• 只是最近随着我们越来越多的国家开展耐药性定期调查并且随着实验室能力提高这些病例更多数量获得报告

    It is only recently as we carry out regular surveys of drug resistance in more and more countries, and with improvements in laboratory capacity, that these cases are being reported in greater Numbers.


  • 一些国家采用一战略,耗用了国家级实验室应对方面的大部分能力使得几乎没有能力对严重病例发生其他例外情况进行监测调查

    In some countries, this strategy is absorbing most national laboratory and response capacity, leaving little capacity for the monitoring and investigation of severe cases and other exceptional events.


  • 第一实验里,95名大学生分别邀请实验室参加一个关于电影调查

    In the first, 95 undergraduate women were individually invited to a lab ostensibly to participate in a study about movie viewership.


  • 信中写道,检查遇到困难原因对于调查确认造成这种气味化学物几乎没有实验室能够测试得出来。

    The investigation, he wrote, had been challenging because there were very few research labs able to test for the chemical later identified as the cause of the smell.


  • 阿塞拜疆调查可能的H5N1感染11名患者样本现已组织英国一个合作实验室得到检测

    Samples from 11 patients under investigation in Azerbaijan for possible H5N1 infection have now been tested at a WHO collaborating laboratory in the United Kingdom.


  • 据阿立贡国力实验室对于插电式混合动力车最近调查显示考虑插电式混合动力车商品化可行之前,至少三个障碍需要克服

    From a recent report on PHEV research by the Argonne National Laboratory, there are at least three hurdles that must be overcome before PHEVs can be considered to be commercially viable.


  • 加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳喷气推进实验室研究人员调查寒冷星际空间里,有机分子如何进化高级的化合物。

    Researchers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, investigated how organic molecules might evolve toward greater complexity even in the cold of interstellar space.


  • 十年时间里他们这些进行了采访请求他们记录日记填写个性调查问卷参加IQ测试,还邀请他们来到实验室进行实验。

    Over a ten-year period, I interviewed these volunteers, asked them to complete diaries, personality questionnaires and IQ tests, and invited them to my laboratory for experiments.


  • 办公室实验室放射性调查有价值工具促进诊断检查监测程序临床实践中

    Office, laboratory and radiological investigations are valuable tools that facilitate diagnosis, screening and monitoring processes in clinical practice.


  • 第二研究中,这次在实验室假装一次市场调查要求大学生评估各式巧克力

    In a second study, this time in the laboratory, college students were asked to uate a variety of gourmet chocolates, in the guise of a marketing survey.


  • 方法采用整群抽样方法,安徽省北部地区既往卖人员比较集中25~55村民进行调查,包括问卷调查和艾滋病病毒抗体实验室检测。

    Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 25~55 years old rural residents in villages with former blood donors in north of Anhui of in China.


  • 发作癫痫模型领域讲述关键问题寻找合适实验室模型的调查者的价值,实际参考

    Models of Seizures and Epilepsy is a valuable, practical reference for investigators who are searching for the most appropriate laboratory models for addressing key questions in the field.


  • 经过委员会调查人为错误后,维克多人文实验室已经禁止营业了。

    Victory ART Laboratory has been allowed to stay open after the council's investigation decided it was a human error.


  • 贵州省关岭县石板桥小流域进行不同地貌部位及不同土地利用类型土壤剖面调查采样,并土壤样品进行了实验室分析,测定了总有机碳土壤质地等指标。

    In Guanling county, Guizhou province, an investigation and sampling to different landforms and cross section of land usage types was conducted on the drainage basin in Shiban Bridge River.


  • 通过调查发现,自然海区,球形棕囊藻细胞群体普遍实验室条件下

    Results showed that the colony size of P. globosa in natural water was bigger than in laboratory.


  • 通过调查发现,自然海区,球形棕囊藻细胞群体普遍实验室条件下

    Results showed that the colony size of P. globosa in natural water was bigger than in laboratory.


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