• 美国以外主要汽车制造商把宝小型,相信小型车新兴市场上会异军突起。

    Every big car company outside America is betting that sales of small cars in emerging markets will boom.


  • GM从未甘愿出售Opel尽管一直亏损,OpelGM小型车领域专业宝库

    It had never wanted to sell Opel, which despite being lossmaking is GM's main repository of expertise in technologies for smaller cars.


  • 意大利的Fiat引入管理Chrysler分享小型车领域领先技术作为交换其获得了20%的股份

    Italy's Fiat was recruited to take over the management of Chrysler and share its advanced technology for small cars in exchange for a 20% stake.


  • 雷诺日产同盟而且拥有同一个总裁。 雷诺-日产戴姆勒建立伙伴关系小型车货车和引擎技术共同合作

    Renault and Nissan, which have a working alliance and share the same chief executive, formed a partnership with Daimler to co-operate on the development of small cars, vans and engine technology.


  • 将耗油量大的汽车换成小型车争夺中,剩余价值大幅缩水使得通用汽车金融部门汽车租赁退货蒙受巨大损失

    In the scramble to swap gas-guzzlers for smaller vehicles, residual values collapsed, leaving GM's finance arm with huge losses on cars returned after lease.


  • 就像很多美国人愿意放弃他们耗油SUV那样,法尔利重点集中于推广小型车能效高的车型,并且全球范围内相似的广告语宣传。

    As much as Americans seem reluctant to give up their petrol-guzzling SUVs, he concentrated on promoting small, fuel-efficient cars, with a similar message around the world to advertise them.


  • 当时通用设想,自身可以由此获取小型车生产技能,并分享联盟伙伴各自国内市场成果

    The idea was that GM would gain access to small-car know-how, while sharing in the success of its affiliates in their local markets.


  • 正是长期远景推动了宝马新型城市急需小型车电动车方面研发的力度。

    The long view has pushed BMW to build electric vehicles and the smaller cars that will be needed in the new urban world.


  • 小试了福特推出的嘉年华小型车曼哈顿拥堵42街直到限速70西侧高速公路,跑了英里

    I took a short drive in Ford's new Fiesta compact car today. The route covered several miles through Manhattan, from a traffic jam on 42nd Street to a 70-mph stint on the West Side Highway.


  • 20世纪70年代日本汽车制造商通过能源危机时期出口高品质节能小型车打入美国市场

    The Japanese automakers broke into the American market in the 1970s by exporting small, high-quality, fuel-efficient vehicles during an energy crisis.


  • 丰田汽车(Motor Corp.)中国遭遇挫折。 由于未能预见到小型车需求旺盛销售业绩受到抑制,而通用汽车(General Motors)等竞争对手同期销量却大幅上升。

    Toyota Motor Corp. has hit a pothole in China, where its failure to anticipate booming demand for small cars is depressing sales as rivals like General Motors Corp. report sharp gains.


  • 丰田汽车(Motor Corp .)中国遭遇挫折。由于未能预见到小型车需求旺盛销售业绩受到抑制,而通用汽车(General Motors)等竞争对手同期销量却大幅上升。

    Toyota Motor Corp. has hit a pothole in China, where its failure to anticipate booming demand for small cars is depressing sales as rivals like General Motors Corp. report sharp gains.


  • 严格法律70年代早期就被替代70年代,拥有身子大进气口的小型车e -type美洲豹极漂亮又光滑

    Its tougher laws were at the root of the replacement in the early 1970s of the sleek and gorgeous early E-type Jaguars with an altogether less svelte model with fatter body and gaping grille.


  • 继续保有opel使得GM可以模仿Ford通过美国制造原本欧洲开发车型fiesta满足小型车日益增长需求

    Keeping Opel will allow GM to mimic Ford, which plans to meet growing demand for small and medium-sized cars by manufacturing in America products first developed in Europe, such as the new Fiesta.


  • 本田思域(Honda Civic)雪佛兰·科鲁兹(ChevroletCruze)是一新款车型直接竞争者,可能会是福特公司美国得最好小型车

    The new model, which competes directly against models like the Honda Civic and Chevrolet Cruze, is likely the best small car Ford ever has sold in the U.S..


  • 福特汽车公司计划家族成员小型车主力中国其他亚洲国家市场展开强势扩张

    Ford Motor plans to use its new family of small cars as the centrepiece of an aggressive expansion in China and other parts of Asia.


  • 美国提高生产小型车的效率费钱的事情。

    Gearing up to produce small cars in the United States was a very expensive proposition.


  • 停车位紧张都市小巧灵活的小型车尽显优势

    Small and flexible car has an outstanding advantage in the city.


  • 这些小型车中国大城市以外地区被用作基本型客车货车适合发达国家市场

    He said the small vehicles, used as basic people-carriers and vans in areas of China outside the large cities, were not appropriate for developed mark.


  • 阴极电泳涂装工艺轿车小型车生产上被广泛使用目前国内大型客车生产上采用绝无仅有

    This article focuses on the difficulties and solutions about using cathode electro-coating in the production of large coach, and the problems to be taken care of in the production.


  • 这些小型车中国大城市以外地区被用作基本型客车货车适合发达国家市场

    He said the small vehicles, used as basic people-carriers and vans in areas of China outside the large cities, were not appropriate for developed markets.


  • 传统自动变速器相比,新一代手动智能模式CVT无极变速器节油上大有改观,广泛应用各个级别大型小型车无可匹敌。

    CVT which improves the practical fuel economy, compared with the conventional automatic transmissions, is applied to the wide spectrum of vehicle from small to large without parallel in the world.


  • 传统自动变速器相比,新一代手动智能模式CVT无极变速器节油上大有改观,广泛应用各个级别大型小型车无可匹敌。

    CVT which improves the practical fuel economy, compared with the conventional automatic transmissions, is applied to the wide spectrum of vehicle from small to large without parallel in the world.


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