• 认为很大程度上一种叫做干劲东西

    And I would think that was to a very large degree something called motivation.


  • 如果是因为很合适原因下属接受度很大程度,会容易的多。

    If you're chosen for sound reasons, your acceptance by your new direct reports will, for the most part, be much easier to gain.


  • 里根本人就实施了具有重要意义的政策,很大程度上补偿任职初期削减

    Reagan himself enacted significant tax increases, offsetting to a considerable extent his initial cuts.


  • 作为框架这种可调整特性适合应用的同时也很大的程度上影响了项目开发效果

    The ability to pull and shape a framework to better suit your domain can have a dramatic impact on the outcome of a development project.


  • 最终如何决定很大的程度上,取决于人爱戴的默克尔是否继续支持提携的这个女门生。

    Much will depend on whether the even more popular Mrs Merkel will continue to back her protégée.


  • 少年创造出新的模糊了线世界真实世界新的社交方式 并且很大的程度上他们根本就忽视这两个世界之间区别.

    Teens are creating new forms of social behavior that blur thedistinction between online and real-world interactions -- and largelyignore the difference between the two.


  • 我们很大程度本土文化产物

    We are all to a great extent the products of our culture.


  • 卫理公会派教堂很大程度认为美国立场风向标

    The Methodist church is viewed as a bellwether of U.S. attitudes in large part.


  • 我们在很大程度依赖电脑安排我们工作

    These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.


  • 老年生活的幸福很大程度上取决于种族性别婚姻状况

    How well off you are in old age is largely determined by race, sex, and marital status.


  • 我们什么时候休假很大程度上取决于格雷格工作计划

    When we take our vacations is very much dictated by Greg's work schedule.


  • 他们成功很大程度上应归功于他们的决心

    Their success is due in large part to their determination.


  • 这个成功很大程度上努力的结果

    The team's success was largely due to her efforts.


  • 法律界很大程度上仍然男人世界,这一点从法官人数屈指可数即可得到证实。

    The legal profession is still a largely male world, as evidenced by the small number of women judges.


  • 这位小说家很大程度是以亲身经历为素材。

    The novelist draws heavily on her personal experiences.


  • 在很大程度上依赖家庭

    He leans heavily on his family.


  • 这个决定意味着很大程度脱离了原先的政策

    This decision represents a significant departure from previous policy.


  • 西奥多•罗斯福在很大程度上是一外交关系现实主义者

    Theodore Roosevelt was preeminently a realist in foreign relations.


  • 其他动物不同,非洲很大程度上环境建设者

    Unlike other animals, the African elephant is to a great extent the builder of its environment.


  • 很大程度上他们一样的。

    In a large degree, they're the same.


  • 很大程度上消费者控制产品命运

    For the most part, consumers control what happens to a product.


  • 绝大多数男性经济学家认为男女之间工资差距在很大程度是个技能、经验自愿选择所造成结果

    Male economists overwhelmingly think the wage gap between men and women is largely the result of individuals'skills, experience and voluntary choices.


  • 的确一个性格很大程度所处环境决定的。

    It is true that a person's character is, to a great extent, shaped by the environment they live in.


  • 这个行业很大程度市场支配

    The profession is very much at the mercy of the market place.


  • 然而另一些认为体育运动成功很大程度上取决于心态

    Other people believe, however, the success of sport depends as much on mental attitude.


  • 语言流利在很大程度上依赖不断练习

    The fluency of a language largely depends on constant practice.


  • 纪录片《2016:奥巴马美国很大程度一位保守派作家执导的。

    The documentary 2016: Obama's America was directed in large part by a conservative writer.


  • 吃零食酗酒暴饮暴食使发胖其实不是他们自己的肥胖很大程度上他人造成的。

    The snacking, over-drinking and overeating that makes people fat is not really their own fault: obesity is in large part something that is being done to them.


  • 因此吃零食酗酒暴饮暴食导致人们发胖不是他们自己的肥胖很大程度上他人造成的。

    So the snacking, over-drinking and overeating that makes people fat is not really their own fault: obesity is in large part something that is being done to them.


  • 烤过佐料在很大程度上盖过了所有别的味道尽管过之后会比之前更一点

    The roasted seasoning largely overpowered any other flavour, although there was slightly bitter after taste.


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