• 2007年910日,佛罗里达州博伟迪斯尼爱博卡特中心举行的受奖仪式上,烟雾包围中的NASA宇航员BarbaraMorgan笑得很灿烂。

    NASA space shuttle astronaut Barbara Morgan laughs while being enveloped with smoke during a plaque ceremony at Walt Disney World's Epcot Center in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, September 10, 2007.


  • 每年100,000走过游客中心大门时,有更多人是参观

    While 100,000 people walk through the doors of the visitors' center annually, many more visit the lake.


  • 中亚国家土库曼斯坦雄心勃勃,意欲该国境内卡拉库姆沙漠中心打造巨大人工,这举动加固了行事古怪声誉

    The central Asian nation of Turkmenistan has cemented its reputation for eccentricity with an ambitious attempt to create a vast lake in the centre of the country's Karakum desert.


  • 今天我们仍旧一同深夜离岸甚,船到了中心的时候,忽然起了暴风,甚至船被波浪掩盖。

    We sail the lake with Him still; and as we reach its middle waters, far from land, under midnight skies, suddenly a great storm sweeps down.


  • 广阔园区中所有建筑环绕天然建设,布满树苗花草,并配有公寓医院学校购物中心肯德基、以及一所君宾馆令人印象深刻

    The expansive campus – complete with apartments, hospital, school, mall, KFC, and a Hyatt hotel, all built around a natural lake and dotted with saplings and flower beds – is meant to impress.


  • 妮娜准备纽约林肯艺术中心公演天鹅一人分饰两角——白天鹅黑天鹅。

    Nina is poised to step into the dual role of Odette and Odile in "Swan Lake" at New York's Lincoln Centre.


  • 马克5岁的儿子似乎3月31日斯台普斯中心举行小牛之间对决充满期待

    The actor and his son Michael, 5, look totally pumped up for the March 31 match-up between the L.A. Lakers and the Dallas Mavericks at the Staples Center.


  • 次日上午我们到达马尼托巴的温尼伯十八世纪时这里是毛皮交易中心后来有大批欧洲移民火车来到这里。

    The following morning we arrive in Winnipeg, Manitoba, an 18th-century, fur-trading centre that was later flooded by European immigrants arriving by rail.


  • 北京时间12日,NBA总决赛第4场安利中心开战,奥兰多魔术加时赛99-91不敌洛杉矶队,人向第15个NBA总冠军迈进一步

    The Los Angeles Lakers defeated the Orlando Magic 99-91 in overtime to move within one victory of winning their 15th National Basketball Association title June 12 (Beijing time).


  • 条运河构成这个历史上中心六个行政区间蜿蜒穿流,最后流入威尼斯

    The canal winds through each of the six districts that comprise this historic city center before reaching Venice Lagoon.


  • 即使客场对阵快船的比赛中,他们也是斯台中心进行,而像是主场比赛。

    Even when the Clippers hosted them at Staples Center it was more like a home game for the Lakers.


  • 劳伦·科恩伯格(),周六丰田体育中心举办拉拉队选拔开始伸展

    Lauren Kornberg, right, stretches before the start of the Laker Girls cheerleading auditions Saturday at Toyota Sports Center.


  • 莲花会展中心一个位于人工下的二层市政设施的基础上进行扩建的。

    The Lotus Building is an addition to an existing double storey subterranean municipal facility situated beneath an existing artificial lake.


  • 经常朋友们钓鱼但是有时我们中心钓鱼。

    I go fishing with my friends on the shore very often, but sometimes we rent a boat to go the middle of the lake.


  • 特克斯温特,这位队的篮球顾问四月份突发中风,他来到了人的训练课,参加周二斯台中心的总冠军戒指颁奖仪式

    Tex Winter, the Lakers' basketball consultant who suffered a stroke in April, attended practice and will be at the team's ring ceremony Tuesday at Staples Center.


  • 周五斯塔中心击败犹他爵士战绩达到19胜10负。

    The Lakers are 19-10 after routing Utah on Friday at Staples Center.


  • 上个月斯坦普斯中心击败马刺一直文章指出击败的是没有邓肯的马刺。

    When the Lakers beat the Spurs at Staples Center last month, time and time again in several articles you pointed out that the Lakers beat a Tim Duncan-less Spurs team.


  • 中心只小舟

    There's a boat the lake.


  • 虽然快船明天比赛客场作战,他们还是终结球队斯台中心的五连这个他们共用的主场,其中主场是8胜4负。

    The Clippers are the road team for Sunday's matchup, but they'll try to snap a five-game losing streak at Staples Center - the home court they share with the Lakers, who are 8-4 there.


  • 接着他们于12月13号斯台普斯中心复仇马刺赛季的时候客场输给了马刺。这场比赛之前,人的赛程不会变得容易。

    The schedule does not get any easier as the Lakers will seek revenge against the San Antonio Spurs at STAPLES Center (12/13) following an early season defeat to the Spurs in Texas.


  • 设计目的是要新区中心创造一种新的场所激发旅游、商住的使用功能,形成畅想、诗意精致国际化社区,曲折的造型狭长的基地上形成连续而又变化的空间。

    The design aims at creating a sense of place by the side of central lake in the new development area, so as to generate tourism and business with elegant and poetic international community.


  • 普莱西德:美国纽约州东北部一个泊,阿铁罗德克山脉中。著名冬运中心

    A lake of northeast New York in the Adirondack Mountains. It is a noted winter sports center.


  • 普莱西德美国纽约州东北部一个泊,阿铁罗德克山脉中。著名的冬运中心

    A lake of northeast New York in the Adirondack Mountains. It is a noted winter sports center.


  • 美国印第安纳州西北部城市,位于密歇根畔,伊利诺斯州芝加哥市东南偏南方向的卡路美地区内工业中心人口为33,892。

    A city of northwest Indiana on Lake Michigan in the Calumet region south-southeast of Chicago, Illinois. It is an industrial center. Population, 33,892.


  • 蒙塔-埃利斯拿下27阿祖布克拿到25分,勇士过去22碰面中输掉了其中的19场,斯台中心1999年开馆至今,勇士这里的战绩只有2胜18负。

    Monta Ellis scored 27 points and Kelenna Azubuike added 25 for the Warriors, who have lost 19 of their last 22 meetings with the Lakers and are 2-18 at Staples Center since the arena opened in 1999.


  • 好的东西即使是经济部好的情况下任然卖出好价钱,就是一件非常好的商品,”俄勒冈大学Warsaw体育市场中心PaulSwangard

    "Good products can sell even in a bad economy, and the Lakers are a great product right now," said Paul Swangard of the Warsaw Sports Marketing Center at the University of Oregon.


  • 今晚猪踏进主场联邦快递中心时,当与灰熊打完8连客之之时,这次安猪身上发生点什么吗?

    What will happen this time when Andrew Bynum steps onto the court at FedEx Forum tonight when the Lakers wrap up their extended trip with game against the Grizzlies?


  • 布兰妮一周左右时间里第三次观看篮球比赛复活节这天主场斯台普斯中心观看了人与太阳队的比赛。

    Britney Spears went to her third basketball game in a span of about a week. She spent a part of her Easter watching the Lakers play the Phoenix Suns at the Staples Center.


  • 布兰妮一周左右时间里第三次观看篮球比赛复活节这天主场斯台普斯中心观看了人与太阳队的比赛。

    Britney Spears went to her third basketball game in a span of about a week. She spent a part of her Easter watching the Lakers play the Phoenix Suns at the Staples Center.


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