• 英国历史上在职时间最长财政大臣毫无疑问是个人物。

    The longest-serving chancellor in modern British history is undeniably a man of substance.


  • 计划三个职位轮换构成,每个职位的在职时间个月,其工作地点也可能不尽相同

    The program consists of three rotations that include different locations and assignments with durations of 8 months.


  • 沙克斯女士建议在职父母尤其是母亲应定期自己腾出时间减压这样才会使他们精神上更加贴近家庭

    Ms Sachs suggested that working parents, particularly mothers, regularly carve out time for themselves to reduce stress levels which would allow them to be more mentally present for their families.


  • 现在受过良好教育以及自己的生育力有更好控制女性在职打拼,结了夫妻更多,更多的闲暇时间以及更长寿生命一起度过

    Women, now better educated and with greater control over their fertility, are in the marketplace, too, and married couples have more money, more leisure time and longer lives to spend together.


  • 着手创业最佳时间就是在职期间。

    The best time to start being self-employed is when you're already employed.


  • 在职人数就业人数时间传统的经济衰退更久,传统上它们会随衰退结束在其后不久底。

    Payrolls and employment have already taken longer to bottom than in traditional recessions, when they bottomed at or shortly after recession's end.


  • 传统模式下,人们为了尽可能完成任务生涯上取得成功时间工作

    In the traditional model, people worked long hours to accomplish as much as possible and get ahead in their careers.


  • 觉得时间觉得豪斯之间有某种关系,她保护喜欢他,就算他们之间有某种化学反应,她也能这种关系保持范围之内。

    Edelstein: I think that for a long time she felt connected to House and protected him and admired him, and was able to keep it at a professional level, even though I think they always had chemistry.


  • 有人业生涯中期或晚期工作人士没有时间享受更高的学位带来的益处。

    Some people say workers in midcareeror later won't have time to recoup the cost of an advanced degree.


  • 传递的积极信息50岁以上多数希望他们在职时间长于他们所认为的规定年限。

    The positive message is that most people over the age of 50 would like to stay in the workforce longer than they thought they would be allowed.


  • 由于人们全职工作兼职工作全国所有在职人口工作时间持续减少

    The number of hours worked across the population continued to fall as people shifted from full-time to part-time jobs.


  • 毕马威(KPMG)英国公司已经引入了时间编码,用来计算员工事务方面耗费时间

    KPMG's British firm has introduced time codes so that employees can account for how long they spend dealing with staff matters.


  • 过去首席执行官年龄往往大的原因之一,多数人生涯的大多数时间都呆同一家公司然后逐渐升至高管职位。

    One reason that chief executives used to be older is that more stayed at the same company for most of their careers and gradually worked their way up.


  • 现在开始通过计算老板工作时间,以确定现阶段具体的、合理可以达到的目标目标有利于帮业上更近一步。

    Make your time count now by working with your boss to set specific, reasonable and attainable goals for your present position that will help you advance to the next level.


  • 保证在职场上的讲话都经过深思熟虑的,同时花点时间关注自己的外形,比如头发指甲牙齿以及个人卫生。

    Be sure your professional presentation is polished and that you give proper attention to your hair, nails, teeth, and general hygiene.


  • 布莱尔在职大多数时间受人欢迎。

    For most of his time in office Mr Blair was a popular leader.


  • 然而很多担心工作时间加长不是将视为一个机会不仅仅因为他们在职更久。

    Yet too many people see longer working lives as a worry rather than an opportunity—and not just because they are going to be chained to their desks.


  • 如果件事可以来,希望大学时候时间考研吧,因为那样学到更多知识在职场里受欢迎

    If there is one thing over again, I hope that the university was only able to spend some time Kaoyan it, because that can learn more knowledge in the workplace, where more popular.


  • 因为有研究表明在职父母多花些时间陪伴他们新生儿孩子以及整个家庭有益

    Studies show that when working parents take time to be with their newborns, outcomes are better for the children and families.


  • 以上这些情况解释了为什么时间对于妈妈们,特别是在职妈妈们显得如此稀缺

    All of this helps explain why time for mothers, and especially working mothers, always feels scarce.


  • 大学毕业就职于IBM,并取得了杜克大学(Duke University)的在职MBA学位(库克也持有该学位,但人的就读时间互不重叠)。

    After college, he worked at IBM (IBM) and picked up an MBA from the same Duke University evening program as Cook. (The two didn't overlap.)


  • 每个阶段课程平均12个月根据在职医生之前的培训当即的培训效果时间

    Each tier will take on average 12months to pass but fellows may take longer or shorter time depending ontheir previous training and programs.


  • 随着时间的推移得到更快不是五分钟在职专业人士甚至

    With time you'll get faster, but this is not five-minute job even for professionals.


  • 研究发现在职妈妈女孩子上学时间更长,并且有可能找到监督角色工作的薪水更多

    The study found daughters of working mothers went to school longer, were more likely to have a job in a supervisory role, and earned more money.


  • 至于爸爸们,那些大学文凭并且在职的爸爸们陪孩子时间远远多于从前学历不高的爸爸们要了105%。

    As for fathers, those with a job and a college degree spend far more time with their children than fathers ever used to, and 105% more time than their less-educated male peers.


  • 业方面他们不得不花费大量的时间经历

    People have to devote more time and energy to their careers .


  • 为了提高自身管理知识利用业余时间完成安徵省党校在职经营管理专业的学习

    In order to raise my management knowledge, I made use of my spare time and finished ecnomic management major in Anhui Party School.


  • 为了提高自身管理知识利用业余时间完成安徵省党校在职经营管理专业的学习

    In order to raise my management knowledge, I made use of my spare time and finished ecnomic management major in Anhui Party School.


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