• 相反研究者利用重力感应器得到数据判断相应按键到底键盘的左边还是键盘的右边计量两个按键之间的延时。

    Instead, the researchers used the data from the accelerometer to determine whether key taps were on the right or left side of the keyboard and to gauge the delays between keystrokes.


  • 意味着不管容器左边还是右边都必须会空隙

    This means that neither the left nor right sides of a container have any spacing.


  • 例如一句赋值语句,你可以声明任何类型变量等号左边使用任何标识符,然后右边给出任何的表达式

    In writing an assignment statement, for example, you can declare variables of any type, use any identifier to the left of the equal sign, and supply any expression on the right.


  • 为了正确地光标周围匹配左边右边上下文确保模式光标所进行匹配

    In order to correctly match left and right contexts around the cursor, it needs to ensure the pattern matches only at the cursor's column.


  • 图像区域左边右边箭头箭头。

    To the left and right of the block of images are left and right arrows.


  • 俯卧姿势骨盆右边然后再到左边

    In the prone position, turn your pelvis to the right and then to the left.


  • 可以设置左边右边功能其他工具栏一样

    It can be set up on either the left or right side and functions as any other toolbar in Firefox does.


  • 原点右边细胞为正数,原点左边的细胞为负数。

    Cells to the right of the origin are numbered positively, and cells to the left of the origin are numbered negatively.


  • 冒号(:)左边给出标记名称,并右边给出正则表达式

    The token's name is given on the left hand side of the colon (:) and a regular expression is given on the right hand side.


  • 左边还是右边

    I cannot tell if it is located in the left or right hand.


  • 2左边右边分别显示两个不同Web页面它们是使用不同的概要并根据相同代码生成得到的。

    Figure 2 shows that the Web pages on the left and right are two different Web pages that are generated by different profiles based on the same code.


  • 活动参数节点(活动左边右边)没有得到使用

    The activity parameter nodes (on the left and right edges of the activity) are not used.


  • 甚至可以直接右边链接左边就像屏里的那样。

    You can even drag links from the left into the right, as I did in the screenshot above.


  • 扩展视图左边树状形式,显示计划各种组件右边显示每一项选中事件相关细节信息

    The expanded view shows the various artifacts of the schedule as a tree view on the left, with detailed information related to each selected event on the right.


  • :“惯用右手的人会不自觉地认为东西右边,左撇子则认为‘好东西’在左边。”反之亦然

    He said: 'Right-handers automatically think "good stuff" is on the right, and "lefties" think "good stuff" is on the left, and vice versa.


  • 这个桌面屏幕左边具有信息性内容右边一个登录区域

    The desktop home screen has informational content to the left and a sign-in area to the right.


  • 注意张图中的模特左手相机右边),在左边手臂眼睛对其,创造了一个斜线手臂远离脸部

    Note: Look at the models left arm (camera right) in both examples above. On the left, her arm is aligned with the eyes and creates a diagonal that leads down and away from the face.


  • 如果文件右边出现但是左边主题并未被选择可能目录文件问题

    If the file shows up on the right but the topic is not selected on the left, there may be a problem with your table of contents file.


  • 需要就是左边一个话题右边分享评论

    All you need to do is use the left to find stuff and the right to share and comment on it.


  • EKV迅速明显聚集左边或者右边避免后方推进器击中

    The EKV will immediately bank sharply to either the right or the left to avoid being hit from behind by the booster.


  • GSTC三个窗格方法左边输入右边并且结果下面

    The GSTC has three panes; the methods are on the left, the inputs on the right and the result below.


  • 试验者中的大部分人偏向页面左边浏览产品图片右边浏览产品介绍(像玛莎百货那样)。

    The majority of the participants preferred to see product pictures on the left and description on the right (e.g. M&S).


  • 3中,可以看到流程原始版本左边右边修改版本。

    In Figure 3, you can see the original version of the process on the left side, whereas on the right side, the changed version is displayed.


  • 我们左边是深达100英尺河谷右边壁立悬崖

    I looked to the river gorge falling 100 feet below on our left and the steep rock face to the right.


  • 选项显示左边面板中,细节显示右边的面板中。

    Options are easy to find in the pane on the left, and details are displayed in the right pane.


  • 账户左边左边栏目分录借方右边右边栏目的分录贷方

    An entry made on the left hand side or column of an account is called a debit, while an entry made on the right hand side or column is called a credit.


  • 方程左边,都称为反应物方程右边的,都称为产物

    So, anything on the left side of the equation is called a reactant, and anything on the right side of the equation is called a product.


  • 方程左边,都称为反应物方程右边的,都称为产物

    So, anything on the left side of the equation is called a reactant, and anything on the right side of the equation is called a product.


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