• 易于使用仪器农户未来世界中的健康预防疾病促进一般

    This simple-to-use instrument should be in every household in the world in the future for prevention of illnesses and promotion of general health.


  • 未来世界主要的景观巨大的爱波皮卡内有太空船地球星球历史之旅。

    At Epcot the main attraction (that big giant Epcot ball) houses Spaceship Earth; a ride that takes you back through the history of our little planet.


  • 一个命名为“需要东西”的标题标题列出未来世界拥有重要的东西。

    Write a heading called "things I would need". Under the heading. list the most important things you would like to have in your future world.


  • 汤姆因为实现远大理想,我需要大笔,我未来世界房屋出租了,愿意要啊?

    I'm Tom, because must realize the lofty ideal, I need a large sum of money, I want to put me in the future of rental housing, who want?


  • 上世纪六十年代工作激发了科学家们大家同他一样相信在未来世界中,光纤全球日以继夜地连续传输文字图片

    His work in the mid-1960s inspired scientists to share his vision of a world where optic fibres ferried words and pictures seamlessly around the planet and around the clock.


  • 未来世界量子计算机可能会取代当代电脑,借助于量子世界中的诸多未来计算机的容量将急剧膨胀,其信息处理速度也会突飞猛进。

    The computers of tomorrow could be quantum not classical, using the quantum world's strange properties to vastly increase memory and speed up information processing.


  • 根据新的报告南极附近未受破坏海域进行工业捕捞磷虾会威胁未来世界最后一个荒野

    Industrial fishing for krill in the unspoilt waters around Antarctica is threatening the future of one of the world's last great wildernesses, according to a new report.


  • 这个一两年之后未来世界一个美妙的生活之所。

    The world, only a year or two into the future, was a wonderful place to live in.


  • 2050年以前几百万百无聊赖人类将把自己冷冻起来,以便移居未来世界历险

    By 2050, he said, millions of bored human beings would freeze themselves in order to emigrate into the future to find adventure.


  • 一个看起来越来越管理时代城市不是国家将成为一座座统治岛屿未来世界秩序建立城市基础

    In an age that appears increasingly unmanageable, cities rather than states are becoming the islands of governance on which the future world order will be built.


  • 1982年的《儿童未来手册》昔日未来世界中算是相当超前了。

    The 1982 Kids' Whole Future Catalog is just bursting at the seams with amazing advancements from the world of yestermorrow.


  • 星球大战》、《超人《电子世界争霸战第一运用技术的动画片,然而其实一只动画绘制成的1976年的《未来世界》就得到一个“配角角色——出现计算机生成旁边

    Star Wars, Superman and Tron were among the first films to use the technique they invented, while the hand animation itself got a cameo role in 1976's Futureworld, alongside a computer generated face.


  • 我们学校培养未来世界领导者

    Our school is creating future world leaders.


  • 科幻电影﹐科幻小说推波助澜﹐一再描绘这种可怕的未来世界

    Science fiction movies and science fiction novels promote the idea greatly, constantly painting a terrifying future world.


  • 看看这个天堂一样未来世界完美每个人快乐绝对自由生活包括拥有懒惰的自由。

    See, people in this heaven-like future world are so perfect, that everyone is living in happiness and absolute freedom, including the Freedom of Laziness.


  • 希望哲学面前,道德教育面临未来世界这一新的本体论对象将重新审视道德教育赖以存哲学基础

    In Hope Philosophy, moral education will be faced with the future world, an new ontological object. It will re examine its philosophical basis.


  • 我们眼中科技第一生产力,未来世界生活会怎样?

    In our eyes, science and technology are primary productive forces, the future of the world, life would be like?


  • 同时还指出:“一个未来世界提供淡水地方。”许多地方仍然比较廉价的,更好补充方法获取不破坏环境饮用水

    "It may have a place in the world's future fresh water supplies but regions still have cheaper, better and complementary ways to supply water that are less risky to the environment," he said.


  • 高野脑袋可意大利文艺复兴外太空未来世界,于形态里带出一种只有梦境出现的二元联想

    Takano's inspirations vary from Italian renaissance, to outer-space futuristic worlds, with a dichotomy reminiscent of shapes only dreams can take.


  • 结果就是各方面对世界更好理解从而产生来自各国人民受到尊重不同观点意见能容忍未来世界

    The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.


  • 故事架构距离不远的近未来世界中,由于受到致命病毒影响而导致世界人口遽减

    In a near future, the world's population has decreased dramatically due to a deadly virus that terrorized the whole planet.


  • 小说对未来世界展开了丰富想象,作品描述了玛拉丹恩姐弟俩历经艰难险阻重返伊甸园故事

    The work describes a story that Mara and Dann finally return to the Garden of Edenafter experiencing a lot of difficulties and obstacles, which is full of ups and downs.


  • 诗人未知神灵祭祀长,镜子反射巨大未来世界现今社会的投影,是字符表达人们无法即刻理解的至理;

    Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration, the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon present, the words which express what they understand not;


  • 诗人未知神灵祭祀长,镜子反射巨大未来世界现今社会的投影,是字符表达人们无法即刻理解的至理;

    Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration, the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon present, the words which express what they understand not;


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