• 鲸鱼深海游泳

    Whales swim deep under sea.


  • 年,中国科学家首次南海发现鲸落现象。鲸落生态系统可以停留在深海,因为那里的水压大、温度低。

    Chinese scientists found a whale fall for the first time in the South China Sea this year. The whale fall ecosystem can stay in the deep ocean because of great pressure and cold temperature there.


  • 然后微笑地让他们深海中飘浮。

    Their boats and smilingly float them On the vast deep.


  • 遇着船坏一夜深海里。

    Three times I suffered shipwreck. I have been a night and a day inthe deep.


  • 深海生物群系生成海底遗迹

    In deep ocean biomes, ocean monuments can generate.


  • 它们有些深海中,有些海面下数百英尺有机物沉积物融合

    Some of it will be in deep water, some of it will be in a few hundreds of feet as this oil combines with other organic compounds and sediment.


  • 由于深海底下取样困难海洋地壳组成完全确知

    Owing to the difficulty of sampling beneath the deep oceans, the composition of the oceanic crust is not known with complete certainty.


  • 1994年,已经深海遇到一些麻烦,他承认了。

    By 1994, he was already in deep trouble as he admitted I was wrong.


  • 他们认为BP深海地平面上切了几个角落失常事故

    Evidence is also mounting, they say, that BP cut corners on Deepwater Horizon, suggesting that the accident was an aberration.


  • 控制板的一种装置回转仪,用于防止轮船深海过于摇晃。

    Nautical A device, such as a gyroscopically controlled fin, that prevents excessive rolling of a ship in heavy seas.


  • 我们只是你们视野隐形而已,许多的飞船深海底下完全待命。

    It is just that our bases are hidden from your sight, and quite a number are safe and out of your reach on the seabed.


  • 深海水域海啸传播速度喷气式飞机一样快,海面看到波浪不大

    Tsunamis travel as fast as jet aircraft in deep water, where they are spread over a far deeper water column and make for smaller and very gradual waves at the surface.


  • 唯一问题这种大胆的设想从没有深海试验而且这么至少得花上两个星期

    The only problem is that such an enterprise has never been attempted in deep water, and it would take at least two weeks to be put in place.


  • 使一个小子跌倒的,倒不如把磨石颈项上深海里。

    But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.


  • 它们已经深海热泉区的边缘繁衍生息,那里喷涌着有毒化学物质过热海水

    They've adapted to thrive at the edge of hydrothermal vents, which spew superheated water saturated with toxic chemicals.


  • 估计,最高海底山中,几乎一半深海海底,而且那里海洋生物特别丰富

    It is estimated that roughly half of the world's highest seamounts-areas that rise from the ocean floor and are particularly rich in Marine life-are also found in the deep ocean.


  • 研究人过去一直认为只有生物原生生物这样单细胞生物才能够深海缺氧环境中生存

    Researchers had thought that only single-celled organisms such as prokaryotes and protozoa could live in the oxygen-deprived environments of the deepest ocean.


  • 海啸深海传播速度近似于喷气式飞机大约15小时到达海地,20小时后到达太平洋彼岸

    "Tsunami waves in the deep ocean travel about the same speed as a jet plane and would take about 15 hours to reach Hawaii and about 20 hours to reach the other side of the Pacific, " he said.


  • 然而分析家们认为,这次石油泄漏不会减缓国内公司加速它们深海水域开发石油努力

    However, the oil spill will not slow the efforts of domestic companies to speed up their deepwater oil exploration, said analysts.


  • 用途用于气球中,也用于深海潜水。深海潜水中,氦用来稀释潜水员呼吸氧气

    Uses: Helium is used in balloons and in deep-sea diving to dilute oxygen that divers breathe.


  • 我们近几年大大改善了我们观测系统特别是借助卫星系统,很大差距尤其是深海区域。

    We have significantly improved our observing systems over recent years through particularly satellite systems but there is still major gaps particularly in the deep ocean.


  • 知道盾的解决方案应用于世界最高建筑物上,被应用深海工作潜水艇吗?

    Did you know that Halton's solutions are in use in the world's tallest building as well as in submarines operating in extreme depths?


  • 花费近两年时间,次搜寻工作深海山脉地区发现了飞机残骸,以及里面许多遗体

    It took four searches over the course of nearly two years to locate the bulk of the wreckage, still containing many bodies, in a mountain range deep under the ocean.


  • 文中介绍启动器深海采矿系统应用以及深海采矿车的工作环境负载特点选型

    This paper introduces the application of soft starter in deep-sea mining systems, as well as deep-sea mining trucks working environment, load characteristics and selection, etc.


  • 他们发现了成千上万的从前不为人所物种我们认为深海热带雨林还要丰富的物种。

    They found thousands and thousands of species that they did not know exist until... We now think that there are more species in the deep-sea than in the tropical rain forest.


  • 随着海军不断推进深海业务操作补给方面能力这些巡逻增加了北京更具雄心的使命胃口

    Along with boosting the navy's blue water capabilities in operations and resupply, the patrols appear to have whetted Beijing's appetite for even more ambitious missions.


  • 随着海军不断推进深海业务操作补给方面能力这些巡逻增加了北京更具雄心的使命胃口

    Along with boosting the navy's blue water capabilities in operations and resupply, the patrols appear to have whetted Beijing's appetite for even more ambitious missions.


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