• 年代确定的木乃伊找到的疟疾最久远的基因证据

    It's the oldest genetic proof for malaria in well-dated mummies.


  • 年代久远喷发物地层迹象表明此处岩石产生一次撞击

    These are also the telltales in distant layers of ejecta that the rock in question has come from an impact.


  • 你们采用老式风格音乐,并用年轻而敏锐的感受力过滤年代

    You take that old-style music and filter it through your youthful sensibilities, bridging the generations.


  • 范围最初商业模型开始主流消费形成以及在年代畅销机型

    They range from the very first commercial model to the beginnings of mainstream consumer adoption and on to the best selling models of their generation.


  • 搜寻者细心地选择地貌年代适宜适合保存化石以及暴露地表岩层认真查找

    The hunters choose their terrain carefully, looking for rocks of the right age, the right type to preserve fossils and rocks that are exposed at the surface.


  • 年代地层方面,进一步强调以初始海(FFS)作为优化年代地层“阶”的标准

    It is emphasized that the first flooding surface (FFS) is used as a standard or useful marker in optimizing chronostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic boundaries.


  • 长江上游降水强度也存在年变化区域平均降水天数中等强度降水天数呈现减少趋势

    The interdecadal variation of rainfall intensity shows that the regional mean days of small precipitation and middle precipitation have a decreasing trend over the upper reaches of Yangtze River.


  • 红霞低低的、暗淡的上空尽头断裂,化成道光泽,在年代悠久的护壁挂毯陈旧的镶色彩上闪动。

    It was in the way the red light, breaking at the close from under a low somber sky, reached out in a long shaft and played over old wainscots, old tapestry, old gold, old color.


  • 这种响应年代变化1983年之前最为明显,1983 ~ 1993年是个调整时期,1993年以后又开始明显

    This response has decadal variation, the most significant period appears before 1983 and there is an adjustment stage between 1983 and 1993, which appears significantly after 1993.


  • 隐喻性面具一回事,因为意义超越艺术史家能力范围,后者只能年代偶然性以及民族渊源方面做一些修修补补的工作。

    Masking of a non-metaphorical kind is a different matter, its significance transcending an art historian's tinkering with chance effects of chronology and national origin.


  • 了18世纪60年代,他们每年要输给荷兰商人几百万英镑,年收入60英镑被视为高收入的时候,这实是一笔巨款。

    By the 1760s, they were losing millions of pounds each year to Dutch traders, a huge amount of money in a time when £60 a year was considered a good income.


  • 许多女性一样,年轻就下定决心把握母亲那个年代未曾出现过的那些机会

    Like so many women, I was determined from a young age to take advantage of the opportunities that weren't available to so many in my mother's generation. I had worked hard to make that happen.


  • 最近全球个人电脑出货量维持增长率12%,虽然上世纪90年代后期增长率相比还有很大差距——常常超过这个比率两倍已经预计要好

    Worldwide PC shipments have lately been grow in g by about 12% a yearbetter than expected, though still a far cry from the late 1990s, when the industry sometimes grew at more than twice that rate.


  • 结果表明华东地区水稻产量区域气候年际年代尺度变化周期

    The results showed that both of rice yield fluctuate and regional climate variations in East China had the interannual and interdecadal scale periods.


  • 结果表明华东地区水稻产量区域气候年际年代尺度变化周期

    The results showed that both of rice yield fluctuate and regional climate variations in East China had the interannual and interdecadal scale periods.


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