• 美国海湾地区军事已经持续引起普遍愤恨

    S. military presence in the Gulf has been, and continues to be, a source of popular resentment.


  • 此次收购提升了迅达集团海湾地区最大市场地位

    The acquisition strengthened the position of the Schindler Group in the Gulf region's largest market.


  • 银行业整合可能无济于事的问题已经海湾地区讨论很久

    Banking consolidation has long been talked about in the gulf-to little avail.


  • 福克斯之前海湾地区的公司机构致力于自然历史节目的拍摄。

    Fox had previously said its Gulf operations would focus on making natural-history shows.


  • 海湾地区以及世界各地耕地需求越来越大,同时供应缩小。

    In the gulf, and elsewhere, demand for arable land is growing, while supply is shrinking.


  • 国外工人们抱怨很厉害他们海湾地区少于被派印度巴基斯坦不列颠的同事。

    Foreign workers complain bitterly that the money they earn in the Gulf stretches less far when sent to their families in India, Pakistan or Britain.


  • 对于不是海湾地区或是阿富汗长大来说,相处看不到面部表情会感觉很不舒服

    For people raised outside the Gulf or Afghanistan, dealing with somebody whose facial expressions are hidden is uncomfortable.


  • 伊朗称Ghadir隐形潜艇难以通过声纳探测目的浅水水域沿岸作战特别是海湾地区

    Iran has described the Ghadir as stealth submarines, hardly detectable by sonar and aimed at coastal operations in shallow waters, notably in the Gulf.


  • 这项法案中包含了一些当前亟需资金项目,比如我们海湾地区参加重建的士兵配备武器从而让他们外国表现出更良好的纪律

    The bill included necessary funding for high priorities, such as equipping our military and rebuilding the Gulf Coast, and it showed discipline in other areas.


  • 一个意大利石油商leonardo Maugeri所说美国超过100万的油田相比,海湾地区只有2000个油井盲目开掘。

    Only 2, 000 wildcat Wells have ever been dug in the countries around the Gulf, according to Leonardo Maugeri, an Italian oilman, compared with more than 1m Wells in the United States.


  • 一个意大利石油商leonardo Maugeri所说美国超过100万油田相比,海湾地区只有2000个油井盲目开掘。

    Only 2,000 wildcat Wells have ever been dug in the countries around the Gulf, according to Leonardo Maugeri, an Italian oilman, compared with more than 1m Wells in the United States.


  • 不管如何,私人安保公司也只能处理一些简单的打击海盗活动.真正做的海岸上.而从跟踪赎金隐藏的地点入手或许不错.报道称赎金通常被放海湾地区银行.之外,年轻的索马里船主寻找新的谋生方式也有所帮助.曾经捕鱼为生的索马里人称他们被那些外国的拖捞船挤出了捕鱼的行当.

    Tracking where the ransoms are stashed, reportedly in banks in the Gulf, would be one way to start. Another idea would be to find new ways for young Somali boat-owners to survive.


  • 密西西比佛罗里达一些大陆地区沿岸组成海湾群岛国家海滨七座屏障岛屿中的座。

    It is one of seven barrier islands that, along with some mainland areas of Mississippi and Florida, make up the Gulf Islands National Seashore.


  • 太平洋西北部美国华盛顿州的普吉特海湾地区常见鹿

    Two species of deer have been prevalent in the Puget Sound area of Washington State in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.


  • 另外最好印度电影供应给伦敦加利福尼亚海湾地区印度侨民的也增加。

    In addition, the best Hindi films increasingly serve expatriates in London and California's Bay Area.


  • 俄罗斯摩尔曼斯克地区绝妙海湾——当地一个最受欢迎钓鱼之地

    In the even more Northern part of Russian in the Murmansk region there is a marvellous bay - one of the local favorite places for fishing.


  • 福克斯计划负责互联网广告销售地区总部设阿布扎比,阿拉伯地区年轻朝气对于福克斯来说一个机遇海湾地区4100万居民当中有近三分之二的人年龄30岁以下

    Fox, which plans to put its regional base for online-ad sales in Abu Dhabi, sees the region's youth as an opportunity: nearly two-thirds of the Gulf's 41m residents are under 30.


  • 美国国家海洋大气管理局NOAA最新预测显示至少周三以前海湾可能继续漂流环流以北地区

    The latest National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecast shows that the Gulf oil slick will likely remain north of the Loop Currentat least until Wednesday.


  • 甚至中亚海湾地区争夺石油天然气提供了更多引发冲突原因今天那块地盘还是美国人说了算。

    The scramble for oil and gas offers ample causes of yet more conflict in Central Asia and even the Gulf, where today America’s rules supreme.


  • 迪拜金融危机爆发之后海湾地区债权人可能会钟情于那些依靠石油天然气这类“实际资产国家

    In the wake of the Dubai debacle, lenders to the Gulf may favour those states that can fall back on "real assets", such as gas and oil.


  • 20多年攻读博士学位的时候,报上看到一则消息:海湾学校那个地区,有只鲸鱼搁浅了,奄奄一息。

    More than 20 years ago, when I was studying for a doctor's degree, I read in a newspaper a whale had been stranded in shallow waters off Bohai Bay near my university.


  • 这种招募工作1970年代继续进行,当时海湾地区繁荣石油经济吸收了大量熟练低技能劳动力

    This recruitment continued in the 1970s as the booming oil economies in the Gulf absorbed a large pool of skilled and low-skilled manpower.


  • 还将缩减法国南部非洲军事布局,重新布置东部非洲海湾地区

    But he will all the same shrink France's military presence in sub-Saharan Africa, and reorient it towards the Horn of Africa and the Gulf.


  • 造成这种结果的原因包括:石油富裕援助减少阿拉伯地区劳动力海湾国家就业机会减少,以及石油富裕国流入资源贫乏国的资金的减少

    The reasons include less aid from oil-rich countries, fewer job opportunities for Arab laborers in the Gulf, and less money flowing from oil rich countries to resource-poor countries.


  • 海盗热门地区西非,该地区盛产石油的几内亚海湾今年海盗袭击猛增

    The hottest new zone for pirates is West Africa, whose oil-rich Gulf of Guinea has seen a spike in attacks this year.


  • 连续高速增长之后海湾地区市场过去几个月开始出现跳水现象。

    Markets there have plunged in the past few months after four years' rocketing growth.


  • 连续高速增长之后海湾地区市场过去几个月开始出现跳水现象。

    Markets there have plunged in the past few months after four years' rocketing growth.


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