• 亚特兰蒂斯》中,塔平角色办公室中增加个性装饰是什么?

    On Stargate Atlantis, Tapping added one object to the decor in her character's office. Name it?


  • 心目中,仿佛替代父亲角色

    She saw him as a sort of surrogate father.


  • 报道这位歌手进入评委角色就和观众群对着干,掌握决定性拒绝名叫凯蒂的参赛者通关。

    The singer is reported to have angered fans soon after she began in her role as guest judge, by going against the crowd and refusing to put through a singer called Katie when she had the casting vote.


  • 可以看到团队了解他们的角色

    She can see who is on her new team and learn about their roles.


  • 初出表演角色要求很高,而奥斯卡提名接踵而至生命这个阶段开始觉得那些绚丽的饰物就像丰厚片酬一样应得的。

    At this stage of her life, with Oscar nominations mounting up for her acting in raw, demanding parts, she began to feel that gorgeous ornaments—like lavish contractswere only what she deserved.


  • 表示那些角色脑海中,而且绝对可以写出好几关于这些角色新书

    Rowling says the characters are still in her head and she "could definitely" write several new books about them.


  • 西。查利斯曾经过,所有舞蹈演出中只扮演一个角色说,跳舞不仅仅移动。

    Cyd Charisse once said that she played a role in all of her dance performances. She said that dancing was about more than just steps.


  • 自信脆弱矛盾混合同时身上体现出来,朱莉首次尝试一个崩溃边缘角色,历经了一夜成名的大明星感染艾滋病吸毒者的人生轨迹。

    Exuding a beguiling mix of confidence and fragility, it was Jolie's first chance to essay a character on the verge of a breakdown, as Gia goes from overnight success to HIV-infected drug addict.


  • 儿子拉胡尔最近这次胜利中扮演了重要角色广泛认为崛起并最终取代辛格

    Her son, Rahul - who played an important role in her most recent victory - is widely seen as being groomed to replace Singh.


  • 旅途结束时哈利这个角色就读魔法学院脑海成形了

    By the end of that journey, she says, the character of Harry and the school for wizards which he attends were more or less fully formed in her mind.


  • 研究人员认为女人由于信心不足,以及烟草生活中与众不同角色使得们戒烟困难重重

    The researchers believe that women may find it harder to kick the habit because their confidence in quitting is lower - and because tobacco plays a different role in their lives.


  • 凯拉这个电视剧扮演Lara一个因为JulieChristie巅峰时刻扮演而出名角色,因此也使人望而生畏

    Keira played Lara in this TV serial: a daunting task as the role was made famous by Julie Christie at her peak.


  • 一生中一部电视剧中扮演角色

    During her lifetime, she acted in only one TV series.


  • 研究人员认为女人由于信心不足,以及烟草生活中与众不同角色使得们戒烟困难重重

    The researchers believe that women may find it harder to kick the habit because their confidence in quitting is lower – and because tobacco plays a different role in their lives。


  • 对于杂志故意采用未成年人口吻写作的事实,Stoller:“女性桎梏女性的角色扮演里,现解放了。”

    Of the magazine's purposely immature tone, Stoller says, "women have been forced into roles as women and now they're rebelling."


  • 其中了扮演不同角色并且其中一个生活中二个不同阶段所有这些看起来似乎很刺激富有挑战性

    I play two different characters in it, and one is at two different stages of her life; all that seemed stimulating and challenging.


  • 斯威夫特2010年浪漫喜剧电影《情人节》扮演角色拍摄期间,洛特纳与斯威夫特化妆间相会,自那以后,这恋人只一起几个月。

    After meeting in Swift's dressing room for 2010 rom-com Valentine's Day, in which she had a bit part, the pair never quite made it past a few months together.


  • 找到第一份不错的工作以后就迁到了加州洛杉矶,这份工作是电视电影里饰演一个角色

    She moved to Los Angeles, California after winning her first big job, a part in a movie made for television.


  • 汤唯曾凭借•戒》(2007)晚秋》(2010)影片中塑造的一系列严肃角色而走红,正向喜剧片进军。

    After making herself known by portraying serious characters in films such as Lust, Caution (2007) and Late Autumn (2010), Tang Wei is expanding her acting territory to comedy.


  • 复元过程中扮演重要角色

    He played an important part in her recovery process.


  • 出演角色之前的那个星期天浏览报纸上的戏剧,想看看会不会什么短的介绍。

    The Sunday before taking her new part she scanned the theatrical pages for some little notice.


  • 教练充当母亲角色,为鸡肉兔肉生病时为煎药,冰袋给冷敷

    Kim, the coach, stepped in as a surrogate mother, cooking her chicken, rabbit soup and medicine, and cooling her down with cold compresses, the story goes.


  • 主意我们《魔戒王》,所有角色配音。

    She's changed her mind now that we're reading The Lord of the Rings and I do all the voices.


  • 思考这些女性作家如何预见两性关系作品中所扮演的角色

    Consider how these women envision gender relations and the role of gender in their writings.


  • 但是最新的电影角色梅根渴望展现出其他方面的才华

    But with her latest movie roles, she hopes to show off her other assets.


  • 首次电影银幕上露面,是未成年时《教父》中扮演一个无名角色

    She made her film debut, as an infant, in an uncredited role in The Godfather.


  • 接下来几个星期不断鼓励下渐渐地对角色感到自豪起来,每到吃午饭的时候,我们就朗诵台词讨论我穿什么衣服。

    Over the next few weeks, with her constant encouragement, I learned to take pride in the new role. Lunchtimes were spent reading over my lines and talking about what I would wear.


  • 怎么也想不通,”斯坦福大学的教授,“先是冒出来一个格麦斯的角色书里失踪了。”

    "I cannot get my mind around this," a Stanford professor said. "First a strange character named Kugelmass, and now she's gone from the book."


  • 怎么也想不通,”斯坦福大学的教授,“先是冒出来一个格麦斯的角色书里失踪了。”

    "I cannot get my mind around this," a Stanford professor said. "First a strange character named Kugelmass, and now she's gone from the book."


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