• 一种方法dna可以地球上

    This is one way DNA can be upgraded on Earth.


  • 足够时,这种炽热岩石球体强行通过地幔上升地球表面地形上形成一个宽阔的隆起

    When a reservoir is sufficiently large, a sphere of this hot rock forces its way up through the upper mantle to Earth's surface, creating a broad bulge in the topography.


  • 我们听说地球温度令人担忧的速度上升

    We've all heard about the Earth's temperature rising at an alarming rate.


  • 随后,一部分红热蒸汽灰尘上升几千英里后进入太空绝大部分物质几个小时内回到地球上,天堂变为地狱

    Then, a column of red-hot steam and dust soared thousands of miles into space and most of it fell back toward Earth within a few hours, turning the heavens into hell.


  • 自然认为这个相对较新的概念有助于人类地球地位上升

    Nature sees the relatively new concept as presenting an opportunity to improve the role of human beings on Earth.


  • 至于地平线上升的神秘星星原来火星正是火星最接近地球的时间之一

    As to that mysterious star rising above the horizon, it turns out to be the planet Mars which is currently making one of its closest approaches to Earth.


  • 由于种种原因古新-始新世极热时期地球大气中上升

    During the PETM, for reasons that are still unknown, the amount of carbon in Earth's atmosphere rose rapidly.


  • 科学家们相信周期一个上升就是太阳活动趋于频繁可能地球表面产生冷却效应

    Scientists also believe it may also be possible that during the next upturn of the cycle, when solar activity increases, there might be a cooling effect at the Earth's surface.


  • 时代周刊他们三命名为年度人物,生活杂志他们拍摄著名彩色照片“地球月球上升称之为“100张改变世界照片之一

    Time magazine named the trio Men of the Year. Life magazine called their famous color photograph of the Earth rising over the moon one of the "100 photos that changed the world."


  • 温室气体大气中的增加,会使能量较不容易离开地球,因而导致地表对流层的温度上升

    Adding to those greenhouse gases in the atmosphere makes it harder still for the energy to get out. As a result, the surface and the lower atmosphere warm up.


  • 这个星期我们告诉如何协助打击沿海森林地球大气层温度上升

    This week, we will tell how coastal forests help to fight rising temperatures in Earth's atmosphere.


  • 野口宗千利用国际空间站上的优势月亮地球黑暗地平线上升起时捕捉到这个景象,后来通过自己Twitter所有“月亮爱好者”分享。

    From his vantage point aboard the International Space Station, Noguchi captured the moon as it rose over Earth's dark horizon, later dedicating the shot to all "moon lovers" via his Twitter feed.


  • 随着地球上升时间没有另一个

    As Earth ascends, in time, no one will eat another.


  • 这些团体认为全球变暖自然现象代表一个周期上升下降气温气候变化发生定期地球历史

    These groups feel that global warming is a natural phenomena, representing a cycle of rising and falling temperatures and climate changes that occurs regularly in the Earth's history.


  • 地球绕索细线承本,开花而且水果岩石水中的外传布进入工厂动物之内

    Earth is the serving bearer, blossoming and fruiting, spreading out in rock and water, rising up into plant and animal.


  • 气候似乎稳定,地球几乎所有陆地都已经开始融化海平面上升的速度也日益加快

    The climate appears to be destabilizing, virtually all land ice on the planet has started to melt, and the oceans are rising at an accelerating pace.


  • 地球振动不断上升提升得所想的更快。

    Earth's vibration is on the rise, and she is ascending faster than she thought possible.


  • 南极半岛地球温度升高最快三个地区之一,其气温50年间上升2.5摄氏度

    Peninsula is one of the three fastest-warming regions on Earth - temperatures have risen 2.5 degrees in 50 years.


  • 詹姆斯写道看来这样的,不是地球所有地方的太阳秋分时东方上升西方落下

    James wrote, It would seem to me that, on the equinox, the sun would rise due east and set due west on the equator only - not all over the Earth.


  • 我们已经解释过了,行星X围绕太阳南极点,上升黄道时候会沿著太阳磁力线进行定位,轨道上朝著不幸地球来。

    We have explained that Planet X positions itself along themagnetic flow lines of the Sun as it round the S. Pole of the Sunand rises to the Ecliptic, while heading toward the hapless Earthin its path.


  • 洋底形成地球最长绵绵山脉这些山脉只有很少的几个地方上升海面以上

    Ridges on the ocean floor form the longest continuous ranges of mountains on the planet, but only in a very few places on the Earth do these mountains rise above the ocean surface.


  • 科学家普遍认为地球气温接下来50到100年内将会上升的程度与冰河时代算起的20,000年内上升的程度大致相当。

    Scientists generally agree that earth's climate will warm up over the next 50 to100 years as much as it has warmed in the 20,000 years since Ice Age.


  • 如果我们眼光往前看的话地球的温度持续升高,于是我们便可以预计飓风强度以及衡量这一强度的下限也将会不断上升

    And as we then move forward in time, and the planet continues to warm up, we have therefore got to anticipate...... that hurricane intensity, the baseline intensity of hurricanes will increase.


  • 比如说人造耕地要求海拔70以上地区进行,就是考虑到地球海平面上升因素。

    For example, artificial land will be made in locations with more than 70m of altitude in case of the elevation of the sea level.


  • 比如说人造耕地要求海拔70以上地区进行,就是考虑到地球海平面上升因素。

    For example, artificial land will be made in locations with more than 70m of altitude in case of the elevation of the sea level.


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