• 计算结果表明喉部下游不远处流动趋近于化学冻结热力冻结状态。

    The results show that the flow tends to be in thermo and chemical frozen not far from throat.


  • 脊髓灰质炎的病毒喉部存活1排泄物中存活36更长

    The polio virus persists in the throat for about 1 week, and in the feces for 3 to 6 weeks or longer.


  • 前言:目的:探讨单蒂胸骨舌骨肌肌筋膜喉部切除声带重建术应用价值

    Objective: to observe the appliance value of uni-pedicled sternohyoid myofascial flap in the reconstruction of vocal cord after partial laryngectomy.


  • 想象一下如果喉部发现一个肿块由于担心癌症,恐惧感肾上腺一起向你袭来。

    Imagine what might happen if you find a lump in your throat. You might feel a rush of fear and adrenaline as you imagine it's cancer.


  • 目的:探讨正常喉部声带室带各径线超声生理测及其相关影响因素进一步肯定高频超声在喉部应用价值

    Objective: To identify the sonographic normal values and influencing factor of human vocal cord and false vocal cord and to confirm the value of high-frequency ultrasound applying to the larynx.


  • 然而,2007年萨科奇第二任妻子西西莉亚离婚入院割除喉部脓肿爱丽舍保持了沉默

    However the Elysee kept quiet when Sarkozy was in hospital to have a throat abscess removed in 2007 after his divorce from his second wife, Cecilia.


  • 其实男性女性拥有“亚当苹果”,只是男性的喉部,它大块关节软骨的形态而显得更加明显而已。

    Adam's apples are found on both women and men - they just show up more prominently in men as a chunk of bony cartilage that's wrapped around the larynx.


  • 然而库马尔医生,事实上一些重症病例中普通口腔拭子检测并不可靠这可能是因为本次的甲流病毒喜欢感染肺部深层而不是

    However, standard swab tests have proved unreliable in severe cases, says Kumar, possibly because the viral infection is deep in the lungs rather than in the throat.


  • 医生利用长的机械软管器械送入患者喉部然后胃壁处开一个口。

    Doctors used a long robotic tube to pass the instrument down the patient's throat. Then they made a cut in the wall of the stomach.


  • 研究3雄性侧边斑点蜥蜴各自基因组后,斯诺弗确认,除喉部颜色不同的遗传因素外,至少还有3种其他的遗传因素雄性蜥蜴的这种自我牺牲行为发挥作用

    After studying the genomes of males of each throat color, Sinervo determined that at least three other genetic factors other than throat color are at play during the self-sacrificing behavior.


  • 扁桃体、肝、喉部肾脏没有查到荧光细胞

    Fluorescent cells were not detected in tonsil, liner, larynx, and kidney.


  • 医生办公室里可以完成的,喉部发音声响声音和弦

    This is done in the doctor's office to look down the throat at the voice box and vocal chords .


  • 少量熏衣草按摩有助于缓解咳嗽

    Using a small amount of lavender and massaging it into your throat it can also help to relieve coughs.


  • 目的评价胸骨舌骨垂直分切除声带重建中的应用效果

    Obiective to evaluate the effect of sternohyoid muscle flap for vocal cord reconstruction following vertical partial laryngectomy.


  • 病毒患者痰液中含量最高血浆中分布较少,患者粪便中可长时间存活。

    The viral RNA concentration is high in sputum, while low in serum and throat swabs of the patients.


  • 通过大量冷态试验范围变化工况、变化喉部面积变化条件下,利用对低温流量控制系统进行研究,得到了流量系数压力恢复系数变化规律

    And water is used in cold test. Through changing operating conditions, throat area and back pressure, the change rule of discharge coefficient and pressure recovery factor were found.


  • 阐述了连续语音信号最高振幅位的基音标注算法,该算法声带振动信号中找到喉部振动关闭点,并进行参数调整,从而自动完成连续语音信号中的基音位置标注。

    An algorithm for marking pitch at the location of the largest amplitude of continuous speech signal is described, which is based on the finding of glottal closure instants in laryngograph signal.


  • 涡轮米歇尔非常经得起权力控制缩小饲料喷嘴宽度良好控制手段通过饲料喷嘴喉部油门板的手段。

    The Michell turbine is very amenable to power control by means of narrowing the feed-nozzle width and for fine control by means of a throttle plate in the throat of the feed-nozzle.


  • 、大升程条件下喉部测点的脉动压力不大流动稳定

    The result shows that in big pressure ratio and valve open conditions, gas fluctuation in valve seat throat is small and flow is steady.


  • 其次几何建模方面利用CT切片对喉部声带主要组织进行重构,形成真实的三模型

    Secondly, for geometrical modeling, a three-dimensional model of main tissue such as vocal of throat is set up using 3d reconstruct from ct segments.


  • 目的评价内窥镜计算机图像处理系统诊断喉部疾病时所起作用

    Objective: to assess the roles of computer based endoscopy system as a clinical tool in evaluation of laryngeal disorder.


  • 使用洁面品清洁面部颈部然后滴一滴玫瑰精华素指尖轻柔按压面部、喉部和低颈部

    Cleanse face and neck with a cleanser of your choice. Apply a drop of rose serum on finger tip then gently pat and press onto your face, throat and decollete.


  • 一种形式中,包括向内弯折边缘,向内弯折的边缘限定通道的收缩的喉部

    In one form, the side portions include an inwardly turned lip that defines a constricted throat of the channel.


  • Schneider博士技术中的挑战发现一个鼻部喉部提供气压同时提高舒适性方法加热加湿空气关键

    The "challenge in technology" was to find a way to provide air pressure in the nose and throat while improving comfort, Dr. Schneider said. Warming and humidifying the air proved to be the key.


  • Schneider博士技术中的挑战发现一个鼻部喉部提供气压同时提高舒适性方法加热加湿空气关键

    The "challenge in technology" was to find a way to provide air pressure in the nose and throat while improving comfort, Dr. Schneider said. Warming and humidifying the air proved to be the key.


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