• 马厩大牲口棚里,牛栏分开在另外一个地方

    The horse stable is in the main barn; the cow stable is separate.


  • 地方满意的人,另外一个地方很难感到快乐。

    He that is discontented in one place will seldom be happy in another.


  • 个地方人们链条束缚另外一个地方,人们却受着自己信仰束缚

    In the first, men are bound only with chains; in the other, chained by faith.


  • 另外个地方一个大家庭至少有12个成员包括7个孩子加沙空袭炸死房子里

    Elsewehere, at least 12 members of an extended family, including seven young children, were killed in an air strike on their house in Gaza City.


  • 通过大家栖息地银行,如果开发商导致沼泽地枯竭,他支付得在另外一个地方修复比之前更的沼泽地。

    Through habitat banking, as this is known, a developer who drains a hectare of marshland can pay to restore a bigger area elsewhere.


  • 新政府看来,另外一个严峻问题地方自治主义。

    The other serious problem in the eyes of the new government is communalism.


  • 另外一个不错家庭治疗方法叮咬处涂抹一些指甲油虽然对于一些地方叮咬来,看上去很可笑确实能有效的止痒

    Another good home remedy is to apply nail polish to the bite. This might look funny, depending on where the bite is, but should reduce the itch considerably.


  • 药剂做判断软件程序位置描述药剂力量值的数据存储另外不同地方

    The software that makes the potion decision is stored in one location, and the data that represent the potion's strength are stored in a different location.


  • 如果15分钟内不能入睡另外一个安静地方直到感觉可以入睡然后返回卧室睡觉

    If you are unable to get to sleep within 15 minutes, go to another quiet place and lie down until you feel ready to fall asleep, and then return to your bedroom to sleep.


  • Astor以北几个街区处,找到另外地方UnionSquareWines内的一个试酒。 (第四大道140号; 212-675-8100; unionsquarewines.com)。

    A few blocks north of Astor, I hit another jackpot: In a room at the back of Union Square Wines (140 Fourth Avenue; 212-675-8100; unionsquarewines.com), 27 wines were available for tasting.


  • 事实上爱奥那岛上没有其他交通工具依靠强健一点自律地方另外一个地方

    Indeed, with no other form of transportation on Iona, I count on my sturdy legs and a bit of discipline to get me from one place to another.


  • 奥巴马竞选搭档参议员星期五宾夕法尼亚州另外地方竞选

    Obama's running mate, Senator Joe Biden, campaigned in a different part of Pennsylvania Friday.


  • 伊拉克发工资日意味着老板大笔现金回家它放床下面或者另外隐秘地方。以后时间当地银行存起来

    PAYDAY in Iraq means taking home a wodge of notes from your boss and shoving it under your bed or into some hidey-hole before finding time to visit your local bank to make a deposit.


  • 它们叫做流动房屋”——地方被建好可以被转移另外一个地方的房子。

    They're called "prefab housing" - built at one location and transported to another.


  • 那么我们宇宙之外某个地方另外一个不同的宇宙,这不是没可能的。

    It would not be beyond the realms of possibility that somewhere outside of our own universe lies another different universe.


  • 地方适用,另外一个地方魅力就可能消失殆尽

    They may work in one place but, if you translate them, the magic may be lost.


  • 如果上司不和办公室而且另外座城市工作地方十万八千里,你是否会觉得工作起来很轻松?呵呵,我的答案否定的。

    If your manager don't work with you in one office, also manager work in other city, far away with you. do you feel relax? Answer is NO.


  • 另外问题挖掘更加深邃的东西也是我航行途中无数个地方解决的问题。

    The other problem was something deeper, more profound, and one that I would try to solve in countless places along this trip.


  • 这个编译器允许一个函数任何地方嵌入内联汇编代码另外汇编代码开发例程可以调用

    The compiler also allows inline assembler code to be embedded anywhere in a function. In addition, routines developed in assembly can also be called.


  • 之所以重要还有另外一个原因:他是史前巨石柱三里远的地方下葬的,那个时候巨石运到索尔兹伯里用于修建史前巨石柱。

    He was important for another reason: he was buried three miles from Stonehenge at the time when the great stones were being brought to Salisbury to build it.


  • 另外车都切换电池模式”,这样车辆可以离开充电一个特定时间任何一个地方

    Each of the vehicles are designed to be able to switch to " battery mode, " so they can depart from the charging strips and drive anywhere at all for a limited period of time.


  • 提到世界上遥远、最引人遇思地名,准有人去过那儿”——意思是:“我另外个地方的路上,以100英里时速路过那儿。”

    You mention the remotest, most evocative place-names in the world and someone is bound to say 'I've been there' meaning, 'I drove through it at 100 miles an hour on the way to somewhere else.


  • 可以更好地使用人工职能,挑战你身边朋友,和另外一个城市的哥们玩乐甚至任何地方,只要他这个游戏

    Now you can play the AI, challenge the friend sitting next to you or play your buddy across town anytime, from anywhere in the game.


  • 然而问题我们不同偏远地方工作城市另外两个同事不同的城市。

    However, the problem is we work from different remote locations, me in one city and the other two colleagues in a different city.


  • 另外一个远离主战场地方,没用,指望它,否则伤透你的心

    The other is so impotently placed away from the main action of the game that don't count on it or it'll break your heart.


  • 另外个地方居住外国人人数增加可能使本地的居民由于房价的上涨买不起房子。

    In addition, the number of foreigners living in the area has increased which may push the locals out of the housing market if they can not afford the increased prices.


  • 另外个地方居住外国人人数增加可能使本地的居民由于房价的上涨买不起房子。

    In addition, the number of foreigners living in the area has increased which may push the locals out of the housing market if they can not afford the increased prices.


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