• 活血更大梦想不仅仅是周末海滩度假

    Perhaps you have bigger dreams than just a weekend at the beach.


  • 如果我们昨天赶上趟航班,我们可以海滩度假了。

    If we had caught the flight yesterday, we would be enjoying our holiday on the beach.


  • 去年春天寒冷日子里几十基于手机平板电脑儿童应用程序开发者相聚加利福尼亚州蒙特雷(Monterey,California)的古老海滩度假胜地展示他们的游戏

    On a chilly day last spring, a few dozen developers of children's apps for phones and tablets gathered at an old beach resort in Monterey, California, to show off their games.


  • 我们这样认为,“登上座山峰,当我外出度假,当我海滩享受悠闲时光,当我住心仪房子里,当我终于能够游览那个国家,那么我就会感到快乐。”

    We think, “I'll be happy when I climb that hill. When I go on vacation. When I am at the beach. When I live in that kind of house. When I finally visit that country or state.


  • 夏天海滩度假的好时光但是不要耗费所有天数沙滩放松

    Summer is a great time for beach vacations, but try not to spend all your days relaxing in the sand.


  • 这个班级最近召开聚会红海一个海滩度假举行的。

    The class held its most recent reunion at a beach resort on the Red Sea.


  • 那些出现西班牙度假海滩令人讨厌水母也许我们传送一个信息至少是个警告。

    Those annoying jellyfish on the Spanish holiday beaches may be sending us a message, or at least a warning.


  • 格拉附近一些现代度假景点特别是直接坐落海滩的,已经恢复运营。

    A few of the more modern resorts near Old Gagra have been revived, particularly those located directly on the beach.


  • 大西洋海岸度假胜地戴通娜海滩(以飙车闻名),房屋经纪打出了大量的广告,销售抵押的房屋。

    In Daytona Beach, an Atlantic resort best known for its drag-car racing, estate agents are advertising lists of foreclosed properties for sale.


  • 不管一个长长的队,还是惬意海滩休闲度假,都要记住它们都属于宝贵生命,不要把浪费生气上面。

    It does not matter whether you are standing in line or relaxing on the beach, just remember that your life is precious and you can't waste it by getting mad.


  • 如果不是这样那么就是他们想要度假想法了。马里海滩一年中的这个时候漂亮

    Either that, or it's their idea of a vacation, Malibu is lovely this time of year.


  • 于是他们海滩度假同样旅馆的房间,去味的鸡尾酒,然后继续安排旅游的行程,让其他人艰难跋涉去吧。

    So they go to beach resorts and drink cocktails out of coconuts. They book into the same hotel for a week.


  • 如果异域风情海滩度假那么你会要买套沙摊非正式结婚礼服

    If you are setting for your beach in an exotic location or on a beach, then you want to buy a beach wear dress informal wedding.


  • 格雷罗- - -海滩度假胜地阿卡普尔科市州- - -至今已经发生1,290谋杀事件,2010年只发生了984起谋杀事件。

    Guerrero, home of Acapulco, a beach resort, has seen 1, 290 killings so far, up from 984 in 2010.


  • 格雷罗- - -海滩度假胜地阿卡普尔科市州- - -至今已经发生1,290谋杀事件,2010年只发生了984起谋杀事件。

    Guerrero, home of Acapulco, a beach resort, has seen 1,290 killings so far, up from 984 in 2010.


  • 希腊热门度假岛屿米克·诺斯,国际游客们不仅可以欣赏到基克拉迪式的建筑未受污染海滩而且享受到异常丰富的夜生活

    International travelers love the Cycladic architecture, unspoiled beaches, and vivid nightlife of Greece's most popular island, Mykonos.


  • 穆巴拉克因遭遇数周持续高涨抗议活动而今年二月份下台,过去多月他一直被禁闭沙姆沙伊赫(Sharm el-Sheikh)海滩度假胜地的山顶别墅里

    Toppled in February following weeks of mounting protests, Mr Mubarak had spent the past two months confined to a cliff-top villa in the beach resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.


  • 放松海滩城市冒险之间酒店令人兴奋科威特度假理想起点

    Between relaxing beaches and city adventures, the hotel is the ideal starting point for an exciting Kuwait vacation.


  • 度假旅馆通常海滩山岳其他美丽的环境中游客可以放松游玩

    Resort hotels are usually in areas where there are beaches, mountains, or other inviting surroundings where tourists can relax and play.


  • 那时,正和妈妈一起泰国的一个海滩度假

    She was having a holiday at a Thai beach with her mum.


  • 拥有丰富选项花了个人时间创造财产不仅海滩目的地游客可以哥伦比亚度假体验,是唯一自己的。

    Boasting plentiful options for spending one's time that creates the property as more than just a beach destination, travelers can delight in a Colombian vacation experience that is uniquely their own.


  • 卡塔尔自行车女子巡回赛第三赛段最后阶段选手们经过沙漠上天然气厂,位于海岸线海滩度假多哈之间

    The pack of riders cycle past gasworks in the desert during the third and final stage of the Ladies Tour of Qatar cycling race, between Sealine Beach Resort and Doha.


  • 寒冷冬季阳光明媚海滩度假非常具有吸引力

    The appeal of traveling to a sunny beach during the cold winter is very strong.


  • 安代尔度假别墅发现自己天堂坐落一个郁郁葱葱热带山坡上面的卡玛拉海滩

    Discover your own personal paradise at Andara Resort and Villas, nestled on a lush tropical hillside above Kamala Beach.


  • 去年用了两个星期度假大连海滩尽情玩乐,度过了一段快乐时光

    I took two weeks for my holidays last year and had a pleasant time kicking up my heels around the beaches of Dalian.


  • 海滩度假或许会一些钱乘坐直达航班,好让自己多享受几个小时细沙脚趾流淌感觉。

    For a beach vacation, you might pay more for a direct flight to gain a couple of extra hours getting sand between your toes.


  • 沙堡度假位于丽都海滩提供了舒适便利无论加热水池发现附近高尔夫球场和水疗服务购物轻松

    Sandcastle Resort at Lido Beach provides comfort and convenience whether you are relaxing at one of two heated pools or discovering nearby golf, shopping, and spa services.


  • 沙堡度假位于丽都海滩提供了舒适便利无论加热水池发现附近高尔夫球场和水疗服务购物轻松

    Sandcastle Resort at Lido Beach provides comfort and convenience whether you are relaxing at one of two heated pools or discovering nearby golf, shopping, and spa services.


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