• 1997年消费税提升5%以后再次损害了支持者,还助推日本经济复苏脱轨,造成日本经济增长第二停滞了十年

    After it was raised to 5% in 1997, it once more harmed its sponsors and helped derail Japan's economic recovery, plunging the country into a second lost decade of economic growth.


  • 可是真心话——共处以后我们一些生活习惯已经变得令人讨厌了

    It's trueafter more than a decade together, some of our physical habits have become annoying.


  • 袭击东北部飓风发生以后十年了,没有现代雷达报警的情况下,风暴突然降临大多数居民毫无准备

    It had been several decades since a hurricane of any significance had hit the northeast, and without modern radar warning, the storm came too suddenly for most residents to prepare.


  • 处方药支出连续十年快速上涨以后积极方案能够年内该项开销削减15%。

    An aggressive approach to cutting the cost of prescribed drugs, after a decade of rapid rises, could cut 15% off the bill over two years.


  • 也许几个星期几个以后消失但是不会永远消失,不断地回来……达之久。

    It may go away in a few weeks or a few months. But it won't go away for good. It'll keep coming back... for decades.


  • 以后里,咖啡咖啡馆屡次被禁总是重新冒头

    Coffee and coffeehouses were subsequently banned several times over the next few decades, but they kept reappearing.


  • 也许几个星期或几个月以后消失但是不会永远消失,不断地回来……达之久。

    But it won't go away for good. It'll keep coming back... for decades.


  • 研究人员发现青春期积极向上孩子们以后生活中产生心理问题的可能性小。

    Decades later, the researchers found children with positive adolescence were much less likely than others to develop mental disorders throughout their lives.


  • 上世纪九每年1.3%的速度增长以后,劳动力2000至2010年间的年增长率为1%,国会预算办公室估计未来中劳动力年增长率只有0.7%。

    After expanding by 1.3% a year in the 1990s, it grew by just 1% from 2000 to 2010, and the Congressional Budget Office predicts that over the next decade it will grow by only 0.7%.


  • 过去十年逐步扩大现行干预措施估计仅仅非洲挽救了100万人的生命大部分死亡都是2007年以后得以避免的。

    Over the past decade, scaling up the delivery of existing interventions is estimated to have saved more than one million lives in Africa alone, with the majority of these deaths averted since 2007.


  • 比如如果你们作业第一问题就是如何通过查看过去ipod销售量来推算,以后地球上将多少

    For example, if you look at your new homework, actually the first problem asks you to predict how many iPods will be on this planet in ten ipod years looking at past sales and how they behave.


  • 虽然现有药物帕金森诊断第一个五可以缓解症状,但以后时间治疗效果就很不确定。

    Although current forms of medication can alleviate the symptoms during the first five to ten years following diagnosis, the results of treatment at a later stage often vary unpredictably.


  • 研究人员发现青春期积极向上孩子们以后生活中产生心理问题的可能性小。

    Decades Slater, the researchers found children with positive adolescence were much less likely than others to develop mental disorders throughout their lives.


  • 基石铺垫以后希望以后的商路更多客户提供满意服务优质产品

    Ten years after the cornerstone of the way to pave the way, I hope in the future are on the road for more customers to provide satisfactory service and quality products.


  • 如果一位摇滚歌星上了年纪,风靡一时以后销声匿迹几十年人们就会残忍地说,已经死了

    WHEN an ageing rock star goes on tour decades after his final hit, people remark cruelly that they thought he died some time ago.


  • 以后中,我们始终保持联络几年失去了联系知道是否活着

    We stayed in touch for many decades, but I lost track of him several years ago and don't even know if he's still alive.


  • 报纸还报道之前研究表明罗曼蒂克爱情年零三月逐渐减少。以后完全消失

    Previous research has suggested that the first stages of romantic love fade within 15 months and after 10 years it has gone completely, the newspaper said.


  • 或许十年甚至久远以后我们依然记得那个跑一样人生

    Perhaps, in the decade, two decades or more away, we still remember the life out of Forrest Gump is not the same.


  • 目前糖尿病一个主要公共卫生问题国家政策制定者而言重要明白以后十年内糖尿病带来什么问题。”Huang博士说到

    "Diabetes is a major public health problem right now, but it's important for the country and for policymakers to have an idea of what will happen in the next couple of decades," Huang said.


  • 相比之下,的科研小组开发技术使用的剩余神经这些神经即使截肢以后可使用。

    The technique his group is developing, by contrast, USES the arm's nerves, which appear to remain intact even 10 years after an amputation.


  • 以后十年热浪数据增长百分之三十,持续延长35%to 55%,如果全球得不到阻止。

    In the next decade, the number of heat waves will increase by 30 percent, and will last 35% to 55% longer if global warming is not curtailed.


  • 高尔夫电波两个意义上成为这个系列最后篇章这个世纪最后十年为背景,威尔逊完成该部作品不久以后去世了

    Radio Golf is the cycle's final chapter in two senses: it is set in the century's last decade, and Wilson died soon after completing it.


  • 离开屏幕年以后这个演员于去年复出了

    After being absent from the big screen for 10 years, the actor made a comeback last year.


  • 英国研究得到结论“研究指出第一十年开始移动电话用途以后没有产生听觉神经瘤实质风险

    British study (2005) that draws the conclusion that "The study suggests that there is no substantial risk of acoustic neuroma in the first decade after starting mobile phone use."


  • 退休以后还有十年可以实现自己商业大亨梦想

    After he retires he will have decades to develop his mogul ambitions.


  • 退休以后还有十年可以实现自己商业大亨梦想

    After he retires he will have decades to develop his mogul ambitions.


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