• 最早定居者来到北美大陆建立殖民地,其来自欧洲控制社会中存在自由

    The earliest settlers came to the North American continent to establish colonies which were free from the controls that existed in European societies.


  • 极权社会中艺术教诲目的存在的。

    In totalitarian societies, art exists for didactic purposes.


  • 我们愿意看到我们当今社会存在任何和谐

    We would rather there not be any discord in our society today.


  • 远古世界成熟社会中宇宙的种种奥秘认为就是存在证据

    To the more sophisticated societies of the ancient world, cosmological mystery was proof that there were many gods.


  • 这些其他研究都表明大多数社会存在着这些'神圣规则”,人们而战斗冒险甚至牺牲生命,却永不妥协

    These and other studies suggest that most societies have "sacred rules" for which their people would fight and risk serious loss and even die rather than compromise.


  • 虽然黑暗人格人类社会广泛存在已经57个国家得到确认,不过可不是易如反掌轻松惬意的——否则男孩们满天飞了

    Although the dark triad personality type appears to be universal in human society, having been identified in 57 countries, it does exact real costs - otherwise bad boys would be more common.


  • 劳伦斯发现的经济危机与摩天大楼的联系称为“百年病态关联”,此类现象人类社会又何止存在了百年。

    Lawrence named the link he had found as "centennial metamorphic link". Yet phenomenons of this kind are far longer than just a century in human history.


  • 人类学家170个社会中发现了爱情存在证据

    Anthropologists have found evidence of romantic love in 170 societies.


  • 特别令人关切妇女女童健康问题,这是因为许多社会社会文化方面存在根深蒂固歧视现象,使她们处于不利地位。

    The health of women and girls is of particular concern because, in many societies, they are disadvantaged by discrimination rooted in sociocultural factors.


  • 由于几乎所有理想状态现实社会存在的,所以绝对实验做不了的。

    Since almost all the ideal state in the realistic society is not exist, so the absolute experiment is can't do.


  • 许多社会中存在身份权力等级制度

    In many societies there is hierarchy of status and power.


  • 作者认为已有的工业化制度主义的解释逻辑没有不同社会中存在的普遍性关系模式给出合理解释。

    The author argued that industrialist and institutionalist logic which has ever dominated Western mobility researches did not give any soundable explanation for this.


  • 回到美国之后开始思索这种精神要素我们社会中存在的地位。

    When I got back to America, I was wondering where that element exists in our society.


  • 沃尔特·惠特曼说过:“愿意赌上我的一切!”人类学家170个社会中发现了爱情存在证据

    As Walt Whitman once said, he said, "Oh, I would stake all for you." Anthropologists have found evidence of romantic love in 170 societies.


  • 正是这一对国家民间社会本体论的重新认识我们理解民族国家现实乡村社会真实存在提供了可能

    It is the reconsideration to nation and society ontology that make it possible for us to understand the real existence of nation in country society.


  • 主体裂变现实社会主体计算机网络为基础虚拟社会中通过符号化的方式实现的存在

    Principal Fission is defined as the reality of society based on computing network, which exists while the virtual society is, symbolized.


  • 当然现实社会中存在大量行动者交换活动,因而社会规范信任等便开始起作用。

    A quantity of actors and exchange activities occur in reality, these give rise to social regulation and trust.


  • 现代社会无论是国家法还是民间法,都不是自足规范体系它们存在价值局限性

    In modern society, neither of them is the self-supply regulated system, but they all have their own value of existence and limits respectively.


  • 义务冲突行为我国刑法理论上少有涉及现实社会客观存在

    There exists an obligation conflict objectively in the realistic society, although it is rarely involved in the theory of our country's penal code.


  • 目前社会消费不仅仅生存的需要而且也是一种自我存在反映具有明确文化意义社会意义以及符号意义。

    At present, consumption fulfils not just consumer's basic need, but ACTS as a reflection of a consumer's self-existence, it has clear cultural, social and symbolic meanings.


  • 共享资源人类经济社会普遍存在

    Common Property Resource is universal in human society.


  • 但是一点肯定的:我们注意到了存在有形无形迫使我们审视这些今天社会所扮演的角色

    But one thing is for sure: it draws our attention to China's physical and intangible walls and forces us to examine their roles in the modern world.


  • 实际社会中存在多种多样的利率为了能够多种利率条件测算寿险费率,本文根据收支相等原则建立一个线性规划模型

    In order to calculate the life insurance rate in condition of multiple interest rates, a linear programming model was established according to the principle of equivalence.


  • 巫术作为民间信仰一个重要组成部分我国一些乡村社会仍然普遍存在并且影响着人们日常生活价值观念思维方式

    As a folk religion, Witchcraft is an important component of our rural society. It is still widespread, and affects People's Daily lives, values and ways of thinking.


  • 这样道德自身存在意义社会的作用发生了错位使得社会和文化秩序出现了混乱。

    Thus, the meaning of morality "s existence and its use in the society alternated, which confused the society and the cultured order."


  • 传统印染工艺作为古代门古老工艺,现代社会还有没有存在价值本文关注一个问题

    As an ancient craft of China, the traditional printing craft was very important in the history. Is it still valuable in the modern society? That is the question which this paper concerned about.


  • 传统印染工艺作为古代门古老工艺,现代社会还有没有存在价值本文关注一个问题

    As an ancient craft of China, the traditional printing craft was very important in the history. Is it still valuable in the modern society? That is the question which this paper concerned about.


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