• 拜仁是欧洲冠军目前德甲排名第一

    The German side have four European Cups to their name and are currently top of the Bundesliga.


  • 诺德维特德甲效力的经验上赛季他就被租给了纽伦堡

    Nordtveit already has Bundlesliga experience, having spent last season on loan with FC Nuremberg.


  • 云达不莱梅正经历一个艰难的赛季目前德甲联赛排名14

    Werder Bremen have endured a tough season and are currently 14th in the Bundesliga.


  • 拜仁远远最强德甲联赛中的每所涵盖的两个位置优秀球员。

    Bayern's squad is far and away the strongest in the Bundesliga with every position covered by two quality players.


  • 弗林斯1996年上演职业生涯整个职业生涯在德甲联赛。

    Frings, who made his professional debut in 1996, has spent his entire career in the Bundesliga.


  • 德甲联赛中拜仁44排名第四法兰克福积分27分,排倒数第三

    Bayern are placed four in the Bundesliga league with 44 points, while Eintracht are third to last with 27 points.


  • 接连场的失败可以看出他们低迷,他们德甲积分榜的名次第二名掉到了第五名。

    Two successive defeats have seen them slump from second to fifth place in the Bundesliga table.


  • 假定缺席比赛这实烦人。”德甲斯图加特沙尔克揭幕战勒夫说道

    I assume that he will miss the game as upsetting as that is, "Loew said at the Bundesliga season opener between VfB Stuttgart and Schalke on Friday."


  • 周六低调举办小型生日会的时候拜仁慕尼黑进行了德甲再战前最后一场热身赛

    While he celebrated his birthday quietly with a small party on Saturday at home, FC Bayern played their last warm-up game before the Bundesliga restart.


  • 塔扭转颓势,在德甲29比赛客场3:1战胜波鸿之后上周末球队各方感快慰

    There was huge relief all round last weekend, as Hertha turned on the style to beat VfL Bochum 3-1 away in round 29 of the Bundesliga.


  • 2001年,德甲最后一轮比赛拜仁汉堡最后时刻送给了拜仁慕尼黑一个极具争议的间接任意球

    In 2001 he awarded a hotly-debated indirect free kick to Bayern Munich in the last minute of the final game of the season against Hamburg.


  • 拜仁取得44第四沙尔克04(50)排在德甲榜首接下来就是不来梅斯图加特(积46分)。

    FC Bayern stay in fourth place on 44 points, Schalke 04 (50 PTS.) remain top of the Bundesliga ahead of Werder Bremen and VfB Stuttgart (both 46 PTS.).


  • 明天发挥德甲之间的斯图加特勒沃库森哥儿们失败的命运,勒沃库森回到正轨有条不紊地进行

    Tomorrow he will play in the Bundesliga between VfB Stuttgart and Bayer his buddies defeat, and with Leverkusen back on track in order.


  • 年轻挪威球员依靠自己德甲联赛中的表现给了阿尔塞纳·温格一个深刻的印象,因为可以同时胜任中后卫后腰的角色。

    The Norway youth international impressed manager Arsene Wenger while with the Bundesliga outfit as he excelled in both defensive midfield and at centre back.


  • 这位30岁的世界杯冠军是以1200万欧元的价格意甲佛罗伦萨转会的,宣称德甲目标大家喜欢胜于球星

    The 30-year-old World Cup winner arrived from Serie a side Fiorentina on a 12 million euro deal and he claimed his objective in the Bundesliga was to be liked rather than to be a star.


  • 沃尔夫斯堡首次夺得德甲冠军拒绝波斯尼亚射手埃丁·出售米兰引起了很大关注。

    It was intriguing to find that Wolfsburg, after landing the Bundesliga title for the first time, could flatly decline to sell their Bosnia striker Edin Dzeko to Milan.


  • 巴塞罗那中场赫莱布周三的采访里面,很感谢自己租到狼堡的一赛季,并且球队2009年获得了德甲冠军沃尔夫斯堡的日子给留下了深刻的回忆。

    Barcelona's much-travelled forward Alexander Hleb said Wednesday he is grateful for the chance to impress at German league side VfL Wolfsburg after being loaned to the 2009 Bundesliga champions.


  • 法国国内法甲并不火爆德国德甲依旧如火如荼。

    Inside France, the French league does not look quite so robust, whereas from inside Germany the Bundesliga is as strong as ever.


  • 当沃尔夫斯堡周六5比1击败欧洲联盟杯决赛对手之一的不来梅他们疯狂庆祝第一个德甲冠军头衔。

    Wolfsburg sparked wild celebrations when they clinched their first German Bundesliga crown after thrashing beaten UEFA Cup finalists Werder Bremen 5-1 on Saturday.


  • 专访中欧文将告诉大家康复情况,他哥哥以及拜仁即将面对德甲劲旅不来梅的情况。

    In an interview Owen talks about the rehab, the time with his brother and Bayern chances at Werder Bremen.


  • 欧文已经伤病中恢复了希望可以周五对阵纽伦堡德甲联赛中正式复出。

    Owen has recovered from a broken fibula and is now hoping to make his comeback in the Bundesliga on Friday against Nuremberg.


  • 水晶宫德甲的门格拉德巴赫以及伯明翰成功地度过几个赛季,而一直以来伯明翰都希望永久买下弗塞尔

    He spent successful time at Crystal Palace, with Borussia Moenchengladbach in Germany and at Birmingham who have wished to sign him permanently for some time.


  • 波斯尼亚射手德泽科23岁今年32德甲联赛打入26帮助沃尔夫斯堡获得冠军阿森纳俱乐部展示兴趣

    Bosnian striker Dzeko, 23, hit 26 goals in 32 games in helping fire Wolfsburg to the Bundesliga title and Arsenal have registered their interest with his club.


  • 保安人员停止一个德甲足球之间科隆柏林柏林赫塔2009年11月8日匹配裸奔。

    Security staff stop a streaker during a Bundesliga soccer match between FC Cologne and Hertha Berlin in Berlin November 8, 2009.


  • 无论如何,巴拉克德甲联赛而投奔切尔西那里大概不会德国所背负包袱了。

    Either way, Ballack will abandon German league soccer for Chelsea, where nobody will care about the complicated baggage that Germans believe he carries.


  • 米兰-不来梅威沙体育场体育场2-1击败沃尔夫斯堡后结束了德甲上半赛季争夺。

    MILAN - Werder Bremen ended the first part of the season in the Bundesliga by beating last Saturday December 13 at the Weserstadion, Wolfsburg, with the 2-1 result.


  • 闪耀俱乐部生涯囊括7个德甲冠军2座德国,这足以配得上国家队成就

    A glittering club career which included seven Bundesliga titles and two German Cups was more than matched by his international achievements.


  • 阿森纳周六与科隆交手,温格球员对阵这家德甲球队,每个人最多上场45分钟

    Arsenal face FC Cologne on Saturday and Wenger says his players will get a maximum of 45 minutes against the Bundesliga side.


  • 阿森纳周六与科隆交手,温格球员对阵这家德甲球队,每个人最多上场45分钟

    Arsenal face FC Cologne on Saturday and Wenger says his players will get a maximum of 45 minutes against the Bundesliga side.


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