• 同样人们认为面的汽车时钟手表看起来面的有优势,而且更喜欢宽面的——尤其是竞争激烈情况下

    Similarly, people rated cars, clocks, and watches with wide faces as more dominant-looking than narrow-faced ones, and preferred them—especially in competitive situations.


  • 维斯一家汽车租赁公司共享服务行业的竞争占有一席之地。

    Avis, a car-hire firm, has a share in a sharing rival.


  • 如今美国纳税人救助通用汽车克莱斯勒外国竞争对手制造世界上最好汽车“三巨头美国汽车销量还不到一半

    Today, American taxpayers are bailing out GM and Chrysler, foreign competitors make most of the world's best cars, and the Big Three account for less than half the cars sold in the United States.


  • 因此尽管欧宝汽车改进竞争残酷的。

    And though Opel's cars are improving, the competition is relentless.


  • 欧洲汽车飞机技术装备、高档消费品奢侈品绿色科技产品节能环保技术等领域具有非常强竞争优势

    Europe has strong competitive edge in auto and aero industries, sophisticated machinery, high-end and luxury consumer goods, green technology, and energy conservation and environment technologies.


  • 据传雷诺-尼桑已经每千瓦时成本控制400美元以下因此如果继续趋势,他们的汽车大的竞争

    According to industry rumours, Renault-Nissan has got its costs down to below $400 per kwh, so if it can continue this progress its cars will become much more competitive.


  • 本周宣称,“不能接受法国销售汽车产自国外”,一举破坏了欧洲单一市场中的竞争原则

    "I do not accept that cars that are sold in France are built abroad," he declared this week, at a stroke torpedoing the principle of competition in the European single market.


  • 火车必须汽车飞机速度可靠性成本效益方面展开全面竞争

    Trains must compete with cars and planes for speed, reliability and cost-effectiveness.


  • 激烈竞争他们落后其他汽车制造商

    They lagged the other automakers in the fierce competition.


  • 欧盟竞争委员会专员尼利·科洛斯要求一份书面承诺,保证这次援助不会或是未来限制汽车制造商单一市场方面的自由

    But Neelie Kroes, the EU competition commissioner, demanded a written promise that the aid would not be linked to any measures limiting carmakers' freedom in the single market, now or in the future.


  • 汽车工业这个国家竞争落后一个年代。但是提到环保技术时,大家同一个起跑线

    The country is years behind its competitors in the auto industry as a whole, but when it comes to green technology, everyone is starting from scratch.


  • 地铁很多城市非常竞争比如纽约停车费用昂贵大桥隧道通行费等等都限制了汽车使用

    Subways have been most competitive in cities like New York that have high prices for parking, and tolls for Bridges and tunnels, discouraging car use.


  • 美国丰田可能面临来自底特律汽车巨头至少两者长期竞争现代大众开始丰田之后紧追不舍

    In America, Toyota is likely to face much more consistent competition from at least two of Detroit's Big Three, while both Hyundai and VW are starting to snap at its heels.


  • 中国紧凑型中、小型轿车市场竞争非常激烈,不断下滑的价格一直侵蚀着汽车生产商利润

    But the market for compact and smaller cars is extremely competitive in China, and falling prices have pinched car makers' profits.


  • 日本商业游说团体不遗余力地推动这项计划他们认为有助于汽车制造电子生产等出口产业重竞争优势

    The Japanese business lobby has gone all-out in support of the drive, saying it would help exporters — like automakers and electronics manufacturersregain their competitive edge.


  • 第一大赛失败告终到了 2005 年,特隆博士斯坦福团队制造汽车竞争对手卡内基梅隆大学汽车比赛中获胜

    The first contest ended in failure, but in 2005, Dr. Thrun’s Stanford team built the car that won a race with a rival vehicle built by a team from Carnegie Mellon University.


  • 这样附带利益通过世界不同地区建厂其他公司竞争项目的过程中,公司压低了劳动力成本,而这是英国汽车厂商多年努力而未竟的目标。

    A side benefit is that it sets factories in different parts of the world in competition with one another for new projects, something carmakers have done for years to keep down Labour costs.


  • 第一大赛失败告终到了2005年,特隆博士斯坦福团队制造汽车竞争对手卡内基·梅隆大学的汽车比赛中获胜

    The first contest ended in failure, but in 2005, Dr. Thrun's Stanford team built the car that won a race with a rival vehicle built by a team from Carnegie Mellon University.


  • 汽车制造商好的时代为了将没有效率竞争者赶出市场,生产了大量的毫无利润可言汽车

    Carmakers flooded the market with unprofitable cars in the good times in an effort to stave off the closure of uneconomic factories.


  • 中国,丰田对发动机汽车税收优惠做出响应时间竞争对手长,而且并未做出足够努力开发针对中国市场汽车

    In China, it took longer than rivals to respond to tax breaks for vehicles with smaller engines and it has made less effort to develop cars specifically for the Chinese market.


  • 传闻说阿斯顿·马丁公司戴姆勒公司洽谈,希望接手德国公司迈巴赫豪华汽车设计生产与劳斯·莱斯宾利价格上不是风格销售竞争

    Aston is rumoured to be in talks with Daimler to take over design and production of the German firm's Maybach luxury cars, rivals to Rolls and Bentley in price, if not in style and sales.


  • 竞争日益激烈的汽车市场安全成为一个重要区分点

    Safety is becoming an important differentiator in the increasingly competitive automotive market.


  • 汽车总动员2将会变形金刚蓝精灵商品圣诞必备玩具大战竞争

    Cars 2 toys will compete with Transformers and Smurfs items as the must-have Christmas toys.


  • 众多竞争严阵以待形势下,充电汽车成了今年底特律车展的主角。

    With several competitors waiting in the wings, plug-ins were the focus of this year's Detroit Auto Show.


  • 同时底特律继续难以日本对手竞争美国消费者汽车有了很多新的负担得起选择

    Meanwhile, American consumers had many new, affordable choices in cars - while Detroit continued to have trouble competing with its Japanese rivals.


  • 马特尔说:“我们汽车生产方面,竞争。”

    We know how to make cars in a much more competitive manner, "Mathur said."


  • 表示丰田汽车过于相信竞争一直踩油门

    'Toyota was overconfident in its competitiveness and they just kept pressing the accelerator,' he says.


  • 表示丰田汽车过于相信竞争一直踩油门

    'Toyota was overconfident in its competitiveness and they just kept pressing the accelerator,' he says.


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