• 迷失时候防止冰冷潮湿出现冻疮不停的一个问题

    Trying to protect their cold, wet feet from frostbite was an ongoing problem while the four were lost in the forest.


  • 四人安置圣文森特·圣玛丽高中狭隘学校闹市区的阿克

    The foursome settled on Saint Vincent-Saint Mary High school, a parochial school in downtown Akron.


  • 组建一个四人团队包括自己同名儿子托尼·奥赖利。

    He is putting together a four-man team, including his son and namesake Tony O'Reilly Jr.


  • 英国受欢迎帐篷可供框架帐篷。

    The most popular tent sold in Britain is the frame tent with 2 bedrooms and sleeping accommodation for 4 people.


  • 其中多云天空行走最终全都着圈子,尽管他们思考着如何沿着直线走。

    Four of them walked under a cloudy sky and all ended up walking in circles, despite thinking they were going straight.


  • 但是我们知道由于我们朋友们加纳利群岛们共同努力的结果,我们加纳利就呆了九个星期

    But we all realise it was put together by the four of us, an assortment of friends and various passers-by on the Canary island where we spent nine weeks.


  • 二战时,欧洲非洲战场伤病员中,士兵遭受精神创伤比率接近就有一例病例精神受创,另外三身受重伤。

    In Europe and Africa during World War II, the proportion of mental traumas among all casualties was close to one in fourone mental health case for every three blood wounds.


  • 巴黎周一法国南部核废料设施爆炸导致死亡受伤

    PARIS - an explosion at a nuclear waste facility in southern France killed one person and injured four on Monday.


  • 接受BBC采访时说,初始调查阶段被筛掉,另外两深入这个系统”。

    Four were ejected at the initial vetting stage but two got "further down the system", he told the BBC.


  • 海浪淹没智利岛屿上偏远村庄,至少有死亡另有11失踪

    At least four people died and 11 more were missing after waves swamped a remote island village off Chile.


  • 就海盗案瑞典仍旧等待法庭判决,其中涉案管理拥有网站指控侵犯版权。

    Sweden is still awaiting judgment in the case of the Pirate Bay, where four men involved with either running or owning the site are accused of assisting copyright infringement.


  • 午餐时间占用一个机会成本非常可观。

    At lunchtime the opportunity cost of letting you take up a table for four is substantial.


  • 维也纳10名前克格勃官员苏佳金进行了交换。后四人西方国家传递敏感信息俄罗斯服刑

    The 10 were exchanged in Vienna for three former KGB officers and Sutyagin, all serving prison sentences in Russia for passing sensitive information to the West.


  • 足够小组可以大约5分钟之内做好。

    A full meal for a crew of four can be set up in about 5 minutes.


  • 开始,我们孩子名义公园聚会。我们正好可以互相了解,看对方是否适合自己。

    At first, we hid behind our children, setting up playdates for us all in the park, which were really an excuse for us to find out whether we liked each other.


  • 赫里维斯特先生表示没有确认报告提醒大家值得注意的是去年六月份N·C谷仓发生过一起类似的管道爆炸事故,其中死亡,67受伤

    Mr. Horowitz said he could not confirm that report, but noted that a gas purge last June at a food-processing plant in Garner, N.C., killed four people and injured 67 others.


  • 贾宝玉、薛宝琴、邢岫烟、四人同一天过生日。 众小姐带上自己的丫头们借机芍药栏中红香圃三间小敞饮酒行令,一时敞厅内热闹非凡。

    As jia baoyu, Xue Baoqin, Xing youyanand Ping'er had birthdays on the same day, the young ladies held a hilarious drinking party in the hall of the peony garden for them.


  • 被捕当中,都是未成年年龄1617岁之间。目前这四人的身份尚未确认。

    Of the five arrested, four were juveniles aged between 16 and 17, and were not identified.


  • 被捕当中,未成年年龄1617岁之间。目前这四人的身份尚未确认。另一名安德烈·迪格斯,他今年19岁,被捕后目前保释

    Of the five arrested, four were juveniles aged between 16 and 17, and were not identified. Andre Diggs, 19, was also arrested and is being held without bond.


  • 批评主要集中魔术四人体系过度依靠3分球想要赢球不稳当

    Critics have charged that the Magic's four-out system, heavily reliant on the vagaries of 3-point shooting, is too unstable to succeed.


  • 美联储以“火枪手闻名伯南克为首,他下定决心,只要避免大萧条再次发生做“一切必须做的”;

    TheseFour Musketeers”, as they became known at the Fed, include Mr Bernanke at the helm, determined to dowhatever it takesto avoid a repeat of the Depression;


  • 这个四人组成的小队早上1129分升空,准备执行一个长达12天任务

    The four-member crew blasted off at 11:29 a.m. on what was originally planned to be a 12-day mission.


  • 这些花费616日至831日期间,如果组团单独购买机票更划算

    The cost, which is based on four people vacationing together between June 16 and Aug. 31 is less than it would be to buy the airfare alone.


  • 研究显示,调查中分之三企业业主他们企业保持较小规模,员工超过,三四人最为合适。

    In surveys three-quarters of the owners of new businesses said they wanted to keep their firm small, with no more than ten employees and a median of 3-4, according to the study.


  • 第一越狱另外四人的帮助下完成,名警卫被打死但是,1943年,格林杰逃离印第安纳号称‘越狱克星“的莱克监狱第二次越狱却给留下深刻的印象

    The first escape was a four-man operation that left two guards dead, but Dillinger’s second break from the “escape-proofLake County Jail in Indiana in 1934 was far more impressive.


  • 我们那些强力反对,组成了小组,而另外一些赞同组,他们200多名员工面前辩论

    And we got a team of 4 of the people who had been vehemently against supporting this new technology, along with a team of people who were in favor, and allow them to debate in front of 200 people.


  • 因参与AnonymousLulzSec组织而被抓获10男性中,四人指控而申辩的第一

    The group will be the first of the 10 British males arrested in connection with Anonymous and LulzSec arrests to enter guilty or not guilty pleas to the charges.


  • 因参与AnonymousLulzSec组织而被抓获10男性中,四人指控而申辩的第一

    The group will be the first of the 10 British males arrested in connection with Anonymous and LulzSec arrests to enter guilty or not guilty pleas to the charges.


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