• 招待会他们了熏三文鱼

    At the reception they served smoked salmon.


  • 招待会服务员候你,自己动手食物

    Don't wait to be served at the reception, just help yourself to the food.


  • 感谢音乐学院招待会我们演出的弦乐四重奏。

    I want to thank the Shanghai Music Conservatory string quartet that played for us during the reception.


  • 招待会认出一个著名学者博士生陷入慌张价值感缺失黑洞

    Recognizing a renowned scholar at a reception, the grad student is sucked into a black hole of panic and worthlessness.


  • 选中招待会那位贵宾演奏,对那位年轻钢琴家来说一种殊荣。

    To be chose to play for the distinguished guest at the reception was really a feather in the cap for the young pianist.


  • 卡兹回忆,有次招待会安妮特·贝宁跟他开玩笑,“所有朋友都被招来了,怎么的份?”

    Katz recalled Annette Bening at a reception jokingly complaining: "you're hiring all my friends and you haven't hired me."


  • 招待会被收养中国儿童总领馆外交官子女一起表演精彩的乐器演奏体操中国民族舞蹈,赢得阵阵热烈掌声。

    Children both from the American adoptive families and the Consulate General presented fantastic talent shows at the reception such as Chinese dance,calligraphy, painting, violin and harp playing.


  • 阿姆斯特丹一次记者招待会上做了评论

    He made his comments at a news conference in Amsterdam.


  • 内斯塔碰撞不是我病情的起因只是这次意外帮助发现原来就有的问题”,加图索一次新闻招待会上告诉记者

    "My collision with Nesta was not the cause of my problem, it was just an incident which helped me discover what I had," Gattuso told reporters at a press conference.


  • 星期三含泪记者招待会,丰田公司退出了一级方程序比赛宣布公司不得不集中精力搞好核心汽车业。

    In a tearful news conference on Wednesday, it pulled out of Formula One racing, acknowledging it has to focus on its core car business.


  • 麦凯恩发布声明奥巴马紧接着的佛罗里达记者招待会上表示辩论会原计划进行。

    In a press conference in Florida shortly after the McCain announcement, Obama said the debate should go forward as planned.


  • 此前一次联合记者招待会上奥巴马英国首相大卫·卡梅隆预测卡扎菲最终下台

    Earlier, at a joint news conference, Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron predicted that Gaddafi would ultimately leave power.


  • 年轻明星找不到更好公共场合表达他们了,媒体面前记者招待会上

    And the young pop stars couldn't have found a more public place to express their love than at a press conference, in front of the media.


  • 星期三下午巴特勒美国国家科学基金会组织新闻招待会上发表了述演讲。

    Butler spoke Wednesday afternoon at a news conference organized by the National Science Foundation, the organization that funded Butler's research.


  • 今天纽约美国自然历史博物馆记者招待会,维珍银河公布了这一消息

    The announcement was made today at a press conference atthe American Museum of Natural History in New York.


  • 今天召开的记者招待会道格拉斯斯通盖柯所取得的明星地位表达同样困惑

    At their press conference today, Douglas and Stone expressed the same baffled annoyance about Gekko's star status.


  • 首尔举行记者招待会克隆团队受到了指责,人类进行再生克隆不安全的,低效的”。

    In a news conference in Seoul, the cloning team also condemned the reproductive cloning of humans as "unsafe and inefficient."


  • 宣布他们订婚一次记者招待会上菲利普插了一句话,抓住胳膊:“说完!”

    When Felipe, 35, interrupted her during a press conference to announce their engagement, she grabbed his arm and said: “Let me finish!”


  • 8月5绝大多数都是日本记者的记者招待会英语宣布第一季度收入并且展示了员工自助餐厅英文菜单

    He spoke English at a press conference for mostly Japanese reporters on Aug. 5 when the company announced its first-quarter earnings and the company displays English menus at staff cafeterias.


  • 要想参与全球竞争我们必须遵守同样游戏规则,”铃木汽车公司董事长OsamuSuzuki本月一次记者招待会上说道

    "To be globally competitive, we need to be able to play by the same rules," Osamu Suzuki, chief executive at Suzuki Motor, said during a news conference this month.


  • 9月7北京举行记者招待会世界经济论坛夏季达沃斯”论坛宣布2010年领军者年会主要参与者主要议题。

    The World Economic Forum announced the key participants and program for its Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2010, also known as "Summer Davos," at a press conference in Beijing on Sept 7.


  • 今天下午的新闻招待会上警方克雷奇默从去年开始接受精神治疗,直至9月没有就诊了

    At a press conference this afternoon, police said Kretschmer had begun having psychiatric sessions last year but stopped attending in September.


  • 最初韦纳将不雅信息归结于恶作剧,后来6月初记者招待会上承认了自己所扮演的不光彩角色,向公众道歉拒绝辞职。

    After first attributing the inappropriate communications to a prank, Mr. Weiner confessed his role at a news conference in early June, apologizing but vowing to remain in office.


  • 我们会晤记者招待会上科尔对不久前半夜去世的89岁高龄参议员富布赖特发表一段令人感动颂词

    At the press conference after our meeting, Kohl paid a moving tribute to Senator Fulbright, who had died shortly after midnight at the age of eighty-nine.


  • 美国驻总领事康碧翠女士重新开馆三十周年招待会讲话

    Consul General Camp's Remarks at Anniversary reception.


  • 卡斯特雷萨会面中,提出了一个请求如果卡斯特雷萨纳相信父亲曾经尝试(即算是采取了错误的方式)帮助他的国家,那么记者招待会上出来。

    In the meeting with Castresana, he made one request: if Castresana believed that his father had been trying, even if mistakenly, to help his country, then he should say so at the press conference.


  • 卡斯特雷萨会面中,提出了一个请求如果卡斯特雷萨纳相信父亲曾经尝试(即算是采取了错误的方式)帮助他的国家,那么记者招待会上出来。

    In the meeting with Castresana, he made one request: if Castresana believed that his father had been trying, even if mistakenly, to help his country, then he should say so at the press conference.


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