• 他们的竞争巴尔干半岛尤为激烈

    Competition was especially sharp in the Balkans.


  • 南斯拉夫巴尔干半岛各国间曾处于举足轻重地位。

    The former Yugoslavia once held the balance of power in the Balkans.


  • 英国广播公司今年关闭了巴尔干半岛使用当地语进行广播的无线电业务

    This year the BBC closed its last local-language radio services in the Balkans.


  • 也许,以后巴尔干半岛,这种缅怀方式可以作为理性纪念一种典范

    Perhaps it will serve as an exemplary model of sober remembrance in the Balkans in years to come.


  • 到公元前1200年左右,他们跨过多瑙河巴尔干半岛南部定居下来

    By c. 1200 BC, they had crossed the river Danube and settled in the southern Balkans.


  • 掠夺者”第一次巴尔干半岛执行任务,那里,飞机的翅膀就很容易被冰冻

    In the Balkans, where Predators were first deployed, their wings tended to ice over.


  • 但是欧盟巴尔干半岛西部面对急切的任务——如果这个任务完成好,欧盟也获益良多

    But the EU has a more immediate job to do in the western balkans-and a lot to gain from doing it well.


  • 欧洲中亚失踪女性数量原本基数倍(主要是巴尔干半岛高加索地区)。

    The number ofmissing girlsdoubled in Europe and Central Asia (mainly in the Balkans and the Caucasus), from a low base.


  • 奥尔布赖特联合国表现出色了解我们面临挑战尤其是巴尔干半岛中东地区所面临的挑战。

    Albright had done an outstanding job at the United Nations and understood the challenges we faced, especially in the Balkans and the Middle East.


  • 然而相同形状材料制造架F- 117战斗机却于1999年巴尔干半岛上空被击落

    However, in 1999, an F-117, which also has a stealthy shape and materials, was blasted out of the sky over the Balkans.


  • 随着90年代末期战火硝烟巴尔干半岛绝迹,地区不少数量的公司追寻力图恢复前南地区的市场地位。

    Since the Balkan wars ended in the late 1990s a number of other companies from the region have sought to gain or restore their market share in the former Yugoslavia.


  • Milic表示接受这项工作时,他被告知,阿拉伯半岛电视台巴尔干半岛唯一目的就是填补市场空白

    Mr Milic says that when he took the job he was told that Al Jazeera’s only interest in the Balkans was to fill a gap in the market.


  • 巴尔干半岛欧洲一部分,位于亚得里亚海黑海之间许多国家声称他们巴尔干半岛拥有特殊利益而且巴尔干半岛一些国家相互打战。

    This was the area of Europe between the Adriatic and Black Seas. Many nations claimed special interests in the Balkans. And several Balkan countries were fighting each other.


  • 真正偏僻村庄旅游并不是愉快的事情。妻子一次周游巴尔干半岛时对此深有体会

    Visits to really remote villages are seldom enjoyable — as my wife and I discovered during a tour through the Balkans.


  • 此外负责监督合同公务人员指责哈利伯顿伊拉克科威特巴尔干半岛的承包合同中违法得到了最惠待遇

    Furthermore, a civil servant who oversaw contracts accused Halliburton of unlawfully receiving preferential treatment over contracts for work in Iraq, Kuwait and the Balkans.


  • v波黑位于巴尔干半岛的西面,北面西南面克罗地亚接壤东面塞尔维亚南斯拉夫毗邻。

    BH is located in the western Balkans, bordering Croatia to the north and south-west, and Serbia and Montenegro to the east.


  • 美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿今天萨拉热窝开始巴尔干半岛出访

    HILLARY CLINTON, the US secretary of state, begins her Balkan trip today in Sarajevo.


  • 1912 - 1913年期间,被卷入巴尔干半岛战争中邻国发生一系列冲突此期间,保加利亚领土面积有所改变。

    During 1912 and 1913 it became involved in the Balkan Wars, a series of conflicts with its neighbours, during which Bulgarian territory varied in size.


  • 但是这种危机着一丝秩序,和我们阿富汗巴基斯坦伊拉克巴尔干半岛看到混乱有所不同

    But, there was also some sort of order that makes this crisis very different from the chaos we see in countries like Afghanistan or Pakistan, Iraq or the Balkans.


  • :“很多不同角度来看,我们需要俄罗斯;比如说,巴尔干半岛政策我们伊朗之间的关系上,防止伊朗研发核武器的问题上,等等。”

    "We need Russia in a number of different areas: in Balkan policy, in our relations with Iran and trying to prevent the development of nuclear power in Iran," he said.


  • 于 2005 年退役的战舰 1982 年阿根廷英国之间福兰克群岛冲突起到重要作用而且海湾战争和巴尔干半岛战争中都出现过的身影。

    The warship, which was decommissioned in 2005, played a key role in the 1982 Falkland Islands conflict between Argentina and Britain, and saw action in the Gulf and the Balkans.


  • 接受荷兰电视节目StudioVoetbal采访时这位阿森纳射手透露:“飞往巴尔干半岛一位医生会面。”她曾帮埃因霍温(PS v Eindhoven)的中卫丹科·拉佐维奇(Danko Lazovic)治疗过。

    Speaking to Dutch television programme Studio Voetbal, the Arsenal striker revealed: "I will fly to the Balkans to meet with a female doctor who helped [PSV Eindhoven midfielder] Danko Lazovic."


  • 真正偏僻地方旅游并不是愉快事情,就像妻子一次巴尔干半岛周游所发现的那样那里受到冷遇

    Visits to really remote places are seldom enjoyable, as it did in the case of my wife on a tour to the Balkans where she received the cold shoulder.


  • 故事开始,是非洲大陆板块欧亚板块撞击隆起了泰杰特斯山脉和蔓延希腊巴尔干半岛的支脉。

    The story begins with the clash of the African and Eurasian tectonic plates that pushed up the Taygetus Mountains as well as other chains running from Greece to the Balkans.


  • 过去家养巴尔干半岛塞尔维亚乡村非常欢迎,随着现代搬运机器的产生使得人们渐渐冷落这种有用的动物。 。

    Domesticated Balkan donkeys used to be very popular inrural Serbia, but modern hauling machinery made the people turn their back on this once useful animal.


  • 古代斯拉夫人的各部落民族大迁移的过程中进入巴尔干半岛67世纪分散各地定居下来

    They all descended from the ancient Slavs, and settled in the Balkan Peninsular in the 6th and 7th centuries.


  • 十九世纪巴尔干半岛游击战反抗奥斯曼帝国

    In the 19th century, Balkan people used guerrilla fighting against the Ottoman empire.


  • 说:“很多不同角度来看,我们需要俄罗斯;比如说,巴尔干半岛政策我们伊朗之间的关系上,防止伊朗研发核武器的问题上,等等。”

    We need Russia in a number of different areas: in Balkan policy, in our relations with Iran and trying to prevent the development of nuclear power in Iran, he said.


  • 说:“很多不同角度来看,我们需要俄罗斯;比如说,巴尔干半岛政策我们伊朗之间的关系上,防止伊朗研发核武器的问题上,等等。”

    We need Russia in a number of different areas: in Balkan policy, in our relations with Iran and trying to prevent the development of nuclear power in Iran, he said.


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