• 然而美国的人们将会错过这次月全食,因为那时正是白天

    However, those in the US will miss out as the eclipse will occur during daylight hours.


  • 更何况,从掌握的信息看,疾病防控中心公共健康专家们没有建议美国人们采取防范措施

    Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and public health experts do not recommend that people in the United States take precautionary measures beyond staying informed.


  • 美国能够做出影响人们生活重大决定的人往往法官不是政治家

    In America, it is often the judges, rather than the politicians who make the big decision that will effect people's life.


  • 一项研究中,来自美国和丹麦的科学家表示,世界各地的人们每月使用1290亿个口罩。

    In a study, scientists from the US and Denmark said that people around the world are now using 129 billion face masks every month.


  • 只有美国病人只有径直药房后面才能拿到处方然而健康人们却可以前台买到香烟

    Only in America...... do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.


  • 由于预期寿命持续增长——发达国家的人们领取的养老金随时间一点点增加——美国英国计划不够

    a yeareven the American and British plans are inadequate.


  • 据悉,这项研究由美国国家航空宇宙航行局和美国宾夕法尼亚大学研究团队发出的警告还是着实让一些渴望外星人变朋友的人们感到失望,两个部门近日起草一份名为:《与外星生物联系的利弊》中详尽勾勒出了倘若有机会与外星人“面对面”后的益处、客观效应还有弊端。

    The report, a joint effort between Nasa and Pennsylvania State University, answered the question 'Would Contact With Extraterrestrials Benefit Or Harm Humanity?'


  • 虽然海王星属于肉眼可见行星这个美国早起人们便可以望远镜看到海王星——如果知道哪里的话。

    Although Neptune is not among the planets visible to the naked eye, early birds with telescopes in the United States can spot Neptune this month-if you know where to look.


  • 我们知道中国人可以学好英语比如你可以去看看那些美国留学人们——他们真的得很好

    We know Chinese people can learn to speak English well. For example, look at those who came to study in the USA? They speak really well!


  • 白宫宣布一消息之后只用了这个新闻通过电波报纸闪电般传遍美国成百上千人们聚集白宫。

    Within ten seconds of the White House announcement, the news was flashed all over the United States by radio and over newspaper wires. Hundreds of people gathered at the White House.


  • 尽管不到半数(47%)多数美国依然认为堕胎多数情况下应该合法,但还是有大量人们(44%)抱有不同看法。

    While a plurality (47%) of Americans still believe that it should be legal in most cases, nearly as many (44%) believe that it should not.


  • 信里写道,人们回去以后不禁质问为什么美国卷入贝鲁特的战事之中?那里人们获得自由”真的如此重要?

    In it, he told her that people back home would question why the United States was involved in Beirut and why it was important to let the people there gain their freedom.


  • 尽管我们听说了相当关于华尔街事情,但你们那些城镇主街上的人们(注:这里美国城镇乡村典型居民)已经艰难地)努力了一段时间。 你们都知道这(金融危机)也许影响经济的方方面面。

    And although we've heard a lot about Wall Street, those of you on Main Street I think have been struggling for a while, and you recognize that this could have an impact on all sectors of the economy.


  • 例如美国人们每年人均植物纤维利用量为5.94然而亚洲南部中心地带,每年人均利用量是1.23吨。

    For example, in the United States, each person USES 5.94 metric tons of carbon (vegetation) per year, while in South-central Asia, people use 1.23 metric tons per year.


  • 那些肆虐美国部分地区热浪汗流浃背人们也许只好逐渐适应这种天气了。

    Folks sweating out the heat wave battering parts of the country may just have to get used to it.


  • 所得的钱捐给美国供养之类机构这样确保那些可怜的人们感恩节甚至之后的日子填饱肚子

    Donate the proceeds to an organization like Feeding America, which will ensure that the less fortunate will have enough to eat on Thanksgiving and beyond.


  • 其他核国家逐渐认识到,他们美国唯一目标华盛顿预见到危险前景的人们开始逃离这座曾经首都

    Gradually other nuclear powers realized that the only target in America was Washington. The more astute saw the writing on the wall and slipped away from the former capital city.


  • 发达国家人们不再大量的啤酒一个日本银行家野村说:“容积算,2010年美国销量下降1.”5%而欧洲也是下降了2.3%。

    People in rich countries are not drinking enough beer. By volume, sales in 2010 fell by 1.5% in America and 2.3% in western Europe, says Nomura, a Japanese bank.


  • 那些没有永久住房人们临时聚集地美国很多城市中始终

    Makeshift encampments of people who don't have permanent homes have long existed on the margins of many U.S. cities.


  • 为了提振公众对该项太空任务的兴奋美国宇航局一直鼓励人们举办所谓的撞击庆祝派对”——它那些将要月球上发生的撞击感兴趣的人们提供视频张贴标记海报

    To boost excitement around the mission, Nasa has been encouraging people to hold so-called "impact parties" - offering videos, stickers and posters for those interested in what will be taking place.


  • 研究发起者美国人们失去睡眠美国40年前一个半钟2个

    Study authors say people in the United States are losing sleep, with Americans sleeping one and a half to two hours less a night than we did 40 years ago.


  • 国民医疗服务制度压力逐渐屈服,不至于瓦解人们得学着美国一样国家生存那里4千6百万的没有健康保险

    The National health Service is buckling under pressures, but it is not close to collapse; try living in a country like America, where 46m people have no health insurance.


  • 据万圣节服饰销售商介绍,上述三人橡胶面具美国民众欢迎。 随着10月31日万圣节的到来,深受经济危机困扰的人们迫不及待地想要放松一下,万圣夜耍耍“不给糖果就捣乱”的小把戏。

    Rubber masks of the trio are among the most popular purchases by Americans eager to shake off the economic doldrums and go trick-or-treating on October 31, costume sellers say。


  • 认为足球在美国永远都不可能做人们,他们将美国文化假定成了踌躇不前的静止状态。

    Saying soccer will never be big here assumes American culture is static.


  • 很喜欢拉拉队长队伍,我觉得她们能够从美国过来一个国家人们面前表演这样好。

    I like the cheerleaders, I think it's good that we have cheerleaders from the USA and they come over, and perform in front of everyone else.


  • 很喜欢拉拉队长队伍,我觉得她们能够从美国过来一个国家人们面前表演这样好。

    I like the cheerleaders, I think it's good that we have cheerleaders from the USA and they come over, and perform in front of everyone else.


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