• 政府战争时期征用船只

    The government will commandeer ships only in wartime.


  • 战争时期密码尤为重要

    In wartime, codes are especially important.


  • 战争时期他们认真反对意见被允许的,因为他们毕竟践行劳动节俭美德农民

    Their conscientious objection was tolerated in wartime, for after all, they are good farmers who practice the virtues of work and thrift.


  • 那次战役中,杜南决心组建一支队伍,战争时期团结起来,照顾伤员垂死人员需求

    From that battle, Dunant determined to form a body of people who would rally together in times of war and attend to the needs of wounded and dying.


  • 我们纪念国际之际,我们认识到,无论是和平时期还是战争时期破坏环境都会造成广泛长期后果

    As we mark this International Day, let us recognize the wide-ranging and long-term consequences of damaging the environment -both in peace and times of war.


  • 我们纪念国际之际,我们认识到,无论是和平时期还是战争时期破坏环境都会造成广泛长期后果

    As we mark this International Day, let us recognize the wide-ranging and long-term consequences of damaging the environment - both in peace and times of war.


  • 无论是战争时期还是和平时期我们退伍军人一直艰难的困境中勇气荣誉为国服务,表现出美国美国人民毫不动摇的忠诚。

    In times of war and peace alike, our veterans have served with courage and distinction in the face of tremendous adversity, demonstrating an unfaltering commitment to America and our people.


  • 拿破仑战争时期可能许多间谍情报军官但是通常找到他们实际提供或者工作材料

    There may have been many spies and intelligence officers during the Napoleonic Wars, but it is usually extremely difficult to find the material they actually provided or worked on.


  • 几年阅读查尔斯·奥曼爵士恢弘巨著《半岛战争史》第一发现拿破仑时期密码

    I first discovered the Napoleonic cryptographic battle a few years ago when I was reading Sir Charles Oman's epic History of the Peninsular War.


  • 使哥本哈根二战时期被纳粹占领,他们也没有参加战争

    Even while Copenhagen was under occupation by the Nazis during the World War Ⅱ, it still did not fight.


  • 因为海军服役战争时期学会重视计划,所以这些旅途中他往往构思出一个模糊目标计划A”,此外还有也许更好的“计划B “计划C”。

    On these trips he would have a vague plan A, a goal in view, for he had learned to appreciate planning during a wartime spell in the navy; but plans B and C might be good, too.


  • 但是冷战时期一小撮士兵准备使用便携式、低当量核弹发射器发动场近距离、面对面的核战争

    But during the Cold War, a handful of soldiers were ready to start a nuke fight, right up-close and personal, using portable launchers and low-yield bombs.


  • Flash看起来有过鼎盛时期技术的确正日渐衰落HTML5则看起来像一项正占据优势技术……我们不是发动一场针对Flash的战争

    Flash looks like a technology that had its day but is really waning, and HTML5 looks like the technology that is really on the ascendency right now... We didn't start off to have a war with Flash.


  • 美国军事运作中,对于合同工以及合同公司依赖的程度,伊拉克阿富汗,大大地加大了,以至于目前纳税人养活的、与战争和军事相关的赢利企业规模不断扩大

    Reliance on contractors expanded drastically during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, feeding what is now a large for-profit military industry funded by U.S. taxpayers.


  • 这个收留了国家签订合同其服役已经有了,刚开始日本菲律宾第一伊拉克战争时期到了波斯湾。

    He signed up to serve his adopted nation for six years - first in Japan and the Philippines, then in the Persian Gulf during the first war with Iraq.


  • 最近出版的回忆录里写道:“自己别人证明‘就是战争贯穿高中大学时期。”

    "The battle to convince myself and others that I was my own person had challenged me all through high school and university, " he wrote in a recent memoir.


  • 和平时期改变整个国家,和平武器生产成为了战时武器生产的战争基础,这不是一个微小任务

    To change a whole nation from a basis of peacetime production of implements of peace to a basis of wartime production of implements of war is no small task.


  • 每天报纸能看到许多儿童死去无论是战争还是和平时期无论是因为疾病还是意外事故,或者其他原因

    Every day at home I would read the newspaper and find that many children had died, no matter whether in war or peacetime, from illness or accidents, or any other reasons.


  • 7080年代战争时期计划经济时期柬埔寨经济落后物资短缺财政收支赤字

    In the 70 warlike period with 80 time and planned economy period, Kampuchea economy deficit of income and expenses of shortage of backward, goods and materials, finance.


  • 克隆人战争爆发前的紧张时期,西利越来越频繁召回调解区内的领土争端

    In the years leading up to the Clone Wars, Silya was called back to her home planet on a more permanent basis to mediate several territorial disputes in the sector.


  • 与此同时战争时期一代已经学会适应离散孤独失去以及一个他们传承他们下一代东西——“受伤时候感到悲伤”。

    At the same time, the wartime generation had learnt to adjust to separation, isolation and loss, and - something they would pass on to their children - to "not feeling hurt when you were hurt".


  • 目前这个历史特殊时期惟有一个超级大国仰仗其无与伦比战争机器规模,独享自己的方式来解决世界事物的特权。

    In this particular juncture of present history, only one super power proclaims the sole right of solving the world ills in its own manners depending on unprecedented size of war machine.


  • 目前这个历史特殊时期惟有一个超级大国仰仗其无与伦比战争机器规模,独享自己的方式来解决世界事物的特权。

    In this particular juncture of present history, only one super power proclaims the sole right of solving the world ills in its own manners depending on unprecedented size of war machine.


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