• 最后一分钟费尔南多·普拉斯对莱昂纳多·莫拉犯规了

    At the last minute, Fernando Prass committed penalty in Leonardo Moura.


  • 哈尔贾对于转会感到非常高兴,接受国际米兰官方网站采访的时候,他说道:“对我来说来到这里一种荣耀,我将世界冠军们以及莱昂纳多一起工作。”

    Kharja is glad to have made the switch and has been quoted by Inter's official website as saying: "it's an honour and a pleasure for me to be here with the world champions and with Leonardo."


  • 侯赛因·哈尔贾很期盼莱昂纳多一起共事,希望能够巴西人的指导获得成长

    Houssine Kharja is looking forward to working with Inter coach Leonardo and hopes he can develop as a player under the Brazilian.


  • 电影黑白画面、现实回忆,以及真实谎言见不断闪,主角莱昂纳多不知信任……,当然观众云来雾去。

    We alternate between black-and-white and color, forward movement and back, truth and lies. Leonard doesn't know whom to trust ... and neither do we.


  • 电话采访中,导演伊斯特伍德说:“莱昂纳多可以通过机械地接拍同类型片子赚大钱接受新的挑战。”

    "Leonardo could make a lot of money making mechanical genre pictures, but he wants to be challenged," Mr. Eastwood said by telephone.


  • 凯特萨姆于2003年5加勒比海地区秘密结婚,但于今年3月“协议离婚”。莱昂纳多认为好莱坞两人婚姻破裂导火索。

    Kate and Sam - who married in secret in the Caribbean in May 2003 - split in March by "mutual agreement" and Leonardo thinks Hollywood was responsible for the death of their marriage.


  • 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥()柯克·卡梅隆一代经典美剧《成长烦恼》中的剧照。

    Leonardo DiCaprio, left, with Kirk Cameron on "Growing Pains."


  • 这部卖座大片中,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥爱伦•佩基可以梦境中漫步,那里,凭借意志力,他们能够使街道立起来,能墙上行走,也可以摧毁咖啡屋

    In the blockbuster film, Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen Page stroll through a dreamworld where they are able to bend streets into the sky, walk up wall and destroy a cafe by the force of will.


  • 莱昂纳多·达芬奇所画只貂,主人轻松的怀里,安静地歇息着,虽然保持高度的警惕。

    And now look at Leonardo da Vinci's ermine, resting quietly, although still very much alert, in the loose grip of his mistress.


  • 虽然科学家不能莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥梦空间》中扮演的角色那样大脑中“偷盗连贯思想但是他们利用技术抓取大脑看到影像

    Scientists can't "steal" coherent thoughts from the brain like Leonardo DiCaprio's character does in Inception, but they can use technology to nab the images your mind sees.


  • 安东尼奥·卡萨诺比赛尾声阶段点球帮助红衣军团将历史上第154联赛米兰德比胜利收入囊中,一切对于莱昂纳多而言是那么的苦涩。

    A late Antonio Cassano penalty sealed off a memorable 154th Serie A derby win for the Rossoneri, but it's one Leonardo wants to forget quickly.


  • 莱昂纳多·达芬奇工作室内一张床,资助人指责浪费时间如果休息,就得不到我工作。’

    Leonardo Da Vinci had a bed in his studio and when patrons accused him of wasting time, he said 'If I don't do this, you don't get the work.'


  • 国际米兰vs那不勒斯首战告捷莱昂纳多喜出望外首演击败国际米兰主教练梅阿查3 - 1那不勒斯他的身边。

    Leonardo was overjoyed with his debut win as Inter coach after his side beat Napoli 3-1 at the Giuseppe Meazza.


  • 莱昂纳多保持着前进动力做到角色情感心理上的真实化表演无论如何丑陋幼稚或是令人费解

    Leonardo maintaining forward momentum, he did the role of authenticity, emotional and psychological performance, whether it is how ugly, naive, or puzzling.


  • 莱昂纳多·达芬奇巨幅杰作维斯汉姆老鹰草甸(Eagles Meadow )购物中心展出

    The giant version of the Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece has gone on display at the Eagles Meadow shopping centre in Wrexham.


  • 莱昂纳多认为贝克·汉姆可以球队争夺1994年来第一法甲桂冠的过程中提供很大帮助。

    Leonardo, however, claimed Beckham could provide a key part in their push for a first French title since 1994.


  • 刺客信条系列里面做为文艺复兴时期背景自然很多神秘人物出现当然不得不说说莱昂纳多

    In "Assassins Creed" series of the second generation which, as the background of the Renaissance, there are many mysterious figure appears naturally. Of course have to talk about Leonardo.


  • 主教练莱昂纳多看来,米兰陷入了大麻烦必须找到增强力量的方法,战术上阵型做出改变

    According to coach Leonardo, this Milan side is in great difficulty and must find the strength to change, to correct specific characteristics and transform them in new strengths.


  • 米兰·内洛举行对阵亚特兰大赛前新闻发布会上莱昂纳多到了现微妙时刻以及球队如何面对对手

    Ahead of the match against Atalanta, Leonardo gave a press conference at Milanello and spoke about the delicate moment and how the team should go on the pitch to face their opponents.


  • 同时莱昂纳多也把协调团队工作做得出色更衣室里我们明白他的意图。

    Also Leonardo is doing a very good job with the group: in the dressing room he makes us understand.


  • 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥最终《荒野猎人》中饰演休·格拉斯获得第一个奥斯卡小金人周日晚上一番领奖词提到了气候变化传递了满满的正能量。

    Leonardo DiCaprio finally won his first Oscar for his portrayal of Hugh Glass in The Revenant, and he delivered a powerful message about climate change while accepting his award on Sunday night.


  • 一周自己训练很刻苦这让莱昂纳多选择时犯了难:来到这里就是打出自己的水平,帮助队友的。

    During the week I train with effort to try and put Leonardo in difficulty: I'm here to play my CARDS and help my team-mates.


  • 德比战赛前新闻发布会上莱昂纳多明天的德比定义不同寻常”,还谈到穆里尼奥的关系以及球队具有的特点。

    Coach Leonardo during the press conference at Milanello spoke about tomorrow's clash against Inter, defining it as' extraordinary ', his rapport with Mourinho and the qualities his team possess.


  • 罗纳尔多女友玛利亚。贝阿特丽兹一同乘车离开机场法国这些天都着罗纳尔多,车离开的还有莱昂纳多

    Then Ronaldo left the airport on a car together with his girlfriend Maria Beatriz, who was with him these days in France, and with Milan's manager Leonardo.


  • 罗纳尔多女友玛利亚。贝阿特丽兹一同乘车离开机场法国这些天都着罗纳尔多,车离开的还有莱昂纳多

    Then Ronaldo left the airport on a car together with his girlfriend Maria Beatriz, who was with him these days in France, and with Milan's manager Leonardo.


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