • 年里尝试过九项体育项目最后选择自行车最终以微弱的差距失去了入选美国国家队机会

    She tried nine sports over two years, settled on cycling, but fell just short in her quest to make the United States team.


  • 许多商学院教授都放弃了收入不菲私营部门工作机会,而选择薪酬较低的研究院工作甚至更长时间

    Many business school professors leave lucrative private-sector positions behind to spend five years or more in graduate school, only to be followed by starting lower-paying academic jobs.


  • 调查,86%孩子选择户外玩耍而不是电脑游戏,72%的孩子希望获得更多户外活动机会

    Playing outside instead of on the computer was picked by 86% of children in a poll and 72% said they wish they got the chance more often.


  • 输出可以看到如何列出新闻,如何提供输入机会,如何帮助听者选择接下来的操作。

    You can see from the output how stories are listed, how the opportunity is provided for input, and how help is given to the listeners so they know what to do.


  • 内布拉斯加州以外共和党政客们污蔑说,决定无非就是创造就业机会愚蠢环境监管之间一个简单选择而已。

    Republican politicians outside Nebraska are framing the decision as a simple choice between job creation and mindless environmental regulation.


  • 内布拉斯加州以外共和党政客们污蔑说,决定无非就是创造就业机会愚蠢环境监管之间一个简单选择而已。

    Republican politicians outside Nebraska are framing the decision as a simple choice between job creation and mindless environmental regulation.


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