• 活动影像表现仿佛某地进行动作观众带来现时的真切感受

    The living image performs the actions that, as if, is carrying on some time and somewhere, bringing the present feelings to audience.


  • 老挝讨价还价简单动作轻声细语地进行平静且平和。

    In Laos bargaining is done in soft voices and easy moves with the sort of quiet peacefulness.


  • 皇室继承人威尔士亲王进行几个简单动作丢掉了的“能量”,这令他忍俊不禁

    The heir to the throne dropped his "energy ball" while performing simple moves that had the royal in stitches.


  • 11所示的节点编辑器在进行节点重命名动作时的外观

    Figure 11 shows what the tree node editor looked like, for the node rename action.


  • 一点非常重要,因为状态中,实际一个状态中并不进行任何动作,而仅仅是等待转移一个状态信号随后发生状态转移。

    This is important because in a state machine you actually are not doing anything in a state, you are simply waiting to be told to pick up your gear and go to the next state.


  • gui脚本记录用户界面动作进行回放时,就一个用户操作应用登陆控制程序的窗口

    GUI scripts record your user-interface actions and, when played back, launch and control Windows as if a user were manipulating the application.


  • 有些影评人反对,有人将该片索尼1993年发行阿诺·施瓦辛格主演的转型失败动作电影“幻影英雄进行比较,好莱坞沸扬一时。

    Some critics rebelled - and Variety caused ripples in Hollywood by comparing the film to Arnold Schwarzenegger's failed turn in the action movie sendup "Last action Hero," released by Sony in 1993.


  • 实验为期三周2010年初佐治亚州本宁实验室进行

    The three-week experiment will take place in early 2010 at the Fort Benning, Ga., Maneuver Battle Lab.


  • 集成不是项目尾声进行动作”。

    Integration is not one "big bang" at the end of a project.


  • 中央银行的官员他们稳定价格保持持续经济增长必要时”进行动作

    The central bankers said they would act "as needed to foster price stability and sustainable economic growth".


  • 欧洲中央银行ECB动作最快进行几次时间表外微调动作

    The European Central Bank (ECB) was quickest to respond, with the first of a series of unscheduled “fine-tuningoperations.


  • 拍摄《古墓丽影》时,亲身完成众多特技动作进行高强度的健身训练

    She went through an intensive training regime for her role as Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider movies to ensure she could perform her own stunts.


  • 但是如果自己土地亚马逊偏远的地区,没有多少耕作潜力,“我会接受那个报价进行动作。”

    But, he said, if his land was in a more remote part of the Amazon, with less farming potential, "I'd take that offer and run with it."


  • PenguSpy上浏览时,(你会发现)游戏进行动作冒险类,解谜类,音乐类,竞赛类的游戏类型划分。

    When you browse through PenguSpy, it has categorized games into categories such as action, adventure, puzzle, music, racing etc.


  • JSF规范解释了接收一个动作之后页面如何恢复(restored)”的,此期间时间事件进行排队选择注册

    The JSF specification explains how pages are "restored" after receiving an action, during which time events are queued and selections registered.


  • NMR内部建立联系中心概念就是拦截器(Interceptor)。 拦截器代码段代码消息经过NMR进行消息交换将其拦截下来这个 消息做一番动作

    The central concept of hooking into the NMR is the Interceptor, which is a piece of code that intercepts message exchanges as they go through the NMR and operates on them in some way.


  • 美国研究人员于上周四称,如果宝宝14个月时会用很多动作进行交流,那么到了上学时候他们掌握的词汇喜欢用动作交流的宝宝多。

    Gestures to communicate when they are 14 months-old have much larger vocabularies when they start school than those who don't, US researchers said on Thursday.


  • 据英国《卫报》报道,18进行世界体操锦标赛女子自由体操比赛中,19岁的哥伦比亚选手希尔·奥尔蒂斯动作失误,以头部着地的姿势重摔地。

    Nineteen-year-old Colombian gymnast Jessica Gil Ortiz landed on her head Sunday when she was attempting to finish off her floor exercise at the World Gymnastics Championships, the Guardian said.


  • 需要传递参数动作上,额外的request - parameter com . ibm . portal .propertybroker .action需要调用动作进行定义

    On the action where the parameter needs to be passed, an additional request-parameter com.ibm.portal.propertybroker.action needs to be defined for the action to be invoked.


  • 那些经历严重事故的人描述事故发生的过程中,一切都动作的形式进行

    Those who have been in a serious accident often report that, as it occurred, everything happened in slow motion.


  • 对于这个方法一些优势我们批处理动作意图存储事件存储器中。流程控制器自动进行回滚类似的操作。

    There are some advantages to this approach: we store the intent of the bulk action in the event store. The saga automates rollback or equivalent.


  • 凭借堪称完美的控球技术,济科几乎可以球场进行任何想像得到的动作

    With the ball seemingly attached to his feet, he could perform any move imaginable on the football field.


  • 索尔石怪劫掠者(30/60):使用坑道挖掘,生物可以任何攻击动作时穿越的生物进行次近战攻击。

    Xorn Ravager (30/60): When using Undermine, this creature can make an attack against any enemy whose space it enters during the movement allowed during this attack action.


  • 尤其是比赛进行到第2节时,穆托姆博给了诺维茨基一个盖帽,促使球迷作出了一个他的标志性动作——摇手指

    The 7-2 veteran then turned toward the fans and did his trademark finger wag.


  • 对话选项允许魔兽世界里各种方式进行谈话,你的角色动作反应表达这些细微差异

    The chat options allow for a greater range of HOW you speak in WoW. You character's actions and reactions help convey every nuance of what you say.


  • 出发,维持水中的深度水中进行旋转动作

    Push off wall, maintaining depth, and move in a rotating motion.


  • 美国研究人员上周四称,如果宝宝14个月时会很多动作进行交流那么到了上学的时候他们掌握的词汇喜欢用动作交流的宝宝

    Babies who use many gestures to communicate when they are 14 months-old have much larger vocabularies when they start school than those who don't, us researchers said on Thursday.


  • 这种马拉松式游泳一般湖泊海洋进行需要突然发力和转身而且上半身动作腿部关键

    There are no flip turns to negotiate in marathon swimming, which is usually held in lakes and oceans, and the upper body is more important than the legs.


  • 这种马拉松式游泳一般湖泊海洋进行需要突然发力和转身而且上半身动作腿部关键

    There are no flip turns to negotiate in marathon swimming, which is usually held in lakes and oceans, and the upper body is more important than the legs.


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