• 这些情况下数据第一任务运行后已位于缓存中,并且快速访问

    In these cases, the data is already in the cache after the first task has run, and can be accessed quickly.


  • 因此第一任务分配某个泳道之后,流程会记住所有相同泳道内的后续任务同一参与者完成。

    So after the first task is assigned to a given swimlane, the actor is remembered by the process for all subsequent tasks that are in the same swimlane.


  • 第一地球轨道之外执行私人任务我们预想的更早。

    The first private mission outside of Earth's orbit is closer than many of us think.


  • 一方面,满足第一个客户遇到大的困难额外几个的时间才真正完成任务

    Sue, on the other hand, had a more difficult time satisfying her first client and she took several additional months to actually complete the assignment.


  • 第一步骤完成以后后退按钮将变为活动的,从而使可以返回一个人工任务

    After the first step is done, the backward button becomes active, allowing you to move back to a previous human task.


  • 工作时候每天思考创意这个2009年起,第一当做任务来完成,并且每天都要做出一些新艺术品的项目

    In my job I think of ideas every day, but this project for 2009 is the first time I put to task.


  • 在第 1部分将会使用Bonita制作订房工作流说明第一任务

    Here in Part 1, I'll demonstrate the first task, using Bonita to author the room-booking workflow.


  • 第一实验24名大学生电脑被告知需要他们完成项需要高度集中注意力任务

    In the first study, 24 undergrads were seated in front of a computer and told they were going to complete two tasks that demanded their complete and undivided attention.


  • 选择列表中第一完成任务立即开始行动

    Choose a first action to accomplish in your list and start on it right away.


  • 富有挑战性项目面前经理需要有人担当领导作用即使这项任务超出你的工作范围之内,你也要第一个站出来。

    Be the first person to raise your hand when your manager needs someone to take the lead on a challenging new projecteven if the assignment falls outside the confines of your job description.


  • 气球无人任务用来当作运输设备列表气球第一个目的地土星最大卫星泰坦

    The balloons would be used to transport equipment on unmanned missions. First stop on the list of potential destinations for a balloon is Saturn's biggest moon Titan.


  • 例如受试者星期里工作日最后一个任务相比第一星期同一任务的表现满意度。

    For instance, the subjects faired poorly on the last test of the day they took during week three as compared with that same test during week 1.


  • 我们封装标签NoteBook窗口小部件中使用pageconfigure函数完成任务,传入第一参数被引用的标签的符号

    We do this using the pageconfigure function on the enclosing NoteBook widget, passing the symbolic name of the referenced TAB as the first argument.


  • 创建任务实例(作为任务创建过程中的第一个角色),将对解析检查授权

    It is resolved to check authorization before task instance creation (as a first role during task creation).


  • 美国宇航局开普勒精练类似地球行星,寻找宇宙中的第一个使命任务利用高功率利用太空望远镜这些负面形象

    NASA's Kepler, a mission tasked with scouring a section of the universe in search of Earth-like planets, used its high-powered telescope to take these negative images of space.


  • 那个两人收到任务片段本来未剪辑片段里第一个片段

    The scene where both received the last mission card was the first scene in the unedited version.


  • 尽量参与任务中来,但是第一请求后,她一下子地上然后哭了

    I tried to get her involved in tasks that she could do, but after the first request, she threw herself down on the floor and cried.


  • 2006年剩下比赛中,费尔南多·阿隆索(阿隆索新闻,阿隆索说吧)的任务完成一些之前做到过的事情,成功地守住自己第一个冠军

    Fernando Alonso's task over the remaining four RACES of 2006 is to achieve something only a handful of men have managed before - to successfully defend his first drivers' title.


  • 4月2伦敦开会G20各国的领导第一任务就是有害的事情。

    The first task for the leaders of the Group of 20, who will meet in London on April 2nd, will be to do no harm.


  • 由于出现任务成为未来几天内个任务如果标记标记他们第一一个项目任务

    Due tasks only appear when becoming due within the next days, next tasks only if they are the first next task of a project or if marked as flagged.


  • 气球无人任务用来当作运输设备列表气球第一个目的地土星最大的卫星泰坦

    The balloons would be used to transport equipment on unmanned missions. First stop on the list of potential destinations for a balloon is Saturn"s biggest moon Titan."


  • 气球无人任务用来当作运输设备列表气球第一个目的地土星最大的卫星泰坦

    The balloons would be used to transport equipment on unmanned missions. First stop on the list of potential destinations for a balloon is Saturn"s biggest moon Titan."


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