• 一项研究发现几乎所有40以上从事高度创造性工作科学家进入他们工作领域的时间都较

    A study has found that almost all scientists who produce highly creative work beyond the age of forty entered their fields late.


  • 进行了数百次测试后,研究人员注意到,猴子有一半以上的时间会选择更高的数值,这表明它们进行计算,而不仅仅是记住每个组合的数值。

    After running hundreds of tests, the researchers noted that the monkeys would go for the higher values more than half the time, indicating that they were performing a calculation, not just memorizing the value of each combination.


  • 根据詹姆斯·沃佩尔教授及其合作研究人员研究,2007年美国出生婴儿中,50%预期寿命可达104岁以上

    According to the work of Professor James Vaupel and his co-researchers, 50% of babies born in the US in 2007 have a life expectancy of 104 or more.


  • 于探测器距地球3.2亿公里,如果研究小组地球上控制探测器,会有10分钟以上的信号延迟。

    As the probe is 320 million km away from Earth, there is a signal delay of over 10 minutes if the research team tries to control it from Earth.


  • 同时日本一项研究发现那些年龄65岁以上着宠物的老人那些同龄养宠物的老人医生的几率降低了三分之一

    Meanwhile, a study in Japan found that pet owners over the age of 65 made almost a third fewer visits to their GP than people the same age who didn't have pets.


  • 一项研究,一半以上发电厂其他关键基础设施经营者他们电脑网络手段高超的对手渗透

    More than half of the operators of power plants and other "critical infrastructure" say in a new study that their computer networks have been infiltrated by sophisticated adversaries.


  • 研究接近尾声时,都有一半以上的顾客血压得以控制

    By the end of the study, more than half of both groups had their blood pressure under control.


  • 众议院研究表明:女性们提出法案更多参与关键立法辩论更具活力,以及每日以上所做的一分钟演讲也更多。

    Her studies of the House show women introduce more bills, participate more vigorously in key legislative debates and give more of the one-minute speeches that open each daily session.


  • 我们研究中,如果做上14项检测会有一半以上人出现假阳性结果

    In the new study, "after 14 tests total, over half of the people in our study had a false-positive result."


  • 研究的领导者迈克·马尔·莫特教授过去研究发现,年龄50岁以上一般都会感到生活幸福

    Professor Michael Marmot, who led the research, said that the over-50s in general had become less happy with their lives over the past four years.


  • 研究人员观察并记录年中市场交易翻了一倍以上

    The amount of meat and fish traded at the market more than doubled over the two years that the researchers were making records.


  • 研究表明飞机火车公共汽车汽车乘客4小时以上旅程保持坐姿,面临罹患静脉血栓栓塞的较高风险

    The study showed that plane, train, bus or automobile passengers are at higher risk of VTE when they remain seated and immobile on journeys of more than four hours.


  • 项以全国人口为基础的研究我们发现40以上糖尿病的美国人当中,有28.5%(四百二十万)同时患有糖尿病性视网膜病变

    This was a national population-based study and we found that among Americans with diabetes who were age 40 and older, that 28.5 percent - or 4.2 million people - have diabetic retinopathy.


  • 试验生物学医学公告上发表一个研究中,48个志愿者吸入催产素气雾之后接受手指针刺试验痛觉阈值降低一半以上

    In a study published in the Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 48 volunteers who inhaled oxytocin vapor and then had their fingers pricked lowered their pain threshold by more than half.


  • 他们最新研究发表事故分析预防杂志在研究中,特和王仅仅调查了2525岁以上并且至少驾车经验驾驶者

    In their latest study, published in the journal Accident Analysis and Prevention, Tranter and Warn looked only at drivers 25 and older with at least 2 years driving experience.


  • 以上研究成果发表心理科学》上,这本杂志是心理科学协会发行的。

    The findings were published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.


  • 根据职工福利研究中心数据显示,2007年,55以上的业主中40%还背负着房贷,1992年时,这个比例还只有24%。

    According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 40 percent of household heads age 55 and older had housing debt in 2007, up from 24 percent in 1992.


  • 研究显示,65岁以上患者41%的人患有甲状腺癌,该情况年轻的患者中只占22%。

    Thyroid cancer was found in 41 percent of patients over 65, compared with 22 percent among younger patients, the researchers found.


  • 每个大型公司都可以看到很多项目可行性研究阶段持续以上

    In every large company you will see projects that have been running for a year + in feasibility study phase.


  • 迈阿密新奥尔良坦帕市佛罗里达弗吉尼亚海滩,弗吉尼亚本世纪有可能损失10%以上陆地研究发现

    Miami, New Orleans, Tampa, Florida, and Virginia Beach, Virginia could lose more than 10 percent of their land area by century's end, the study found.


  • 退休研究中心养老金计划样本中,大约60%2006年的基金比例达到80%以上

    In the CRR's sample of pension plans, about 60% had funding ratios of at least 80% in 2006.


  • 根据研究中心的调查,大多数受过教育女性那些具有学士以上学位者最有可能从未生育

    The most educated women, those with bachelor's degrees or higher, are among the most likely never to have given birth, according to the Pew Research Center.


  • 市场研究估计全球范围内,约有十亿台以上个人电脑投入使用

    Market researchers estimate that more than one billion personal computers are in use worldwide.


  • 研究人员比较全球定位卫星地震前后拍摄的照片之后得出以上结论的。

    The researchers compared data taken by global positioning satellites before and after the earthquake to reach their conclusions.


  • 来自博洛尼亚圣-奥索拉·马勒·比齐大学医院研究人员4时间分析了749名65以上、生活农村意大利人的运动习惯在研究的开始阶段,没有人有记忆问题。

    Researchers from the University Hospital s. Orsola-Malpighi in Bologna analyzed the exercise habits of 749 rural Italians over age 65 during a period of four years.


  • DeMontfort大学压力集团进行一项研究中,55岁以上的人群预期94个边缘投票区票数大多数

    In research conducted for the pressure group by De Montfort University, over-55s were expected to account for the majority of votes cast in 94 marginal constituencies.


  • 以上研究星期三马里兰州安纳波利斯举行的2010γ射线爆炸会议作了发表。 这帮助阐明宇宙中发生一些激烈事件背后情况

    The two studies, both presented Wednesday at the Gamma Ray Bursts 2010 conference in Annapolis, Md., help clarify the story behind some of the universe's most violent events.


  • 他们研究居住法国南部65以上1433名健康老年人,并让他们1999- 2001年研究开始年、年后分别进行认知测试

    They studied 1,433 healthy people aged over 65 living in the south of France, who underwent cognitive tests at the start of the study in 1999-2001 and again two, four and seven years later.


  • 他们研究居住法国南部65以上1433名健康老年人,并让他们1999- 2001年研究开始年、年后分别进行认知测试

    They studied 1,433 healthy people aged over 65 living in the south of France, who underwent cognitive tests at the start of the study in 1999-2001 and again two, four and seven years later.


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