• 津巴布韦及其前身罗德西亚(正确讲,史密斯先生提出这个名字之前,它还是罗德西亚)人类创造大量的精彩著作

    Zimbabwe and its predecessor, Rhodesia (correctly Southern Rhodesia until Mr Smith compressed the name), have produced a crop of fine writing.


  • 知道义无反顾接受生活之后,人们是否同意义无反顾工作创造并且我还想知道,通往这些自由的捷径又何处。

    I want to know whether, accepting a life without appeal, one can also agree to work and create without appeal and what is the way leading to these liberties.


  • 我们确信知道就像知道科学中的任何东西一样,是这样一个过程我们星球创造生命

    We know, as certainly as we know anything in science, that this is the process that has generated life on our own planet.


  • 我们创造了“全国竞争政策”这样一种说法,是为了强调我们需要一项关于何处如何更好进行竞争,同时强调了这些政策全国统一的。

    We coined the term National Competition Policy both to emphasise that we needed policies about where and how competition could be better used, and to emphasise that those policies should be national.


  • 但是另一种情况普通民众困境中仍然坚强为了自己孩子创造更好生活条件。

    But there is another story, one of ordinary people persevering in the face of incredible odds to make a better life for themselves and their children.


  • 如果清楚头脑中刻画一个目标,你通过潜意识创造奇迹能力实现它。

    If you imagine an objective clearly, you will be provided with the necessities through the wonder-working power of your subconscious mind.


  • 很大程度还要新兴市场情况如果中国能够成功完成出口导向型增长内需型增长转型,美国出口创造更多机会

    A lot also depends on what happens in emerging markets. If China can successfully switch from export-led growth to domestic sources of demand it will create more opportunities for American exports.


  • 更多效用合同工临时工创造一十年时期的末端,公司已经迅速遣散了这些人员。

    And at the end of a decade in which much more use was made of contract and temporary workers, companies are now laying these off fast.


  • 那么努力解决这些生活恐惧的事件的过程中你顺利创造自己想要生活。

    And, as you work to resolve each thing that was making your life so terrible you will be well on your way to creating the life you want.


  • 如果工作简单看作一些待完成的活动集合,那么你就可以打破角色和职责的界限允许队员多重领域创造价值

    When you look at work simply as activities to be accomplished together, you break down role boundaries and allow team members to add value in multiple areas.


  • 我们很好预测软件开发吗?或者我们是不是摧毁那些本来有价值创造的想法呢?

    Can we drive further predictability in software development or by doing so are we destroying the very creative juices that make it so valuable?


  • 我们己所确保经济就业率稳定高兴看到许多中国企业家继续英国创造就业促进GDP增长。

    We are doing all we can to ensure economic stability and job security and I am proud that many Chinese entrepreneurs continue to create employment and contribute to the nation's GDP.


  • 毫无疑问,马尔科姆迄今为止试图南非创造记录第一

    Of course, Malcolm was also the only person ever to attempt a land speed record in South Africa.


  • 引入视角变化使不断单纯状态创造更多的鼓舞人心富有创意设计

    Introducing variety will make you more frequently be at that naive state where you create more inspiring and creative designs.


  • 他们期待创造更好的成绩;支队伍德尔斯堡进行的比赛出人意料以1:0击败了意大利队,之后半决赛中负于葡萄牙队

    They will be hoping to surpass that notable event; to much surprise, that team beat Italy 1-0 at a match in Middlesbrough, gaining a spot in the quarter-finals where they lost to Portugal.


  • 众多恒行紧密聚焦银河系中心因此它们创造赋予生命的重元素那里最丰富。

    Stars congregate most tightly at the galaxy's center, so the life-giving heavy elements they create are most plentiful there.


  • 之所以可能首先是因为内心深处总存着某种逆反心态,这种心态总顽固认为人类创造出来,要么侍奉他人要么他人所侍奉。

    To begin with, that was possible by virtue of that stubborn aberration in man's heart according to which human beings were created to serve or be served.


  • 就使得相当长的时期不可能避免创造许多拙劣作品。

    This makes it impossible for him to avoid the creation of a great deal of rubbish during a considerable length of time.


  • 传播观点的时候,尽可能运用你的创造

    Be as creative as possible in getting your perspective heard.


  • 此时的别人眼里星光闪耀,你尽可能发挥创造力,张显你的能力,别人分享你的想法和主意。

    This is when you'll shine extremely brightly in the eyes of others... You'll want to be as original as possible &stand tall &share your thoughts &ideas with others...


  • 上个月乔布斯后的各种悼词里不停称为一个远大的梦想家创造

    In the eulogies that followed Jobs's death, last month, he was repeatedly referred to as a large-scale visionary and inventor.


  • 惩罚人类堕落,上帝充满爱意创造人,而堕落得让他不可容忍。

    He's punishing the evil corruption of human beings that he has so lovingly created and whose degradation he can't bear to witness.


  • 我们特别感到年轻:我们经历太多了。我们成熟,带来智慧,也我们的身体上刻下印记,让我们切身感受到痛苦,也创造我们共同的回忆

    We don't feel particularly young: we've experienced too much that has contributed to our growth and wisdom, taking its toll on our bodies, and created our memories.


  • 但是现代父母希望所能为自己的孩子创造所有有利条件,让他们掌握所有的生活技能,这的确不是坏事我们这个充满竞争梦想的现代社会中,父母的这种观念是难以改变的。

    But modern parents want to give their kids all the advantages and life skills that they can, not a bad thing, surely, and unlikely to change in our competitive, aspirational modern world.


  • 但是知道富有创造生活中,有那样单调生活更多的事情可做。

    You’d prefer to continue gracefully skating your perfect figure eights until the end of time, but you know there’s more to this creative life than that.


  • 佛教,”伍兹13分钟结结巴巴演讲中讲道,“可以我们知道,我们自身之外创造事物总会引起愉快会让我们安全感进行毫无目标追寻。”

    "Buddhism," said Woods in his awkward 13-minute address, "teaches that a creation of things outside ourselves causes an unhappy and pointless search for security."


  • 然而从《可爱的骨头》中看来,杰克逊史诗诠释了尔金创造魔幻世界之后,似乎忘记如何区分戏剧真实生活场景了。

    But Lovely Bones suggests that Jackson, following his epic translation of J.R.R. Tolkien's universe, seems to have forgotten how to milk drama from real-life Settings.


  • 了,像露牙齿嬉笑猫一样的里克·佩里——似乎一点一点消退直到剩下皮毛——宣称,他能源行业创造120万个工作机会,但让人难以置信

    Well, the Cheshire Cat-like Rick Perryhe seems to be fading out, bit by bit, until only the hair remainsclaimed, implausibly, that he could create 1.2 million jobs in the energy sector.


  • 了,像露牙齿嬉笑猫一样的里克·佩里——似乎一点一点消退直到剩下皮毛——宣称,他能源行业创造120万个工作机会,但让人难以置信

    Well, the Cheshire Cat-like Rick Perryhe seems to be fading out, bit by bit, until only the hair remainsclaimed, implausibly, that he could create 1.2 million jobs in the energy sector.


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