• 异常半球中的神经元成熟之前经历过多细胞分裂时,就会发生这种罕见疾病大脑一侧一侧大得多。

    The rare disorder, in which one side of the brain grows substantially larger than the other, occurs when neurons in the abnormal hemisphere undergo too many cell divisions before they mature.


  • 疾病早期诊断能够严重损伤发生之前机会采取行动

    Early diagnosis of diseases can give you a chance to take action before severe damage is done.


  • 甚至之前他们已经寻找特定基因不同疾病的关系,发现可能导致乳腺癌其他疾病各种基因突变

    And even before that, they were linking particular genes to different diseases, finding all kinds of mutations that could lead to breast cancer and other ailments.


  • 事实上屈服一种不相关疾病之前生活了长达20的时间。

    In fact, he lived another 20 years before succumbing to an unrelated illness.


  • 最近对老鼠研究发现流感之前只需时期的锻炼,就可以减少疾病传染当然,事先就有的规律性锻炼效果更好

    A recent study in mice found just a single session of exercise before catching flu reduced disease severity, although regular exercise beforehand worked even better.


  • 比起90岁之前的人,那些很少慢性疾病

    There was no less chronic illness among survivors than among those who died before 90.


  • 后来我们得知之前几个星期患上一系列严重的心肺疾病,行动艰难

    We learned later that he had suffered a debilitating series of heart and lung ailments in the weeks before and that he had difficulty moving.


  • H1N1表明容易人际间传播并且美国报告提出,某些病例可以轻微并且之前察觉,疾病进一步传播。

    H1N1 appears to be passed easily from person to person, and reports from the United States suggest that some cases may be mild and therefore may go undetected, allowing the disease to spread further.


  • 这一改变源于个目前较为流行观点就是阿尔茨海莫氏病属于神经退行性疾病范围症状表现出来之前几年可能发生神经系统方面的损伤

    The change reflects a modern view that Alzheimer's is a spectrum of mental decline, with damage that can start many years before symptoms appear.


  • “我们的目标某人患上老年痴呆之前脑部进行扫描,从而预先告知他们是否处于较高疾病风险情况开始恶化,”

    The goal is to do a scan on someone before they get the disease and be able to tell if they’re at higher risk or starting to deteriorate, ” she said.


  • 就允许时间内进行诊断那么病人他们离开医生办公室之前知道他们没有眼睛疾病或者他们需要视网膜专家做进一步治疗。

    This allows diagnoses to be made in seconds so patients will know before they leave the doctor’s office if they have no eye disease or if they need to follow up with a retinal specialist.


  • 幸运的是,我们已有时间而且还有时间下一次全球疾病大流行做准备,因为疾病暴发之前可看到所需的条件

    By good fortune we have had timeand still have time — to prepare for the next global pandemic, because the conditions for it have appeared before the outbreak itself.


  • 我们母性祖先成长过程中已经习惯性看到许多子女(或许高达一半)还没有机会生育子女之前便各种疾病饥饿战乱以及其它灾祸。

    Our female ancestors grew accustomed to watching many of their children - perhaps as many as half - die of various diseases, starvation, warfare and so on before being able to have kids of their own.


  • 美国约有13%存活婴儿早产这意味着婴儿怀孕37之前出生的,根据美国疾病控制预防中心一项调查显示。

    About 13 percent of all live births in the United States are preterm, meaning the baby is born before the 37th week of pregnancy, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • 使用这些疗法之前特别是如果现有一种疾病怀孕了或哺乳期,要征询医生的意见。

    Before using any of these remedies, especially if you have an existing medical condition, or are pregnant or breast-feeding, check with your physician.


  • 墨西哥半数人群没有基础疾病加拿大,70%的人之前都没有重病

    In Mexico, half had no underlying health problems; in Canada 70 per cent had no major illness beforehand.


  • 开始任何减肥食谱之前自己的医生或者健康保健提供者确认,尤其是自己患有某些健康疾病包括糖尿病

    Check with your doctor or health care provider before starting any weight-loss diet, especially if you have any health conditions, including diabetes.


  • 我们明白试图全世界范围内将其消灭之前,我们必须首先降低人类疾病负担

    We know that we must first reduce the human disease burden before attempting worldwide eradication.


  • 这个结果出来以后(研究人员)便认识到了他带来益处,研究人员也试图找到实时方法可以疾病开始传播之前,能够提供疾病爆发警告信号

    As this result came with the benefit of hindsight, the researchers tried to come up with a real-time measure that could potentially provide an early warning sign of an outbreak as it began to spread.


  • 千万不要眼部疾病症状出现的时候再就医,某些致盲的眼疾使视力模糊之前不会有任何症状的征兆的。

    No, it's not okay to wait for symptoms to appear. Some blinding eye diseases have few warning signs before they've taken away your vision.


  • 尽管如此根据疾病控制预防中心数据,一半以上美国婴儿4个月之前断奶,或是根本进行母乳

    However, in the U.S. about half of babies are breastfed for less than 4 months, or not breastfed at all, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • 首先刚过去一年,世卫组织建议使用抗疟药物之前,先诊断测试法对所有疑似进行确诊

    First, this past year, WHO recommended that all suspected cases of malaria be confirmed by a diagnostic test before antimalarial drugs are administered.


  • 之前组织工作20余年最初太平洋岛屿防治麻风病随后处理疫苗可预防疾病包括脊髓灰质炎

    Before that, he had worked for more than 20 years for the Organization, first battling leprosy in the South Pacific islands, then tackling vaccine preventable diseases including polio.


  • 本次暴发之前,未将安哥拉考虑属于一罕见疾病暴发病例地理热区”。据认为,它中部东部非洲

    Prior to the present outbreak, Angola was not considered to fall within the geographicalhot zone”, thought to be in central and eastern Africa, for outbreaks and sporadic cases of this rare disease.


  • 根据这些估计情况男性60之前死于传染性疾病比例可能高达67%。

    According to these estimates, the proportion of men dying under the age of 60 from NCDs can be as high as 67%.


  • 卫组织建议治疗之前所有疑似进行寄生虫诊断测试(使用显微镜快速诊断测试)予以确诊

    WHO recommends that all cases of suspected malaria be confirmed using parasite-based diagnostic testing (either microscopy or rapid diagnostic test) before giving treatment.


  • 卫组织建议治疗之前所有疑似进行寄生虫诊断测试(使用显微镜快速诊断测试)予以确诊

    WHO recommends that all cases of suspected malaria be confirmed using parasite-based diagnostic testing (either microscopy or rapid diagnostic test) before giving treatment.


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