• 我们拾起的无非就是我们脑海闪现碎片

    What we can seize is nothing but several fragments that flash back in our minds.


  • 这些隐喻应该我们幼年时期学习深深在我们脑海

    Such metaphors would have been learned and hard-wired into the brain at a young age.


  • 那么语言力量联想那些事情我们脑海之前就被提出了。

    The power of words, then, lies in their associations—the things they bring up before our minds. words become filled with meaning for us by experience;


  • 我们谈谈有时候我们脑海相互冲突两个不同思维积极现实

    Let's first talk about two different mindsets that sometimes collide in our mind: being positive versus being realistic.


  • 的确日本上班族办公室拼命工作情形已深深地我们脑海

    Indeed, the notion of a Japanese businessman working long hours at the office is burned into our consciousness.


  • 瑞安写道,“这个酒店有可能成为卡扎菲力量反对派决一死战地点,这个令人恐惧念头一直不断地我们脑海浮现着。”

    "Ryan wrote," the hotel may be Mr Qaddafi's strength and the opposition do-or-die site, the frightening thought kept in mind.


  • 同胞终于开始相信我们脑海建造不会轻易地被早潮冲走

    His compatriots are at last beginning to believe that the sandcastles we build in our minds are not going to be simply washed away by the morning tide.


  • 我们努力脑海中理清整个下午的情景。

    We are just trying to get our picture of the whole afternoon straight.


  • 深深地根植我们脑海我们仍然使用它。

    It is so deeply planted in our mind that we still use it now.


  • 对于我们中的一些人来说,我们脑海中放映部梦幻般的电影只是因为新年开始我们认真地要做出改变

    For some of us, we roll that dreamy film in our heads just because it is the beginning of the New Year, but we are serious about making changes.


  • 可以房子蓝图一样脑海中勾勒出愿望蓝图,我们每个人日常生活不断地绘制这些蓝图

    You can make a mental blueprint of a desire as you would make a blueprint of a house, and each of us is continually making these blueprints in the general routine of everyday living.


  • 我们脑海形成许多期望,期望他人什么,期望我们什么样的人生,期望别的司机如何表现……不过这些想象中的并不真实

    We build these expectations in our heads of what other people should do, what our lives should be like, how other drivers should behave... and yet it's all fantasy. It's not real.


  • 我们脑海形成许多期望,期望他人什么,期望我们什么样的人生,期望别的司机如何表现……不过这些想象中的,并不真实

    We build these expectations in our heads of what other people should do, what our lives should be like, how other drivers should behave … and yet it’s all fantasy. It’s not real.


  • 如果对重返狼穴感觉或者脑海还有几许好奇,我们也许可以帮助你。

    But if you're feeling Wolfenstein withdrawal, or have Wonders on the mind, we might be able to help you out.


  • 的老师罗伯特·艾特肯管这种现象叫做“自我磁带”,就像有一盘磁带一直我们脑海播放一样

    It's what my teacher Robert Aitken calls the 'Me-tape', the tape that keeps on playing in our mind.


  • 如今我们有了新的不确定性,关于当下已知未知数脑海列了一张快速名单

    Today we have new uncertainties. I made a quick list of current known unknowns in my own mind.


  • 脑海深处回荡瞬间信息试图指引着我们行为

    We get instant messages from deep in the gut that resonate through the mind, trying to dictate our behaviour.


  • 配置调优虚拟处理器时我们需要脑海勾画出整个系统图像

    When we configure and tune virtual processors, we need to have the picture of our whole system in mind.


  • 事实上每当我们尽力想起某个东西那个东西就会缠绕我们脑海循环反复自我意识中挥之不去。

    In fact, whenever we try not to think about something that something gets trapped in the mind, stuck in the recursive loop of self-consciousness.


  • 无论当时是多么的悲伤随着时间一点一点过去,我们关于所爱的人的那部分记忆有时慢慢地我们脑海褪色。

    However sadly to be saying, along the passage of time, little by little, memories of our loved ones sometimes just fade off slowly from our mind.


  • 我们愿望脑海突然间变成我们的需要事情就会变得糟糕起来

    Where we really screw ourselves up is when suddenly the things we desire, in our minds become things we need.


  • 我们之所以如此容易分散精力是因为太多的事脑海之中。

    The reason why we lose focus so easily is because we have too much on our minds.


  • 由于情感依恋我们脑海中的文职人员这个诺言立即优先归档文件柜

    Because of the emotional attachment, the file clerk in our mind will now give this promise an immediate priority filing in the filing cabinet.


  • 脑海不可原谅我们曾经囚徒一样被关吉达的家中

    Most inexcusable in my mind is that we were kept as virtual prisoners in our home in Jeddah.


  • 没有想到我们有什么牵扯这样一种想法,脑海从来没有存过。

    It never occurred to me that we would become involved; such a scenario was nowhere in my imagination.


  • 讲述的故事使我们发笑而且描述战时法国的岁月脑海可以勾勒出整个画面法兰西农村巨大的海军战舰还有吉尔伯特

    His stories made me laugh, and when he described his time in France, I could picture it all: the French countryside, the huge Navy ships, and Gilbert Desclos.


  • 本文开头,我们这种冥想已经略谈过一点,可以容易地帮你脑海重建原始场景

    We've discussed this meditation in the first part of this series - it is simply to relive and recreate the original situation in your mind.


  • 脑海想象一下:猛犸曾我们的居住地附近

    Picture it in your mind. Woolly mammoths eating grass around the places we are living in right now.


  • 脑海想象一下:猛犸曾我们的居住地附近

    Picture it in your mind. Woolly mammoths eating grass around the places we are living in right now.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定