• 年幼,使西莉亚历历在目地回想起十六年前布鲁斯这么大的…

    The young face reminded Celia sharply of Bruce at the same age, sixteen years ago.


  • 球队标识棒球帽上

    The team's logo was emblazoned on the baseball caps.


  • 观点引人注目地得到了证明:反电子不久实验被发现,“反物质概念很快成为物理学基石

    He was dramatically proved right: the anti-electron was soon discovered experimentally, and shortly after the concept of "anti-matter" became a cornerstone of physics.


  • 然后转化为一个列表可以XML编写器步骤完成映射了,如下图所示。

    The item address is then converted to a list and the mapping can be done in the XML composer step, as shown below.


  • 生活有种我们自身周围填满各种东西”的趋势,以至于我们常常忘记自己最终目地或者说自己为什么奋斗

    Life has a tendency to surround us with so much 'stuff' that we often forget the end game, or the goal we're striving for.


  • 标示只是一个临时工作令自己讨厌的工作时,我等待时机的方式就是电子告示牌挂上提示:“这只是临时的。”

    Post a visible reminder that this job is only temporary. When I once worked in a job I hated, I helped bide my time by hanging a reminder on my bulletin board that said, "this is only temporary."


  • 同伙目地树林中穿行

    The cons run blindly through the woods.


  • 人们常会花钱,希望寄托一些实际上大于利的事物上。

    People are often investing money and hope in something that could be doing more harm than good.


  • 自动化测试用例每天不断地被增加大量批处理并且目地执行因为意味着我们更好地工作

    Automated test cases are thus continually added, bulk batched, and blindly executed daily because it means we're doing our jobs better.


  • XML分析器步骤中,XML编写器步骤中,项目地址是一个列表

    In the XML parser step, the item address is a group, but in the XML composer step, the item address is a list.


  • 因车垫问题宣布召回的时候丰田,它还没有指出确定目地加速其他原因

    Toyota had "not been able to single out or verify any other cause" for the unintended acceleration, the company said when the floor-mat recall was made.


  • 假设你的一步目地每个社交网站注册然后期待消费者蜂拥而至

    The assumed first step is to jump straight in, sign up for each and every social network and wait for the customers to come pouring in.


  • 十一月份塞内加尔招待了内贾德公开承诺支持伊朗拥有核技术——用于和平目地

    In November he hosted Mr Ahmadinejad in Senegal, publicly assuring him that he endorsed Iran's right to nuclear power-and accepted that this was for peaceful purposes only.


  • 有的设计师大衣坎肩都醒目地饰以奢侈皮毛,有的设计师则只是将皮毛作为装饰点缀衣服

    Coats and shrugs featured bold lavish furs while some designers used fur as trimming to spruce up their looks.


  • 不久前发生的这场危机危机期间几个拉美亚洲经济体开始实施浮动汇率制,而中国却令人采取这一做法

    Before and during the recent crisis, several Latin American and Asian economies — with the notable exception of China — let currencies move.


  • 没错周三家银行引人目地宣布扩大信贷额度(实际上这种做法并不可能实现真正改观)之后市场压力得到缓释

    True, market pressure lifted a bit on Wednesday after central Banks made a splashy announcement about expanded credit lines (which will, in fact, make hardly any real difference).


  • 底线”博客作者上周五偶然第五道上遇见一位脖子挂着标牌的小贩,标牌上醒目地我们收购黄金!”六个大字。

    The Bottom Line ran into a hawker on Fifth Avenue last Friday with a sign hung around his neck that declared loudly "WE BUY GOLD!"


  • 因为任务活动各个基础上配置的,ClearQuestAdministrators不再需要项目小组每个过程变异请求修改模式

    Because Tasks and Activities are configured on a project-by-project basis, ClearQuest Administrators no longer need to modify the schema for every process variation requested by project teams.


  • MGSiegler盲热衷于iPhone已经成为旧金山的时尚生活的一个重要流行配件信心来源。

    MG Siegler irrationally loves the iPhone and it has become an important fashion accessory and self confidence crutch in his San Francisco hipster lifestyle.


  • 这个任务Waitingtobeprocessed状态下盲目地等待

    It would sit there indefinitely with status Waiting to be processed.


  • 显出厌烦样子茫茫的大沙漠上目地水井荒唐。然而我们还是开始去寻找了。

    I made a gesture of weariness. It is absurd to look for a well, at random, in the immensity of the desert. But nevertheless we started walking.


  • 经历爆发后一段时间WHO提出SARS行动指南目地就是快速发现全球公共卫生造成威胁的因素。

    The goal of WHO's SARS guidance in the post-outbreak period is to rapidly identify threats to global public health.


  • 印度“废”的几周,合法的黄金进口显著增加11月头几天就引人注目地进口110吨黄金

    In the weeks leading up to the demonetisation, there was a noticeable increase in legal gold imports, with a remarkable 110 tonnes arriving in the first days of November.


  • 图为世行官员参观世行扶持种植的龙眼园。

    The picture shows a programme officer of World Bank was investigating a local longan ord funded by World Bank.


  • 当今整容流行会不会误导年轻人为了追求外表的完美目地花大手笔整容上呢?

    Would the popularity of cosmetic surgery misleading youngsters with extravagant blind spending on pursuing perfect appearance?


  • 如果我们锻炼前,往胃部放入太多食物需要消化掉就要长的时间违背了锻炼目地

    If we put too much food in the stomach in advance of exercise, it takes too long to empty and that defeats the purpose.


  • 资料解释系统中,等值线图是其一项基本功能,本文主要任务既是实现一功能。

    In project, which is the explanation of geological information system, isoline map is a basic graphics show function the main task is accomplishing this function.


  • 鉴于工程项设计施工要求,地基处理有些地带需要平、低凹地带需要大量的强夯加固处理。

    In order to the foundation design and construction of the project, some high protruding area are dug up, while low concave area filled with soil are treated by dynamic compaction.


  • 鉴于工程项设计施工要求,地基处理有些地带需要平、低凹地带需要大量的强夯加固处理。

    In order to the foundation design and construction of the project, some high protruding area are dug up, while low concave area filled with soil are treated by dynamic compaction.


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进来说说原因吧 确定