• 他们就业市场优势降低

    They have less and less advantage at job market.


  • 拥有大学学历无疑求职者就业市场提供优势

    There is little question that having a college degree gives candidates an edge in the job market.


  • 不可否认这些年轻人近来就业市场举步维艰。

    No one will argue that the young haven't had a rough go in the job market lately.


  • 掌握技能越多,你就业市场上就有竞争力。

    The more different kinds of skills you have, the more employable you are.


  • 如今就业市场份工作实非易事这叫人灰心丧气

    Looking for a job in this market is awfully difficult and discouraging.


  • 个人认为这种差距可能激发人们竞争更好地就业市场

    Personally, I believe that this gap may motivate people to compete better in job market.


  • 就业市场能得到面试机会就觉得巨大的成功—确实是。

    Getting a job interview can feel like a great accomplishment in this job market - and it is.


  • 作为就业市场中的新人他们没有工作经验所以他们担心工作

    As the new in the job market, they don't have the work experience, so they are so worried about finding a job.


  • 就业数据就业市场跌至绝对低点之前之后月份表现起伏不定,这种状况并不罕见

    Uneven performance for jobs in the months both before and after the absolute low point in the labor market is not uncommon.


  • 默克尔告诉会议移民必须学习德语这样可以就业市场获得竞争力

    Mrs Merkel told the conference that immigrants must learn to speak German, so they could compete in the job market.


  • 许多组织没有亲善政策如果发现可能解雇,就业市场可能值得冒险

    Many organizations have no-fraternization policies. You could be fired on the spot if found out, and in this job market, that guy may not be worth the risk.


  • 50Nit就业市场不再具有竞争力可是到拿退休金的年龄还差整整10

    At age fifty, Nit is no longer competitive in the job market, yet a full ten years away from qualifying for senior benefits.


  • 成千上万的人们不得不花费更多精力时间学习新的技术和知识,使得他们就业市场保持优势

    Millions of people have to spend more time and energy on studying new skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market.


  • 其次失业者接受职业训练预计短期还清给予长期失业者在就业市场的优势。

    Secondly, the unemployed receive vocational training, which is expected to pay off in the short term and give the unemployed an advantage in the job market.


  • 石油行业财源滚滚石油工程师技能无可替代,因此这一职业就业市场上的地位一向稳固。

    Because the oil business is so lucrative and petroleum engineers have a unique set of skills, petroleum engineers have long enjoyed a healthy position in the job market.


  • 随着有关就业形势回暖传言起,许多已开始准备就业市场改善后新的工作

    As talk of a thaw in hiring freezes rises above a whisper, many people are already planning to look for a new position when the job market picks up.


  • 成千上万的人们不得不花费精力时间学习新的技术和知识,使得他们就业市场保持优势

    Eg: Millions of people have to spend more time and energy on studying new skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market.


  • 就业市场失望消息公布前数分钟英特尔公司宣布收购安全软件企业麦卡菲公司McAfeeInc

    The disappointing news about the jobs market came minutes after news that Intel Corp. was acquiring McAfee Inc.


  • 成千上万的人们不得不花费更多精力时间学习新的技术知识使得他们就业市场保持优势

    Millions of people have to spend more time and energy on learning new skills so that they can keep a favorable position in the job market.


  • 成千上万的人们不得不花费更多精力时间学习新的技术知识使得他们就业市场中能保持优势

    Millions of people have to spend more time and energy in studying new skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in the job market.


  • 就业市场外部人员常常挤入失业大军队伍。也就是说那些不到工作的人也活跃就业市场中。

    The ranks of the unemployed are often replenished by those moving from outside the labour force—that is, from not looking for work at all—into active jobseeking.


  • 成千上万的人们不得不花费更多精力时间学习新的技术和知识,使得他们就业市场保持优势

    Millionss of people have to spend more time and energy on studying new skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market.


  • 实现销售好转难就业市场不景气严重打击了消费者的能力,近年来,消费者开支推动了大约70%经济活动

    A big part of the challenge for generating an upturn in sales is that consumers, whose spending has driven roughly 70% of economic activity in recent years, are hamstrung by a bleak job market.


  • 大部分可能终身只干工作或是受雇于一个老板,但是人们就业市场所受到的待遇是明显不同的。

    Most people could no longer keep one job or even stay with one employer for their entire working lives, and the churning job market treated them in markedly different ways.


  • 新的经济数据显示美国经济已遍体鳞伤。就业市场低迷物价上涨等阴云笼罩下,惊慌失措的消费者只得捂紧自己的钱包

    The nation's economy is being battered from all sides, new data show, as labor markets weaken, rising prices exact a heavy toll and anxious consumers cut back on spending.


  • 新的经济数据显示美国经济已遍体鳞伤。就业市场低迷物价上涨等阴云笼罩下,惊慌失措的消费者只得捂紧自己的钱包

    The nation's economy is being battered from all sides, new data show, as labor markets weaken, rising prices exact a heavy toll and anxious consumers cut back on spending.


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