• 因此俱乐部组织机构上并不完善进而导致分工明确影响俱乐部的经营管理。

    Therefore, the club organization is far from perfect, which led to a clear division of labor does not affect the club's management.


  • 尽管组织机构馆藏增长新馆有改进贝克受到批评越来越多特别是授权责任无能

    Despite improvements in organization, the growth of the collections, and the new building, Baker was increasingly criticized, particularly for his inability to delegate responsibility.


  • 所有奥运定点医院组织机构工作流程双语标识无障碍设施以及兴奋剂管理等方面均达到奥运规范标准

    All the designated hospital have reached the Olympic standard in terms of organization, working procedure, bilingual signs barrier-free facilities and stimulants management.


  • 确保公司自律机制有效实施组织机构方面英业达设立出口管制委员会出口管制办公室,均进出口主管领导

    To ensure the effect of self-discipline, in the organization, INVENTEC sets up the Committee and the Office of ICP, charged by the director of Import and Export Department.


  • 本文分两部分,我们把重点放合作重要性上,明确合作的定义,同时探讨为什么合作常常无法组织机构中充分发挥潜力

    In this 2-part series we will focus on the importance of partnership, define it, and explore why partnerships regularly fail to reach their potential in organizations.


  • 组织机构模型设计采用角色任务访问控制达到了对表单数据的访问控制粒度,满足了工作流管理系统中的访问控制目标

    In the design of organization, the paper gives the access control based on roles and tasks to meet the objective of the workflow management, implementing the access control to the data in the form.


  • 我们可以他们课堂研究提供更多世界各地学校或者组织机构合作机会

    We can provide more opportunity to collaborate in class work and research with schools and organizations around the world.


  • 组织机构个人很早就结合起来技术生命周期的标准中融合了他们优秀的思想

    Organizations and individuals come together early in a technology's lifecycle to bring the best ideas together into a standard.


  • 自尊心可能会成为“拦路虎”,不是工作完成质量角度说,而是这个工作整个组织机构里面位置有重要。

    Ego can get in the way - not in terms of the quality of the job being performed, but in terms of the value to the organization at large.


  • 阿富汗女人从事建筑工作几乎是从未事儿但是美国组织机构要求,参与项目建设劳动者中女性至少要占到25%的份额。

    Women on construction projects are almost unheard of in Afghanistan, but the United States Agency for International Development program requires that at least 25 percent of the work force be female.


  • 也许并不那么出人意料的是,瑞典组织机构男性度(MAS)方面5分固守大男子主义的日本得分95。

    Less surprisingly perhaps, Sweden scores only five on the MAS of its organisations, while persistently chauvinistic Japan scores 95.


  • Mihov新加坡指出,“世界上国家很好的组织机构政策依然会很穷。

    There is not a single country that has good quality institutions and is poor, ” Mihov said in Singapore.


  • 第三部分主要调查访谈基础对影响中等职业技术学校组织机构效能主要因素进一步的相关性论证。

    Three part, based on investigation and interview, is to further elaborate the main factors that affect middle vocational-technical school organization's effectiveness.


  • 未来组织机构将会使用很多数据技术

    In the future, organizations will use many data technologies.


  • 中国一些学校组织机构一天举行爱眼日活动比如,一些医院眼科疾病病人免费检查

    In China, schools and some institution will celebrate the day by holding some activities, like some hospitals will provide free clinic for the patients with eye disease.


  • 证明声明显著组织机构中的关键重要部门担任职务。

    Evidence of employment in a critical or essential capacity for organizations and establishments that have a distinguished reputation.


  • 公司治理结构公司内部通过公司组织机构分权制衡职权设计来实现的,主要公司法》的规范。

    The corporate governance is realized by a division and definition supervision of power inside corporate that is bound by corporate law.


  • 隧道工程施工项目管理组织机构设置中,我们采用经过改进矩阵式设置,理论实际结合

    Linking theory with practice, this paper adopts a modified matrix form to set up management organization structure for tunnel engineering construction project.


  • 分析现有信息安全管理模型基础,根据组织机构信息安全要求提出新的信息安全管理模型

    This paper presents a new information security management model based on an analysis of the existing information security management models and information security requirements of the organization.


  • 现代公司中,经理公司组织机构权力链条中的重要一环因而公司经理制度公司法中具有十分重要地位。

    Managers authority is an important link in the authority chain of modern companys organizational structure, so manager system of corporation weighs much in the corporation Law.


  • 公司秘书不仅公司治理守门人而且公司与其成员之间,公司内部组织机构之间关系协调发挥着桥梁作用。

    The secretary of company is not only a keeper of the company governance but also an important bridge of adjusting relationship between the company and its members, and between its inner organizations.


  • 强调组织机构代码必须技术监督部门统一管理各部门的信息系统建设中强制应用以及实施年检等。

    It points out that organization code must be administered unified by technical supervision departments, and must be applied in all information systems, as well as be examined annually.


  • 什么程度时,组织机构需要这些情感描述尝试传达多种情境稳定体验

    To what extent are organisations attempting to craft the type of consistent, multi-context experience for which these emotional descriptions are needed?


  • 一次次同样问题以后,决定集成写过知道关于创建优秀组织机构全部内容的精华。

    After asking the same questions over and over, I decided to aggregate the best of everything of what I have written and read about starting great organizations.


  • 设置组织机构同时,为了保证机构运行顺利针对各个机构制定了完备章程规约

    While setting up organization, in order to assure the operation of organization all right, the bank made complete rules and stipulations to each department.


  • 我们期望组织机构合作,而那些组织机构要是确认他们全球性工作我们重点范围内,并且贡献财务的、技术提倡资源

    We expect to partner with organizations that are recognized worldwide for their work in our areas of focus and who can contribute financial, technical, or advocacy resources.


  • 风险考验社会中的组织机构公司社团的能力实力的时候,变化经济形势要求管理者风险调适过程中做出稳健审慎的政策管理

    The changing economic order demands prudent policy management for risk adjustment as it challenges capabilities and capacities of each organization, corporate and social alike.


  • 商品查询条件输入界面,输入企业进出口代码组织机构代码,进入商品或企业详细信息界面。

    In commodity research page, input code of the commodity ie enterprise, then enter in the page of commodity enterprise.


  • 未来的日子里我们继续监督改进这些标准,同时一如既往地帮助我们客户从信息安全角度改进和改善他们产品组织机构

    In the years to come, we will continue to monitor and improve those standards, as well as persist in helping our customers improve their products and organizations from the IS point of view.


  • 扶轮社地区形成国际伙伴关系以便致力于当地国外社区需求,同时也可当地组织机构社区计划来加以合作。

    Clubs and districts may form international partnerships to address needs in their local communities or abroad and partner with local organizations on community projects.


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