• 这些天来这种程度波幅原油市场上已不足为奇。

    These days? Nah, that's just the ho-hum daily volatility in the oil market.


  • 我们任务质疑究竟沙特原油市场产生多少实质性长期影响

    Our mission now questions how much the Saudis can now substantively influence the crude markets over the long term.


  • 议院通过这项方案之后原油市场回复到温和增长水平

    The oil market gave back modest gains after the House approved the plan.


  • 反对派能够出口一些囤积港口原油经由卡塔尔国际市场售出换取现金。

    The rebels were able to export a modest amount of crude that was stored at ports and sell it for cash on the international markets through Qatar.


  • 明确利比亚全球石油市场中所的比例为2%,回溯2009年,每天出口原油180万桶。

    What is clear is that Libya accounts for about 2 per cent of the global oil market, having exported 1.8 million barrels of crude oil every day back in 2009.


  • 利用纽约商业期货交易所(Nymex)采用屏幕式交易系统方面耽搁,几乎攫取Nymex三分之一原油期货市场

    It took advantage of Nymex's delay in moving to screen-based trading to grab almost a third of its crude-oil futures business.


  • 纽约市场交易时段原油期货价格下跌1.45美元,至每桶63.22美元,黄金期货上升12.60美元,至盎司741.70美元。

    Oil futures fell $1.45 to $63.22 a barrel, and gold futures climbed $12.60 to $741.70 per ounce in New York trading.


  • 显然伊朗并未能够中国日本成功夺回市场份额说明自从制裁取消后,伊朗原油出口也并非顺风顺水。

    The apparent lack of success in regaining market share in China and Japan shows that Iran isn't having it all its own way since the lifting of sanctions.


  • 国际能源署月度原油市场报告中我们认为今年美国汽油需求肯定令人失望

    'We believe U. S. gasoline demand will indeed disappoint this year,' it said in its monthly oil market report.


  • 这种人们看来是顺理成章的态势实则世界原油市场运行方式并不相符。

    This scenario, though compelling reading, does not really accord with the way that the world oil market works.


  • 除了零售业报告发出股票市场暴跌外,昨日布特兰原油表现得良好

    Brent crude performed rather well yesterday despite a retail sales report which triggered a nosedive in the equities markets.


  • 能源情报署预测原油价格未来月内将超过每桶80美元”,2008年维持每桶75美元以上因为全球原油市场可能仍将处于紧张状态。”

    Thee EIA forecast that crude oil prices would "exceed $80 per barrel over the next several months" and trade above $75 a barrel in 2008 as "global oil markets will likely remain stretched.


  • 能源情报署展望原油价钱未来月内跨越每桶80美元”,2008年将维持每桶75美元以上因为全球原油市场可能仍将处于严重状况。”

    The EIA forecast that crude oil prices would "exceed $80 per barrel over the next several months" and trade above $75 a barrel in 2008 as "global oil markets will likely remain stretched.


  • 目前纽约商品交易所汽油原油市场一个巨大套利机会

    Currently, there is a massive arbitrage in the gasoline and crude oil markets on the New York Mercantile Exchange.


  • 今早原油交易量情况下跌短期趋势的支撑$44.50,如果市场无法价位支撑住,市场圣诞节期间低点$36.20作为技术性卖空目标

    This morning oil broke short term trendline support at $44.50 in thin volume and a failure to hold this level could bring in further technical selling targeting the "Christmas" lows of $36.20.


  • 西德州轻质原油现货周一达到三个月以来低点43.14 美元,这是因为市场担忧美国的石油供过于求,而全球市场需求低迷以及美元的走强。

    West Texas Intermediate (WTI) spot hit 3-month low of $43.14 on Monday owing to market concerns on the U. S. oil oversupply, sluggish global demand and a strengthening dollar.


  • 我国原油价格水平主要国际市场原油价格影响,预计2000年油价将继续维持中高水平

    China's crude oil price level is mainly affected by crude prices on the international market, which are expected to maintain medium-to-high price levels in 2000.


  • 作为总体原油制成燃料出口国的地位逐步上升会使美国国际能源市场具有更大影响

    Yet its growing presence as an overall exporter of fuels made from crude gives it greater influence in the global energy market.


  • 时间内,钻机数量的增加可能导致原油产量的增加,恰恰目前市场所担忧

    This increase in rig count will be translated into an increase in oil production in a short period of time. And the last thing the oil market needs right now is an increase in oil production.


  • 2007年7月12—八月中国纺织行业重返市场时,涤纶价格可能反弹的情况下,原油价格可能短期继续上涨

    July 2007 - Crude oil prices may continue rising in the near term, with a possible rebound in polyester prices when China's textile industry will be back to the market in August.


  • 2007年7月12—八月中国纺织行业重返市场时,涤纶价格可能反弹的情况下,原油价格可能短期继续上涨

    July 2007 - Crude oil prices may continue rising in the near term, with a possible rebound in polyester prices when China's textile industry will be back to the market in August.


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