• 里面的太空毯让人们寒冷的冬天保持温暖。

    The space blanket in it keeps people warm during the cold winters.


  • 尾巴放到了湖面上的冰洞里面钓鱼的时候,熊尾巴周围结冰了。熊使劲儿往外尾巴,结果把尾巴拔掉了。

    When the bear puts his tail into the water through a hole in the ice, to try and catch a fish, the ice freezes around it, and he ends up pulling his tail off.


  • 考虑记忆进化及其所有可能的方面时,思考一下如果记忆不会消失会产生什么结果是很有用处的。 【析句】本句的主干是it ishelpfulto do sth.,真正主语是to consider这个不定式,当然里面还包含了一个带条件从句的宾语从句。逗号前面的是一个状语。

    In thinking about the evolution of memory together with all its possible aspects, it is helpful to consider what would happen if memories failed to fade.


  • 说她曾经附近里面有一套公寓,但是她把了,然后继续居住出生的地方。

    She used to have a flat in the town nearby but sold it to stay in her native place.


  • 这本书短短一百里面凝聚的喜剧绝望要比很多小说还要丰富。

    There is more comedy and despair compressed in its hundred pages than many novels five times the length.


  • 我们那个孤独屏幕添加一些伙伴之前,让我们里面一些内容

    Before we give that lonely screen some company, let's put some content in it.


  • 你们可以顶上图中看到界域里面内部一片巨大空旷庭院

    You see that in the top picture. And within those precincts, within that enclosure, there's a large, open courtyard.


  • 然后每张卡片可以文本字段图片字段里面容纳各种数据数据库一样。

    Each card then could contain different data in the text or picture fields, as in a database.


  • 附近上面盖有一层玻璃的熊蜂箱,里面活动的蜜蜂背上都带有极其微小标签是从1100的数字

    Nearby are bumblebee hives under glass in which each bee sports a number from 1 to 100 on tiny price-tag-like label attached to its back.


  • 顶层可以往搜索应用灌入数据(建立索引),也可以里面抽取数据(搜索)。

    At the top, you're either pumping data into your search application (indexing) or pulling data out of it (searching).


  • 无论如何此后写了一个大纲描述讲什么的然后花了很久(BBC)的体系里面转出来。

    Anyway, then I did a treatment, describing what the show was going to be about, and it took a while for that to go through the [BBC] system.


  • 马特养了头老虎宠物院子里的一个笼子里面,还每天只鸡

    Materi also owned a pet tiger, which he kept in a cage on his compound and consumed four chickens a day.


  • 如果邮件收到份电子名片,我只需要双击,就可以打开然后添加通讯录里面

    If I get a vCard attached to an email message I simply double-click it and it is opened and added to my AddressBook.


  • 更好的是,可以参观旁边博物馆礼品店里面麻线入门工具

    Better yet, visit the museum beside it and buy your own twine ball starter kit in the gift shop.


  • 云南,汤唯新电影武侠拍摄现场,很热情地欢迎同事们参观了她的临时小屋一个简单的小屋里面几乎没有什么漂亮服饰,你实无法这位当代电影明星联系上。

    In Yunnan, on the set of her new movie “Wu Xia,” she welcomes me and a handful of her colleagues into her trailer, a basic tin hut with few of the trappings associated with a modern movie star.


  • 年来第一版本而且规范完全保密情况制定的,因此感兴趣里面发生什么

    It's the first new version for about a year, and the spec is developed under conditions of absolute secrecy, so I was interested to see what was going to be in it.


  • 如果气球充满空气紧,然后放到火炉旁边给加热气囊里面空气剧烈地膨胀,以致最后爆裂,发出巨大的响声。

    If you put a bladder that is filled with air and tied up, into the pipe of a heated stove, the air inside will expand so much as to burst the bladder with a loud report.


  • 要是费时费力的一直园子里面奔跑大半抓不到猎物并且全身发软

    If our cat had just spent all her time running around the garden, I think she would have gone without her snack and ended up very tired.


  • 作为对比,大脑一部分情绪无关的小脑里面基因的甲基水平差异

    In another part of the brain, the cerebellum, however, which is not involved in mood, there were no differences in the levels of methylation between the two groups.


  • 英格兰段时期卷入滑稽剧里面必须从头

    During the whole period of my stay in England I was mixed up in a farcical comedy which I had to play out from start to finish.


  • 在它旁边还有一个伞状会议中心里面拥有亚洲最大支撑屋顶展览中心。

    Nearby, a newly opened conference center resembles an unfurled umbrella. An exhibition hall boasts the biggest stretch of free-standing roof in Asia.


  • 楼上我们房间里七种不同笔法下马修名字偷偷叠好嘴里,鼓起脸颊,把里面

    Up in our room, she had written Matthew's name out in seven different types of penmanship, folded the paper furtively, tucked it into her mouth, and nestled it in the pouch of her cheek.


  • 所以"老友记"相对来说接近美国现实文化,里面可以学到真正美国英语

    So "friends" is close, but the English that you can learn from it is real, maybe another show I can recommend for the people is called "the office".


  • 大多数律师事务所——尤其是大型事务所里面不光彩秘密甚至名字叫“杠杆效率”。

    This is the dirty little secret at most law firms, particularly large ones. It even has a name: "leverage".


  • 希伯来词语中“普通有时就是,英文里面的“世俗“,英文里这个含贬义,事实上没有这个意思。

    The Hebrew word for "common" is sometimes translated by the English word "profane." That has a negative connotation in English, but in fact it really doesn't bear that negative connotation.


  • 报道单位名字一些其他属性这些里面重要总结了份用英语对每一个报告里面覆盖到的事件描述

    the name of the reporting unit and a number of other fields, the most significant of which is the summary - an English language description of the events that are covered in the report.


  • 这种海马肚子一个育儿袋里面它的孩子们——每次同时多达2000只。

    The male seahorse has a pouch on its stomach in which to carry babies—as many as 2, 000 at a time.


  • 一个很棒的硬件键盘ANdroid设备里面键盘仅次于Epic4g

    It has a great little hardware keyboard - the best hardware keyboard on an Android device next to the Epic 4g.


  • 一个很棒的硬件键盘ANdroid设备里面键盘仅次于Epic4g

    It has a great little hardware keyboard - the best hardware keyboard on an Android device next to the Epic 4g.


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